Thursday, September 30, 2021

Damn good news today!

1) Yx cleared her 10 days of QO! Able to leave the house at 12pm. Phew despite being a close contact of C+ case, she and all of her classmates did not contract the virus. Kudos to the centre's very very strict SMM measures.


Almost fell out of my non-Secret Lab chair!!

Wooooowwwwww!!!!! Congrats to me and myself!!!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Arsenal's Asian pride - Tomiyasu!

Arsenal 3-1 Spurs. What a game!

Was it Arsenal? It didn't appear like the arsenal of recent years. This was reminiscent of Wenger's arsenal. Devotion, desire, fight and excellent team play. Needed a north London derby to invoke this in the players, and I hope this is the start of a positive spell for them. 

My MOTM has to be Tomiyasu. Hardly put in a foot wrong and won plenty of tackles and headers. Such a great player to watch. He puts Bellerin to shame.


What Wye2 said about salmon

Was having our family lunch at home that day and I did feeding duty. Lunch for wye2 was salmon porridge and since she doesn't have salmon often, I took the moment to point out to her what salmon is.

"See this orange piece? It's salmon, it's a fish. Do you know?"

Ye looked up at me and replied "mmm" (meaning yes). Surprised, I probed, oh u know what is salmon? 

She replied, "Wiggles.”

"Wiggles? Did they sing a song about salmon?"

She answered me with a jingle, "Salmon says..."

I almost fell off my chair when I linked the songs together. "You mean 'Simon Says'!!" 

Yx was listening to our convo too and all 3 of us broke into a laugh! Rofl!

Friday, September 24, 2021

ART & Chafe

Awaiting contact from MOH.

Line at C means negative, for the less aware.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dinner with DJ

Had dinner and chit chat with MediaCorp Class 95FM DJs last Saturday. Don't believe?

So I participated in one of their FB contests and was lucky to be one of the 26 to receive a complimentary dinner (sent to our homes), and qualify for a 5 out of 26 chance to win a ...

-wait for it- 


What's the catch?

Need to write an essay on a given question! I hope to be able to win it! =D

Getting out of shape


Observed that more and more of my male peers are gaining weight, developing a paunch, double chin and... even moobs! One of them used to be so fit and toned and gymed regularly. =(

I belong to the same species and even I find it so unsightly and unglam... I tak boleh tahan if my body goes (even slightly) out of shape. Appearance aside, I feel that a heavier and unfit body reduces the efficiency of everyday tasks e.g. climbing stairs, running after the train/bus.  Despite that I am blessed with a naturally lean body, I'm even more motivated to do whatever I can to avoid looking so uncle-ish at my prime period! Since July I have been doing weight lifting about 2 times a week. It's not much but at least my muscles are getting some exercise!

Jiayou meandmyself!

Monday, September 13, 2021

August Technology upgrade

Continuing with the 2nd-year trend of technological upgrades in August.

1) Finally changed out my gate lock to electronic Yale lock $399. No more swearing moments when one of us forgets the keys!

2) Bought a brand new phone for wifey!

One Plus Nord GE $499.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...