Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Babywye's sleep routine 16mth

Babywye had just emerged out of a growth spurt. She's coming to #16months in a few days.

The so-called "wonder week" was really terrible and stretched my patience beyond its maximum, I exploded. She rejected milk totally. Prior, she was having like 360ml a day; during the wonder week she only took 0-20ml. We were at our wits' end. She wouldn't reject the teat but wouldn't suck on it for a good 20 mins. I was so furious I vented my anger on my table, on the milk bottle etc. Thankfully I received some good advice and support from fb and learnt to 'let go' a litle bit.

After a week or so, babywye displayed the following noticeable changes in behaviour and growth:

- Understood more words and extended her vocab

- Could identify family members and recognise places (e.g. when we reach the exact spot at the void deck, she knew that's where ah gu walks a separate way, ye waves and says bye)

- Sleep pattern became more routine and predictable, yay!

- Began taking to milk again! :`)

Looks for minnie mouse for her naps

This has been her typical day for the past week plus:

10.30am - wakes up
11.00am - milk 120ml
12.30pm - porridge 1 bowl
1.30pm - 1st nap (30 min - 60 mins)
5.30pm - 2nd nap (usually 3 hrs from the time she wakes up from her first, for 30-60 mins)
7.00pm - porridge 1 bowl
10.45pm - night routine
11.30pm - 7++am - SLEEPS THROUGH! (occasionally needs a quick carry once or twice)

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Comewhat this chilly breeze and old school Jay Chou hits

It's just past midnight and the house is quiet... wifey and the kids are fast asleep. The steady breeze coming into the room is gentle and chilly. Temperatures said to hit as low as 24 deg C, NEA said of November. 

For some unknown reason, enjoying this breeze led to me plugging in my earphones to Jay Chou's hits from his first 2 CDs (i.e. ban dao tie he, an jing, jie kou, xiang hui dao guo qu, kai bu liao kou etc)... there's certainly no time travelling technology yet but this combo of chilly breeze and old school hits teleports my mood back to my carefree, naive, happy-go-lucky teenage years where we couldn't care less about things other than homework and what to do for the holidays...


Yeah, and so listening to these songs are urging me to go emo-singing in a KTV lounge with my buddies...

Monday, November 09, 2020

My favourite weekend afternoon view

This used to my favourite weekend afternoon view:

View from floor, lying down on the laminated floor

Weekend afternoons are best for taking a nap. No stress, no deadlines, peaceful and quiet, breeze from the ceiling fan give the optimal condition to nap as long as I wanted. 

Looking up the ceiling always reminds me of how silly I was in 2007, when my family were doing up the reno for this house. We were designing the lighting layout of my room and the term "L-box" was used so frequently, I deduced that it was referring to the L-shaped layout of the light fittings (refer to pic). Only realised in recent years that I was so wrong... lol...

Presentation at AM

On 29 Oct I presented at the Authority Meeting (AM) for the first time in my current co (after 5++ years).

Our item was initially tabled in the agenda but got withdrawn one week before the meeting. A day before the AM, the mgmt decided to table it up again and we quickly informed the Secretariat to insert the item back in. Presentation slides were done up and reviewed that night itself. Given the last min notice, I only began practising for the presentation around midnight (after putting Ye to sleep). The good thing was, the slides were somewhat similar to an earlier deck tabled for MCM a few weeks ago.

So after a cup of hot tea and some mouth muscle exercises, the AM presentation went by smoothly without much fanfare. Budget was approved!

Checked my phone after walking out of the Conference Room and saw this msg from my Director:

Such recognition adds to the justification of my decision to request for a rotation to my current Section... my previous portfolio had none of this due to the nature of the smaller projects. Although there's more on my plate and the stress level is undoubtedly higher, the exposure to Management and other Gvt Agencies and opportunities are abundant.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...