Friday, January 29, 2016

Laksa fried beehoon

Yummy goodness... laksa fried beehoon good for every meal of the day

Mom posted on fb a photo of Laksa fried beehoon intended for dinner. I had already planned to cook dinner but laksa, beehoon and prawns were a deadly combo too much to resist. And so on my way back, I popped over and tapau-ed before walking home with my steal.

Reasons of such convenience that justify the $20+++k COV premium we paid for our resale unit. Hahaha...

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

of Arsenal's predictability

To every Arsenal fan, the last 572 minutes of competitive football against who-else-but Chelsea have been outright humiliating. The stats say it all – 0 matches won, 0 goals scored against. And the defeats were not just as simple as losing three points; but how the games were lost. Who would forget the 6-0 thrashing at Stamford Bridge? Over the recent years, Drogba was the sole tormentor-in-chief but I’ll give it to him – he was simply unstoppable when at his best. Arsenal fans must have felt relief when Drogba aged and left the club. But up stepped D. Costa who wiped the grins off their faces not once, not twice mind you. In 2014/2015 season, he scored. In Sunday’s game, Costa theatrically rolled over the ground and led to Mertersacker’s red card. To add salt to injury, his goal was the match winner. In the reverse fixture in Sep 2015, Costa successfully psyched Gabriel Paulista into conceding a silly technical foul, earning the latter a straight red.

Arsenal have a ‘self-correction tendency’ i.e. when they are in a bad run of results and desperately need a good win to turn their season around, they are able to find magic in their game and win convincingly e.g. wins against Bayern Munich (champs league qualifying) and Man U (FA Cup 2015); on the other hand, just when a win can put them 3 points at the top of the domestic league, they stumble and open a floodgate of damning questions of their title credentials e.g. draws against Norwich and Bournemouth. But what’s my point here?

During Sunday’s game, several players were not befitting of a title-winning squad:

1) I can’t think of any other current EPL DM who can’t perform better than Flamini as the DM – how many times have you seen him actually winning tackles or making timely interceptions? A DM must have authority and physicality, of which Flamini has neither. He just makes up the numbers for the lack of a alternative.

2) Ramsey committed a few unforced errors in the first half (I slept after half-time). Receiving a simple pass from Ozil in centre of the park, he let the ball trickle out of play under NO PRESSURE. Later, Ramsey was driving the ball forward with Ozil and Walcott in good positions. He tried passing to Walcott who was 10m away, but he under hit it and conceded possession. Ramsey is still young and has played many games for Arsenal. He should really be playing in a more matured way.

3) I understand Ozil needs players around him to make play happen. When there is no Giroud or Carzola to support his play, Ozil is unable to assert himself and this was evident in Sunday’s defeat. It was also the way how Ozil lost possession that made his contribution (or lack of) look damning. Despite beefing up a considerable mass, Ozil lost a shoulder charge against Oscar (who has one of the slightest frames) and ROLLED TO THE GROUND. What? After 3 years playing in EPL, he hasn’t stepped up his physicality?

4) Arsenal’s captain, tall and respectable. Even before that professional foul against Costa that eventually got him sent off, it was evident that Costa’s strategy was to play around and when there is a chance, to run behind Mertersacker. Costa knows he is not Koscielny’s challenge. Mertersacker is slower and less physical. That’s simple. I don’t have to be Costa to realise that Mertersacker is a slighter opponent and I will stick closer to him and let him mark me instead of the faster and more agile Koscielny. Mertersacker is over 30 yo, captain of the team, and possesses a wealth of top-flight experience including winning the World Cup in 2014. How he decided to commit the last-man foul in the first half when the teams were evenly-matched was a STUPID DECISION. You do it when the game is 80 minutes. Not at 18 minutes. You do it when you take one for the team. I don’t know what Mertersacker was thinking. His damning error led to his team’s downfall.

In order to win the title, every individual needs to step up! Arsenal must not allow too much room for error in Ramsey’s unforced errors, Ozil’s tendency to lose possession, Flamini’s lack of threat nor Mertersacker’s silly defensive mistakes. Any one can potentially lead to a costly goal and eventual three points. The reason why Wenger hasn’t won the title after 11 years is because he has allowed his players too much time and given them too much trust. Pascal Cygan, Djourou, Denilson, Senderos, to name a few who were undoubtedly not at that calibre of a serious title challenger. Errors must not be condoned – see what neighbours Mourinho assertively did with star players Hazard and Costa when they could not perform up to par. Yes, playing more games builds confidence ‘practice makes perfect’ but I believe an acceptable level of punishment (i.e. benched and forced to watch from sidelines) helps to ingrain a winner’s mentality. Wenger brazenly trusts his ill-performing players to do the job and win the title. After 11 years, his ideal has to evolve.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

What to say when the interviewer asks, “Why should we hire you?”

#1. “You want to convey that not only are you a safe choice with minimal risk – but also a great choice”

#2. One useful technique is to have 3 major points in mind on why you’re an excellent choice.

1) Listen for real-time cues
a. Know your USP
b. What makes you particularly qualified for the job among your peers
c. How does your unique background align with their mission

2) Focus on key points
a. Offer the big picture – background of yourself e.g. applicable skills, training or education
b. Discuss your accomplishments
c. Communicate that you have excellent people skills – e.g. team player, low turnover

3)  Prove you’d be a great investment
a. Give tangible results e.g. reduce expenses, streamline processes, develop new programs, secure new contracts

4) Be enthusiastic
a. Illustrate that you’re genuinely motivated and want the job

5) Be as specific, but brief, as possible

Monday, January 11, 2016


From Michael Pang, a six sigma trainer:

Adversity Quotient – how resilient you are, how composed you are under different situations.

Always be curious and inquisitive. Create surprises. 
Example – sending a new year greeting.

Be proactive, create chances for yourself. How do you distinguish yourself from the others? The CEO does not go out and spot talents. 
Example – volunteer to head projects; speak up during meetings.

All companies only have 1 problem – to improve top line and reduce bottom line.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Thank you 2015

As I am writing this entry, my mind is free from thoughts and worries about work; I also do not have to obsessively check my phone which would be buzzing with SMS and group whatsapp msgs, if I hadn’t left my job. So after many years of sending in job applications, finally in 2015 I moved on to a greener pasture! The past few years have been very kind to me, every year was earmarked with significant and happy milestones (e.g. getting attached 2012, house in 2013, wedding 2014), including 2015!

As per tradition of my yearly review, let’s recap the targets I set out in my 2014 review…

Expectations for 2015:
a) Silver for IPPT (this shall always be in my list haha)
b) Excel in my new job
c) Be nicer, sweeter and more patient with wifey
d) Addition of a new family member?

Extent of realization:

a) If I had just pushed myself up from the floor with 10 seconds to go instead of waiting the time out, I would have achieved Silver and be $200 richer. I can brutally say that half a push-up cost me $200. Instead, I under-estimated the ease of the new IPPT system and only scored a pass with incentive. MASSIVE disappointment! Have been scoring Silver for many consecutive years and you can imagine my major shock when I saw my result print-out. I didn’t train for 2.4km at all this year, knowing based on last years’ experience that my weekly soccer would sustain the level of stamina to come in at about 12:00mins. Unfortunately I didn’t quite expect the 30-year-old syndrome to occur on myself and my tired legs dragged past the finishing line at 12:10. Sighs!

b) Humbly I played down the labels of “scholar” and “high-flyer” in my previous job. Genuinely I felt that my opinions were valued and instructions respected. Now, in this company I find myself in a huge office, hidden behind a cosy, high-partition cubicle and feeling not so different from many many others. Small fish in a big pond, the cliché goes, and I can’t find a better description for how I feel about my career path. The scope of work of my Section is less impressive as compared to the other bigger project teams in the same Div. To add on, my direct superior is in retirement mood and is notoriously known for his kiasee working style - always just passing down the buck and not giving credit where it is due. In a nutshell, it is difficult to be outstanding in this dept and under this boss. That said, I enjoy what I do and value the work-life harmony it generously provides. For now.

c) I’d love to think so, haha.

Couldn't have asked for more!


Hmm, I wonder why I didn't include resolutions to read books? Haha! I finished 250 Chinese idioms and one of LKY's books, the latter is an accomplishment given the thickness of the book!

I donated blood thrice. It is more convenient now as the company's recreation club holds blood donation drive every 3 months.


As the first para said, every recent year held significant events and 2015 was gonna be a memorable one, too!

Notable events in 2015:

Jan – 
I tendered my notice. Surprisingly, my boss wasn’t shocked. When Mr V came to speak to me, he didn’t sound or look reluctant too. I guess they felt I was bargainable.
Anyway, my intention to tender was like a secret I was dying to divulge for a few weeks and I felt immediate relieve when I finally released the news. Colleagues were kind to treat me to several small rounds of farewell meals. My departure was one of mixed emotions, for I treasured the friendship and kinship forged over the few years in this small family. I felt emotional when shaking hands with the old timers in the workshop - the uncles and brothers whom I really respected for their toil and sweat. My direct subordinates also surprised me with a gift and a card which touched me, really. The last few days of my notice period was busiest due to the handing over to the incoming Mgr of the xx number of tasks, projects and list of responsibilities (which will soon become futile as the incoming Mgr left after 2 months).

A handwritten card filled with heart-felt appreciation

Headed up to Melaka for a short 2d1n road trip with Ct and Christy. Wifey and I weren’t the best companions cos we napped most of the drive up, haha. Indulged in the mandatory eats i.e. A&W, assam laksa, cendol and chicken rice balls. Christy also brought us to dine at Happyland café @ Kulai which she shared was her reward for getting good results in pri sch. I love the place for its quaint old-school 1980's feel and the quality old-time char kway teow and fried chicken!

Feb – 
Reported for my first day of work in my best turnout. Pleasantly impressed that my cubicle, laptop, email account, stationery and job briefing were readied on the first day! (Shit… got reminded of a time in my previous work when the email account for my staff took 3 damn weeks to be activated… I screwed the HR Mgr for the tardiness and for not taking us seriously.) Then on my first day I was browsing the intranet at 6pm when a couple of colls walked past and told me to go home on time. Hello, work-life harmony!

Have been so eager to join this company for the longest time, after hearing from my pal the enviable benefits such as awesome work-life balance, close proximity to home and $$$. You'd understand my joy and excitement if you see my airport ID (whose photo was taken on the first day). Am really, really fortunate to land this job. Learnt a few months later that they have already offered one guy in Nov, but the guy last min chut pattern, resulting in the Div Head's decision to open up the vacancy again - and then my pal referred me. A twist of fate to find myself in this company too - for I recount very vividly that I failed terribly during my interview for a scholarship application in 2003/2004. God knows how different my life would have turned out; but I am not to say that my years at $MRT didn't propel my career ladder by leaps and bounds.

May – 

Look at all the food, glorious food!
 Till today we are still reminiscing the place and food frequently with wifey. A leisurely free and easy one week we spent at Taizhong, Sun Moon Lake and Taipei. We also booked one day private taxi tours to the outskirts and touristy attractions. We were pleasantly surprised with how customer oriented the taxi drivers were – doubling up as tour guides, camera man and foodie guide at the same time! One of them even had in-car wifi, WOW! One of the many highlights for me was the firefly tour at SML. I couldn’t believe the number of luminous green dots blinking dreamingly before my eyes and down the pitch-dark road. There were so many dozens and up-close that we even caught a few in our palms! Thanks Titus for the homestay recommendation which made this possible. Other memorable experiences included dining at Starbucks @ 101 Tower, afternoon shopping at Sogo and penning our wishes on a sky lantern at shi fen. :) We also love Taiwan for the affordable food and shopping, not to mention friendly locals and ease of commuting!!

Many beautiful sights and scenes

July – 
In what was meant to be our last holiday for a long time aka babymoon, we jetted to nearby Bali over a LWE with Busy Roys and gf! Airbnb rocks, seriously. We found ourselves pampered by the spacious resort-themed private accommodation that had a swimming pool to boot! Freshly prepared breakfast was kindly whipped up by the home cleaner, Kadek, at a small tip. 4 leisurely days were spent exploring the famous temples, watching a one-of-its-kind cha-chak dance, hunting for highly-raved food and the rest of the time was relaxing in our sty, watching DVD and drinking cheap beer. Oh gosh, as my mind is recollecting these dishes, the tantalizing tastes of spicy bebek guling, bbq pork ribs and crispy babi guling linger on my taste buds! Bali cuisine is definitely unique and worth revisiting, haha! Never tasted anything close in SG. So Naughty Nuri's bbq pork ribs will be opening at Capitol, but I doubt it'd be anything near the original. Balinese massage is nothing spectacular but a treat for the body, nonetheless.

Aug - 
Celebrated SG50 at Marina area by squeezing with the crowd half made up by foreigners!

We seriously underestimated the enthusiasm of like-minded people! We arrived about 2 hours before the parade but picnic mats already lined half the pavement and field! We were too far away from the action or live casting on a giant screen so we entertained ourselves by people watching and ‘tsk’-ing at those who knowingly/unknowingly stepped on our mats… grr! What is an outdoor event without picnic food, right? We dished out marvellous food and Ivan surprised us with a cooler box equipped with ice-cold beer!!! The highlight of the parade was the aeroplane fly by which garnered huge roars from the audience. The fireworks display was underwhelming, though. Anyhow, happy birthday Singapore, we are so proud of you!

Decked in red and white

Sep –
Earlier this year, my boss asked for my participation in a technical training at Italy which would take place in Sep/Oct. Alas, the training would span over 6 weeks and I didn’t want to miss the birth of my firstborn, so I had to decline the wonderful opportunity. Not a decision I regretted, for the morning of 12 Sep 2015 will forever be deeply etched in my memory! (plus Rome isn’t a fanciful destination, hehe). Was glad to witness the first cries of my baby girl and be with wifey throughout the traumatic experience. Seeing your baby grow and learn day by day is a very beautiful thing. Also must give a million thanks to my parents (future babysitters) and in-laws for being supportive of and understanding towards our new family unit.


To be achieved in 2016:

a) Silver for IPPT (no slacking this time!). Am considering a weekly gym session to buff myself up a little. Strangely lost 3 kg since 12 Sep!

b) Earn more passive income (dispose lousy unit trust funds and channel into stable blue-chips)

c) Teach babywyx to be able to sing ABC song by Dec 2016

d) Far-fetched wish to go on a Perth road-trip…


I hope you guys have a fruitful year ahead! Make the best of your time!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...