Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Getting out of shape


Observed that more and more of my male peers are gaining weight, developing a paunch, double chin and... even moobs! One of them used to be so fit and toned and gymed regularly. =(

I belong to the same species and even I find it so unsightly and unglam... I tak boleh tahan if my body goes (even slightly) out of shape. Appearance aside, I feel that a heavier and unfit body reduces the efficiency of everyday tasks e.g. climbing stairs, running after the train/bus.  Despite that I am blessed with a naturally lean body, I'm even more motivated to do whatever I can to avoid looking so uncle-ish at my prime period! Since July I have been doing weight lifting about 2 times a week. It's not much but at least my muscles are getting some exercise!

Jiayou meandmyself!

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