Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Yx answers what she wants for her birthday

Yx has always been one sensible kid who asks for simple things and one who is quite easily contented - A bus ride, a chocolate treat, a book, simple activities. She asks for only us to play toys with her and that would make her day. For her 4th bday present, she asks for only "a book".

As her 5th bday was round the corner, we asked what was her birthday request.

Yx replied, "A chocolate cake."

Silence followed. Was that all?

"Yes, there will definitely be a cake. Is there something you would like as a present?"

Yx thought hard and relented, "Ok lah, a book on space and solar system."

Such a simple and straightforward request, nothing close to extraordinary like asking for rainbows, mermaids or magic. 

So blessed we are with this cheerful, sensible kid... I'd like to believe that is because we've already been supplying her with all the love she needs. <3

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