Monday, November 30, 2015

A revisit of my archives

A few nights ago I had difficulty sleeping. It was 2.40am and I had just coaxed baby to sleep. Bored from the typical insta and Fb newsfeeds, I randomly clicked on my blog archives to check out what happened in my life in October 2011.

If I hadn’t been lying on my side whilst reading my phone, I think my jaw would have dropped when reading back on this ‘fortune’ dream I had:

Spook or coincidence?

Both events came out to be true. WOW. I’m very awed.

Now, I’d be even more stoked if any of my vivid dreams flash back as deja vus in reality. #dejavu


Anyway, I wouldn’t have been ready to sleep after that exciting find. Hence I went on to revisit more blog posts in 2011… and came to realise that my lifestyle has so transformed? Back then I was involved in various activities – conquer of Mt. Kinabalu, outings with club and other friends; while being gainfully employed at work. I would like to think I led quite an enriching lifestyle – massively engaged at work and spending sufficient time spent with family, friends and myself (explained by the 10-14 blog posts per month in Sep-Nov 2011). I also noticed that my writing style during that period was reflective – penning down after-thoughts, course takeaways and life lessons. Comparatively nowadays, I am contributing less blog posts (but maybe more in fb, idk). My life now revolves around family and baby. Any 2-hr venture to a mall is a notable event by itself. But not that I’m complaining – growing up with a baby and witnessing her every firsts is a joyful process! Anyway, I think I should blog more often. Life passes by too quickly. Heck, it’s already end November! Reading back on my life happenings allows me to be grateful of the activities I’ve taken part in, the friends I socialized with, the life lessons and realizations made, and how my life has transformed...

Sad fact: I'm getting older.

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What a boring Friday night at home.