Friday, June 30, 2017

Thoughts on the Dyson V8

Friends have been raving about the Dyson V8:

If  you've seen its TV advert (or watch it here), it looks really easy to use.

One would jolt when one first comes across the price tag. For info, it is now retailing at S$799 at Courts. What?!? $800 for a vacumn cleaner?! A traditional, mid range vacumn cleaner costs about $200-$400 - I recently bought a cute Tefal for $169 - so tell me, what is so special about the Dyson V8????

So okay, friends said it's light-weight and cordless, quiet operation, comes with detachable heads that serves different purposes e.g. for mattress, for tight nooks and crannies, for ceiling... Do these frills (or gimmicks) justify the premium?

Let's think about the cons:

- It is cordless because it runs on a battery. Which means its performance will degrade with time, just like the battery in your mobile phone or laptop. Thus, one should also factor in the replacement cost of the battery in one's consideration
- To enhance the life of the battery, the battery musn't be overcharged, i.e. if it takes 30 mins to reach full charge, the power must be disconnected. I think this adds stress to the user... cos he/she gotta be mindful of the time???
- Comes with detachable heads - Duh, so does my Tefal and any other vacumn.


Depends on the usage frequency la. If one vacumns everyday and develops OCD with dangling wires coming out from the ass of the VC, then the higher cost of the Dyson will achieve higher ROI within a shorter timeframe. My wifey is attracted to it and is inclined to get one too (and I secretly think the wives of my friends played an influential role). Of course the Dyson V8 attracts me too for it is compact and user-friendly; IF I really get it, it would be really just down to 2 reasons:

1. It can vacumn my bed mattresses, much like a Delphin/Rainbow VC that costs ~$4k; AND
2. Price drops to below $600.

HAHA. To add on my point, most people knows Dyson products are overhyped and overpriced. Know of someone who worked at Dyson and he stated the same. However to make a fair argument, many used the Dyson Supersonic hairdryer (that costs $599) and have been very impressed with it! But anyway, our Tefal VC is our storeroom most of the time. It is under-utilised because we use magic wipes which are super effective at picking up dirt and hair! Hence, in the short term future, the Dyson V8 in our household shall remain on the TV screen.

P/S: I wouldn't reject it as a gift. =)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

When u ...

'Nuff said.

So, I'm not alone to be feeling this way eh? 

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Look how huge Aloha Loyang Resort chalet is!

Relaxing dad

Huggggggeee living room, hugeeeee kitchen, hugeeee patio, spacious dining room, plus 4 hugggeee double bedrooms with ensuite bathroom!

Wifi connection was strong and stable, in fact excellent enough to stream movies on their smart TV! Place was spick and span when we checked in, furniture and fittings looked fairly new and well maintained. Sis said it's recently renovated and the livability condition has improved drastically, for example the living and dining areas are now air-conditioned! The kitchen is very well furnished with a huge freezer (just dump all your drinks and beer in when you check in), pots and pans, induction cooker and utensils no less. The outdoor BBQ pit comes with generous table-top and dedicated sinks for food preparation.

Walking distance to the beach and a big children friendly swimming pool (manned by an attentive lifeguard).


The previous time we had family BBQ was many years ago!! This year, the crowd has increased cos number of cousins are working in Sg. And when it comes to BBQ, the family and extended family have the same passion towards FOOD...!!! We had a great time!!!

More BBQ (and more turnout) to come!


Monday, June 12, 2017

My SAHD week!

Nothing short of enjoyable!!! 

My parents took a week's overseas break to Korea. Wifey's work doesn't allow much flexibility so I cleared my work and took 5 days of Mandatory Block Leave (yes, even in my engineering scope of work we practise corruption prudence) to care for babywyx. Fortunately the week coincides with sis' school term break and she was good company cum chef! 









Really really enjoyed the quality bonding time with babywyx. I think we understand each other alot better now. In the mornings we slept in and woke up at ~10:30am hehehhee. I thought the most challenging part of the day would be getting her to take afternoon naps, for when she's home she's used to latching to zzz; but this week I learnt that my magic arms were able to work the magic still! =D

I'm blessed that my baby girl's a very understanding and patient kid, when we are home she can entertain herself whilst I prep her porridge and do other chores (plus a little bit of TV as distraction); when we are outside she doesn't throw tantrums or create a nuisance, and is very contented just window shopping or taking a bus/car ride. :) It is such a joy watching yx be amazed by the many scenes and sights; such fulfillment when she picks up new words/nouns/sounds; and such heart-warmth walking side by side holding her little hand - I should say this joy, fulfillment and heart-warmth are emotions that only parents can feel and appreciate, and I am very proud to be a father to my babywyx :)

 P/S: I thought yx put on weight this week, and my mom agreed!

Thursday, June 08, 2017

My stocks journey (ultra depressing)

Back in 2015 when news got out that former $MRT CEO, Ms $aw PH, joined Auric Pacific, I almost immediately bought 2 lots of the latter's shares. Having more than 9 years of proven commercial success and having personally seen her working/management style, I had no qualms she would bring nothing but success to any private company. AP's share price was hovering at about 83 cents at that time. True enough, not long after, ST published that the stocks had risen about 50 cents to ~$1.31 in a matter of months. Fast forward 2 years later March 2017, Auric Pacific was delisted at $1.65/share. In between I had bought a couple of lots more and thus made not much, but a substantial (by my own standards) profit from there. =D


I have a habit of updating my financial portfolio every few months, you know, to keep tabs on my cash savings account, my CPF summary, insurance products and stocks etc.

Today I was updating it and realised that AP is the only profitable share I have made since setting up my POEM$ account in 2010. Not said is a realized loss of a few hundreds in Golden Agri, Eu Yan Sang and Federal. And unfortunately I am still holding on to paper losses in:

Noble Group
Sabana REIT
HPH Trust
Sembcorp Marine

......amounting to thousands! T_T

Cui max!!!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...