Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Our 1992 Encyclopedia

24.3.2018 - Thanks to Carousell, we managed to pass on our set of 1992 ed. encyclopedia to someone's better use. The last few photos I took of them:

Packed into this box and never read since 2008 when we moved into current house.

This set of THE WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA (ENCY) goes a long, long way. I think my parents bought them in probably 1993, 1994? Back during our primary school days, there was no internet; the ENCY was our equivalent of today's Google - it provided all our extra curricular material from leisure to project work! 

I spent hours sitting beside the bookshelf flipping through the crisp, coloured pages. I would selectively read up on interesting topics like world map, dinosaurs, Lee Kwan Yew, Singapore, and learn about different animals. I was also intrigued why the 'Z' book could even be so thick (like how many words are there that begins with Z?). Once, we watched a play in the school assembly hall. It was put up by Act Three and the story was based in Tanzania. That was the first time I heard of the country, and I went home to read up more on it. Till today, I still very fondly recall I referencedthe ENCY1 for my Pri 5/Pri 6 research project on Charlie Chaplin. Later, in lower Secondary I photocopied a b&w A4 sized portrait of Sir Stamford Raffles for a Geography project.

Awww... byebye books... Damn, now I feel guilty not taking more decent photos of it. :(

Nonetheless, I'm happy someone else has found a better use for it :) Upon asking, we learnt that the buyer was a set designer (as in design and make sets for stage plays), how interesting! So apparently he needed the set of encyclopedia for one of his sets!


1: Where got mobile camera or softcopy last time? I had to lug the heavy hardcase book to my classmate Ct's/ Jarrod's home to use their photocopier! After printing in b&w, I had to be careful bringing them home, mindful not to crease the paper!

"Which way is the toilet?"

Just wanna share a funny encounter at work today:

Was walking along the public area at departure hall when I noticed a group of elderly Chinese tourists gesturing and glancing around, seemingly looking for directions. Then one of them pointed to this directional sign (photo above) and led the group towards that direction.

I was familiar that the corridor leads only to a goods lift, and it's definitely not what the Chinese group is searching for. So I went forward and asked if I could help.

They said they were looking for the toilets. I pointed to them the correct way. The leader sighed and explained, pointing to the same directional sign, "哦,我以为这里有三间 (Oops, I thought there were 3 cubicles this way)!"


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Yx's terrible twos?

Ever since Yx turned 2 I've been quietly and secretly thanking that she has been pretty cooperative and reasonable and hasn't displayed signs of the so-called 'Terrible Twos'.

So much for not wanting to jinx it.

Lately, Yx has been super duper clingy to mama (has always preferred mama), so much so that she will bawl and cry, "wo yao ma ma" x100 times and any attempts to distract her with YouTube or videos on the mobile phone are futile. That, on top of Yx's newly-developed ability to shed tears in 5 seconds leaves us exasperated and helpless. Yx doesn't do this in the day when mama is at work, though; she does this especially when we're all at home and mama has just excused herself to go to the toilet, or washing dishes in the kitchen. However, this display is worst at night after Yx has fallen asleep - when she hasn't fallen into deep slumber she would wake up and not return to sleep (bawling in the process) unless mama is beside. Finally, she claims her 'prize' by placing one arm and/or leg on mama, I believe for security reasons too.


Hope it's just a phase.


Sharing some photos we took at the Sesame Street event at Changi Airport T3:

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...