Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Sad news from AMK Depot...

Feel terribly sorry for the technicians.

This news came as a shock.
But honestly, it was a matter of when.

Safety hazards in a workshop environment are countless. Some are largely visible (moving vehicle); some are modest (platform ladder, mobile hoist); ironically, the smallest and most inconspicuous ones could cause the worst injuries (jack holding up a vehicle, wheel choke, key LOTO)! 

Sure, in any workplace, there are system design, SOP and other safety prevention measures in place - however, unfortunately accidents cannot be totally eliminated because ultimately, the fate lies in the hands of the individual. 

Use a wrong tool to open a wheel nut? A slip of the spanner could cut ur hand.

Do welding without putting on face shield? There goes ur cornea.

Lazy to use a suitably sized jack to hold up a vehicle? Jack fails, vehicle comes down, bye bye to ur limbs/life.

I once held the post of the Workshop Manager cum WSH Chairman of the fateful depot where the accident happened. This title granted me huge power and authority. And I'm terribly sorry the incumbent would have to learn this the painful way - that great power comes with great responsibility.


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