Hi guys!
I'm glad I made the correct choice, and made my Sem3 a 4 day week. In return, my 4 school days were long, but I think it's totally worth it! A 3-day weekend is definitely great! super shiok-ing! Today is Saturday morning, but it feels like Sunday morning, cos i had a free day yesterday. but the truth is, today is only Saturday, but it feels like Sunday!!! HEHE! ^_^ do you guys know what i'm talking abt? lol. but hmm, have to honest here, my 4 day week isn't official, cos i have to pon-tang one hour of ME2143 lecture on Fridays, which i believe, i can read up on my own.
I had a very fun Friday when u guys were probably in school. WAHAHA!!!!! *EVIL EVIL* anyways, I had planned to do Thermody tut, but failed miserably. lol! i spent the whole afternoon playing. recently, i'm back into Gunbound again.

Me in game! Riding a fearless knight.
It's a very fun and addictive game! I always have to force myself to click on the "quit" button. haiz! yeah, so yesterday, after gb-ing for 1plus hours, I forced myself to quit, switched off the computer and sat at my desk, wondering what to study. After fiddling here and there, I saw my new phone standing so temptingly just an arm's length away from me, so i decided to grab it and explore the new games beee sent me.
DAMMIT. the games are soooo fun, it ate away half of my battery life. means, I spent alot of time playing on it. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. die liaooooooooo. There goes the whole of the afternoon....
In the evening, I met up wif Jx and ever-busy Roy, and we went to East Coast Lagoon for dinner! WOOT!!!! Huge variety of food there, hustling and bustling atmosphere, we were all so excited. Roy was so grateful that he's out of hall... =P
On our way in...

lol! the lights in the fish were dazzling and colourful, and the fish played music too! HAHA. very interesting. lucky kids nowadays...what did we have last time? hmmm. *ponders*. I can't really recall what toys I had when I was young, except a red water gun and a red fire engine. Poor fire engine, becos i often dropped it onto the floor, The Mother disposed of it.. POOR ENGINE! (and NO, that's not why I'm in Engin)
Me and Roys conquered a plate of Gong-Gong.

In case anyone hasn't heard of the above, Gong-gongs are not only for ah-gongs. (HAHA, not funny -__-). ANYWAYS, the shells were great. fresh, chewy and succulent, it went very well with the belacan chilli. u guys shld try it someday!! When ur throat is burning from the spiciness, down it with sugar-cane juice. I tell u, IT'S SUPER-DUPER SHIOK AR!! =P EATING IS HEAVEN.
As usual, Jx ordered his Oysterless-Osyter Omelette. (!! That gives it a nickname! Triple-O. hahahhahaha.) Me and Roy thinks it's damn funny. Wifout the oyster, it's just plain fried egg with starch. O_O but u know, Jx has a weird kind of food cravings/appetite.... I shan't divulge more here. =X
Busy Roy had Hokkien mee.
I went to queue up for the very famous Leng Kee Beef Noodles. As expected, there was a queue, and the queue was moving so slowly! sheesh. But Mr Seetoh recommended it on his MakanSutra, as a DIE-DIE MUST TRY. So, I DIE-DIE MUST TRY to be patient! After like twenty minutes, i finally got my order! =D
As excited as I always get when it comes to food, I happily, joyfully, gracefully raped the food. To my disappointment, it wasn't very good leh. haiz. maybe the uncle who prepared the food, off-form today... =
After dinner, we headed to Roy's house, which we call it the CC (community centre). LOL! We played Winning 11 and headed home.
Thanks my 2 buddies for making my Friday which seemed like a Saturday so fun! Thanks ever-busy Roy for booking out. Thanks Jx for making me and Roy so tired from ur irritable remarks. LOL. just kidding.
Love u guys!
(and bee)