Monday, October 30, 2006

(No title was available at the time of press)

Finally, my Friday which seemed like Saturday, Saturday which seemed like Sunday and Sunday which seemed like a Sunday, which give me 2 Saturdays and 1 Sunday, are over!


longest day of the week, but fortunately the day went by quite okay...

while having ME2143 lecture....

It says "company decisions are made by voting and a total vote of at least 70% required to pass a motion" =\ Means in future, if I work in a company and have to go settle some bian-bian, I have to ask for my colleagues' decision...

Have to start forming strong friendship bonds from today onwards liao.

P/S: LULU! WHU ARE YOUUU?! LOL! I don't remember anyone called Lulu.... haha. intro pls! Sms / Msn me!!!

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