Monday, September 25, 2017

Wyx updates

Love bonding with wyx over the weekends:

Wyx is getting more articulate with everyday. With the extensive knowledge of vocabs and nouns, she can put them together into complete sentences.

Just that day, I went over to my parents for dinner as usual. Yx was having her dinner at the dining table. As I stepped through the door my mom asked her to address me, "叫爸爸?"

Gesturing to her mouth, she muttered through her full mouth of porridge, "Ying Xi 没有嘴巴叫爸爸."

She meant that her mouth was occupied and couldn't call papa at the moment. LAUGH DIE US!!!


Yx is also getting more adept at colouring! We left her alone for awhile with the colouring material and she surprised us with well-defined lines made up of distinctly spaced out colours:

Time to get her a proper table and chair! 


Thursday, September 21, 2017

You've got a friend in me

Simply adorable: -


2 thoughts after watching this:

i. I really want to do this with Yx!

ii. I can't play the ukulele this well. Ok I've got 2 years to train up!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tips from recent courses

Attended back to back courses in early Sep which took me off work for a week. The good thing I like about my current job is that I really get to attend training and courses frequently. On the other hand, at my previous job I was kinda obliged, if I may use this word, to be working in the office/depot as there were meetings almost everyday; and when there was none, it was the best time for me to do some ground work and clear the outstanding red flags in my email inbox. So, yup, I really appreciate my current manageable work schedule (and employer's generosity!) which allow me to attend courses regularly.

Just to note down the applicable knowledge I picked up during the recent courses:


Potentials P1-4
Applying managerial types S1-4

Giving feedback

AID - Action, Impact, Desired Outcome
e.g. "When you did xxx during xxx, it caused the group to feel xxx... May I suggest that you xxx?"

Minutes writing

- "shared", "informed", "updated"; not "shared that", "informed that", "updated that" (grammatically wrong!)


"You can develop a reputation for being good at:
1) something you don't like;
2) something you don't know about; and
3) something whose component essential to the job you are bad at."

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Babywyx's 2nd

Cliche as it may sound - in a twinkling of an eye, babywyx is 2 years old! She's offiicially a toddler now! Not sure what the difference is between a toddler and baby, other than the former's air ticket is much more expensive...

Similar to yx's 1st bday, we had a simple, cosy celebration at my parents' place. My siblings took care of the deco which turned out to be really brilliant!

So we decided not to splurge on a $83 Barney cake; instead we got a $43 cartoon cake from Prima Deli topped with our DIY Barney cake toppers!

My wish for you, my little one Yx, is nothing but the most important things you'll need in life - good health and an abundance of happiness and wisdom. Toddlerhood will bring you (and us) more excitement, discovery and adventure! Bring it on, Terrific Twos!

YE at school