Monday, October 30, 2006

(No title was available at the time of press)

Finally, my Friday which seemed like Saturday, Saturday which seemed like Sunday and Sunday which seemed like a Sunday, which give me 2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday, are over!


longest day of the week, but fortunately the day went by quite okay...

while having ME2143 lecture....

It says "company decisions are made by voting and a total vote of at least 70% required to pass a motion" =\ Means in future, if I work in a company and have to go settle some bian-bian, I have to ask for my colleagues' decision...

Have to start forming strong friendship bonds from today onwards liao.

P/S: LULU! WHU ARE YOUUU?! LOL! I don't remember anyone called Lulu.... haha. intro pls! Sms / Msn me!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Long weekend ROCKS!

Hi guys!

I'm glad I made the correct choice, and made my Sem3 a 4 day week. In return, my 4 school days were long, but I think it's totally worth it! A 3-day weekend is definitely great! super shiok-ing! Today is Saturday morning, but it feels like Sunday morning, cos i had a free day yesterday. but the truth is, today is only Saturday, but it feels like Sunday!!! HEHE! ^_^ do you guys know what i'm talking abt? lol. but hmm, have to honest here, my 4 day week isn't official, cos i have to pon-tang one hour of ME2143 lecture on Fridays, which i believe, i can read up on my own.

I had a very fun Friday when u guys were probably in school. WAHAHA!!!!! *EVIL EVIL* anyways, I had planned to do Thermody tut, but failed miserably. lol! i spent the whole afternoon playing. recently, i'm back into Gunbound again.

Me in game! Riding a fearless knight.

It's a very fun and addictive game! I always have to force myself to click on the "quit" button. haiz! yeah, so yesterday, after gb-ing for 1plus hours, I forced myself to quit, switched off the computer and sat at my desk, wondering what to study. After fiddling here and there, I saw my new phone standing so temptingly just an arm's length away from me, so i decided to grab it and explore the new games beee sent me.

DAMMIT. the games are soooo fun, it ate away half of my battery life. means, I spent alot of time playing on it. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. die liaooooooooo. There goes the whole of the afternoon....

In the evening, I met up wif Jx and ever-busy Roy, and we went to East Coast Lagoon for dinner! WOOT!!!! Huge variety of food there, hustling and bustling atmosphere, we were all so excited. Roy was so grateful that he's out of hall... =P

On our way in...


lol! the lights in the fish were dazzling and colourful, and the fish played music too! HAHA. very interesting. lucky kids nowadays...what did we have last time? hmmm. *ponders*. I can't really recall what toys I had when I was young, except a red water gun and a red fire engine. Poor fire engine, becos i often dropped it onto the floor, The Mother disposed of it.. POOR ENGINE! (and NO, that's not why I'm in Engin)

Me and Roys conquered a plate of Gong-Gong.

In case anyone hasn't heard of the above, Gong-gongs are not only for ah-gongs. (HAHA, not funny -__-). ANYWAYS, the shells were great. fresh, chewy and succulent, it went very well with the belacan chilli. u guys shld try it someday!! When ur throat is burning from the spiciness, down it with sugar-cane juice. I tell u, IT'S SUPER-DUPER SHIOK AR!! =P EATING IS HEAVEN.

As usual, Jx ordered his Oysterless-Osyter Omelette. (!! That gives it a nickname! Triple-O. hahahhahaha.) Me and Roy thinks it's damn funny. Wifout the oyster, it's just plain fried egg with starch. O_O but u know, Jx has a weird kind of food cravings/appetite.... I shan't divulge more here. =X
Busy Roy had Hokkien mee.
I went to queue up for the very famous Leng Kee Beef Noodles. As expected, there was a queue, and the queue was moving so slowly! sheesh. But Mr Seetoh recommended it on his MakanSutra, as a DIE-DIE MUST TRY. So, I DIE-DIE MUST TRY to be patient! After like twenty minutes, i finally got my order! =D

As excited as I always get when it comes to food, I happily, joyfully, gracefully raped the food. To my disappointment, it wasn't very good leh. haiz. maybe the uncle who prepared the food, off-form today... =
After dinner, we headed to Roy's house, which we call it the CC (community centre). LOL! We played Winning 11 and headed home.

Thanks my 2 buddies for making my Friday which seemed like a Saturday so fun! Thanks ever-busy Roy for booking out. Thanks Jx for making me and Roy so tired from ur irritable remarks. LOL. just kidding.

Love u guys!
(and bee)

Friday, October 27, 2006

as far as my blog title is concerned...


hello again guys. Basically, as far as my blog title is concerned, i realised so far, my blogs have nothing more than my talking bout my everyday life, but no food has been seen! hmm, ironical?

anyways, i was hungry just now, so i cooked a packet of KOKA noodles.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Indofood bla bla blah...

Indofood, taste of Asia, Koka instant noodles. (trying to quote from the tv advert, but i only know the Chinese version)

i simply recommend Koka! it's serving is large enuff to act as a proper meal, it has great taste and best of all, it has NO MSG!! I don't mean "no message". I mean, "NO mono-sodium glutamate". it's greeeeeat, u guys shld try it.

Me and buzzing bee spent some time at the bizarre bazaar at the central forum this afternoon.

Not to be missed...


If i had a water bottle, i'll ta bao the whole milo van's milo... if my water bottle is that big of cos. Since I don't have one of that size, i can only afford to use the paper cups available haha! do u guys know sth? It's marvellous what Milo can do for you. So....wat can it do for me? i don't know, but i only know if i drink Milo for breakfast, it gives me tummyache and makes me more hungry. o_O

The arts forum had nothing interesting except for pasar-malam-like stall games. didn't catch my eye abit. The exhibition at Science forum was exciting! The Aids Trial... it was outside LT27. they even made the lights at the door of LT27 red. Instead of looking like red-light district, I thot it seemed more like Chinese ghost movie...paper lantern flying across those kind. Anyways, Jx passed me this coupon which entitled me to a free Durex condom. LOL! Not that i needed it, I was simply interested to know how they give out, and what kind of Durex it is! LOL. the person at the table was a female... i paiseh. later a guy approached me, and i successfully got the condom from him. HAHA! nothing interesting, just a small square packet written "sample" on it. Ask me to show u! It's in my bag. lol.

Bee sent me LOTS AND LOTS of handphone games to play. Now my Mrt rides won't be so boring anymore! (though i sleep all the way, but.. ) and when i can't sleep, i can play!!!!!!!

time to sleeeeep liaoz. Nite nite ppl!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006



Thanks to estel's timely advice, now i have a title! Thanks thanks! =)

but.... sian leh, my "sidebar" is at the bottom. haha.

Today is my last of 8 tedious labs of this semester! yay!!! i actually dread labs... but thankfully, i've got some good crappy lab mates this sem, so labs aren't so boring anymore! lab reports are a chore..very time-wasting....but nvm! ALL LABS ARE OVER!!!!

I had a very interesting ME2113- Mechanics of Materials lecture today. the Lecturer is an especially rare female in FOE, Prof Cheng Li. She is always very enthusiastic abt her teachings, and she does live demonstrations too! she was proving today that an empty soda can can support the weight of an adult (average sized of cos). I love attending her lectures. =D


have i mentioned to u guys before, that some of my lecturers and tutors have weird speaking habits? for eg, one of my tutor keeps saying, and i stress, KEEPS saying "nothing but". it simply gets on my nerves!!!! she can use the same 2 words for 3 times in a single sentence! OMG. how can she not realise she keeps repeating it??????

another of my lecturer keeps using "nothing more than". -_-"

Worst case scenario: This Lecturer doesn't only keeps repeating the same phrase... HE HAS 4 OF THEM WHICH HE KEEPS REPEATING!!!! somebody save me!!!

1) "basically, ..."
2) "... is nothing more than..."
3) "as far as ... is concerned,"
4) "i'm going to..."

he repeats them SOOOO many times, i even noticed for no. 2), he pauses for a split second after "nothing more", before saying "than".
-_-" dangs.

Me, Fabian and Jianxiang actually did a count of the frequency he says those phrases.
we didn't count no. 4), but the results of 1), 2) and 3) are.... ....
... About 15 EACH in only 30 minutes!!!!!! that equals to 1 per every 2 minute!
The repitition gets so irritating. And, I seriously think the frequency isn't at its maximum length, cos θ = 1 ...

NEVERTHELESS, his teachings are not bad, coherent and doesn't make me sleepy. =D

buahaha! anyways, gonna do my lab report now.... tata!!!


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

THERMODY, DIE DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't have leh, Fabian..

don't have the box to put title... there was when i typed my first post, but not after that...... :(

anyway, i wanna announce that Thermodynamics ME2121 is the suckiest module this sem. It's difficult to learn and sooo many things to know abt it. alot of time spent on it, and the best part is, it's only worth 3 MCs. HAHA.

thermody, DIE!

Monday, October 23, 2006


somebody teach me how to add title and stuffs. sianz.

anyway, i'm really happy wif my new phone!! HEHE!
show u guys some pics i took. hahaha.
btw, even though it's 2MP, the quality still isn't as good as my previous K750i, it's because it doesn't come wif auto-focus, but i feel it's good enuff already.

lemme try inserting picture....

woohoo! it works!!!! HEH HEH!!
anyway, i was rather amused at the poster. u get to learn so many different kinds of languages at Tampines-donoe-what CC. it's the CC beside the polyclinic btw. And u can choose to learn german, french, thai, korean, vietnamese.... AND EVEN SIGN LANGUAGE!!! hahahhaa! ok, sign language is still a kind of language, but i wasn't expecting it to appear there. lol.

NEXT up.

this was taken this morning while taking the choo-choo train to school. almost every commuter was reading today's TODAY! hahha! "shows how educated Singaporeans are", said Royston. but i wonder why they don't wanna take a wink. HAHA! i have a habit of sleeping while travelling =P tsk tsk.


HMMMMMMMMMMM. look at the busker. no offence to his busking talents, but have i told u, i totally think crocs look damn fugly?!? if u guys agree wif me, TAG MY TAGBOARD! they are totally horrible looking. the only time i think it's nice are when small cutie kiddos wear them. other than tat, i think they are a fashion disaster. -_- it doesn't go well wif any kind of dressing, and the colours are so clashing. wth. now, even buskers are wearing it??! WAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?! *pulls hair.

WOOT! it's public holiday tml again! yayyyy~~ but i doubt i'd be relaxing. i'm well behind my thermodynamics and sensors actuators.

Thermody, die die die!
How to add title? O_O

wah, i'm really noooooooooooob to blogging! T_T

test test.

Friday, October 20, 2006



this is the FIRST AND FIRSTEST blog of my entire 21yrs + of living on Earth. i don't know wat kinda blog my blog will be like, but i hope readers will find it interestingggggggg. =)

猜什么? --- simply means, Guess What? i bought a new mobile phone this aftnn!!!! am very very looking fwd to using it. Sighz. don't ask what happened to my previous phones. anyway, i have been using Nokia 8310 (retro rite) for the past few months, and have been itching to have a phone coupled wif mp3 functions, good camera and more funner games to keep myself occupied on mrt, to tire myself to sleep etc. (other than snakeII and bumper and snowboarding).

so i bet u guys are wondering what phone i bought. AND THE ANSWER IS...........................
Sony Ericsson K610i !!!!

for more info, check:

i love its design, and the fact that it comes wif most of the functions i want, lest fm radio and camera autofocus.

anyway, i happily, joyfully, gracefully hopped to starhub shop at TM and was very glad that it was not crowded at all. u guys shld see the crowd during weekends. i requested to see the phone at the counter and was O_O to learn that, they have no more k610i !! it is because they are pushing out the new k610im wif i-mode function. though similiar in functions and design, i disliked the black colour, so i forced a bitter smile and walked out disappointed...

so i quickly went to the shops outside S11 there, and asked for prices and availability of the phone i want! to my glee, i finally found it at the sony ericsson shop. WHEE. the shop had only 2 left! phew! I managed to get it at a relatively lower price than compared to 2 weeks ago! i got it at $50 ~ $150 cheaper! ^^

after that, i ran some errands for bee who was terribly down wif gastric flu. no problem beee! =)

and happily, joyfully gracefully, i went back home and began charging my phone. =]

btw readers, i am a noob at blogging, so pls gimme some time to catch up ok. HAHAHAHA.

till the next post, (which will be pretty soon) check out for more!


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...