Sunday, December 30, 2007

Holidays fun fun fun!


I'm loving the holidays so much!!!!!!! Feel so carefree... can go out, watch movies, or play games, play mahjong, use the computer, watch tv, watch Heroes and Prisonbreak, AND NOT FEEL GUILTY AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely Shiokanaden!!!!

So, hmmm. After I came back from the Shanghai Knights, I have been going out everyday meeting friends from all circles. A few days ago, I met up with a few friends I was fortunate enough to know during my work stint in the USA. 2 of them actually came over from KL!!

Cheng Cheng and Chong Kean, the couple from M'sia. They're a crappy funny bunch of guys. I was appointed the task of organising the day for them. Lol. So I booked a games session at Settlers. Believe it or not, it was also my first time at this! We played quite a number of games which I failed to win at any. Grrrr. Anyways, the student package is very cheap! 2-6pm, only for $10 including a main course and free flow of drinks!!!

Later, I brought them to Geylang for dinner! I felt abit weird leading the way through Singapore's most well known streets. LOL. I introduced them to the famous beef kway teow, oyster omelette and bbq stingray. I'm glad they enjoyed it! =)

We then met up with another friend Apple (whom, so coincidentally, is called Hong Huifang!!) at Hooters. Cheng and Kean came all the way here to eat their Buffalo Wings! But it was disappointing, we all agreed KFC tasted better.

I thot Hooters was a nice place to chill out. Good river view, nice breeze, comfortable and clean. Though it'd have helped if the short orange tight shorts were not donned on people with thunder thighs and bumbersome bums.

It was great meeting them and hanging out with them. Will visit them at KL one day!!!!!!!!

Today, I met up with friends from secondary school. We went to the newly renovated Kallang Leisure Mall. Haven't been there for years, but the interior definitely looked different. It's now very spacious with alot of eateries and entertainment. We tried out the yoghurt at Yogoru, I think it's quite nice!

Had a great few hours together catching up with one another. Hopefully many more to come in the years ahead! =)

By the way, people are all watching Prison Break, Lost, Desperate Housewives, Heroes... I haven't been following them cos I know if I watched, I'll be so darned addicted to them. Now that it's the holidays, I've finished watching Prison Break Season 1! On DVDs which we bought at RMB5 = SGD1 per disc. Wha piang, every episode is so exhilirating and makes u wanna keep watching la! Hence I wanted to follow up on Season 2 but discovered I left the disc in Shanghai. -_-"

So I started on Heroes!! WAkakaka. On episode 6 now. My favourite character is Hiro Nakamura, he's cute LOL!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tales of a Shanghai Knight

Pictures to summarise my days at Wuxi, Suzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai. =)

Weather was very nice. Ranging from 0 - 13 degrees Celsius, but we were all nice and comfy in the thick layers of clothings. HAHA! When u puffed air out of your mouth, you'll see fog! That's how shiok it was!

And the food there was nice and cheap cheap cheap! Thanks all who made this trip possible! ^_^

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sem 5 completed!

Haven't been in the mood to blog... hmmm. My last day of exams was on the 5th Dec, which was only a few days ago leh! Sianz. My whole exam period took about a month including revision. Really seemed like eternity. But now I feel so FREE!!! I feel energised!!! I feel liberated!!! I feel... I feel.. I feel like a bird!!!!!!!

*sings along to Natalie Imbruglia's "I'm like a bird"*

Here's a pic I took one day in the male toilet of the Central Library in school during the mugging period.

Toothbrush and Toothpaste!!!!! Need to be so kua zhang or not?!?!

Yesterday (kudos to Irritating Ivan btw for organising), we had a sing-a-long session at Partyworld at Orchard. Together wif Ivan, Frankenstein, Mr Cold Fish, and Ms Yeeeeeee who joined us later, we sang our hearts and throats out and totally enjoyed ourselves!!!! Mr Cold Fish could do his "head voice" pretty well...

*laughter and giggles in the background*

Oh yeah, I was walking hurriedly along Wisma Atria to meet them when I saw this guy. He was dressed in business attire and looked close to 27, and he had this sinister look... he was like chatting up this younger girl who only looked like she was still in lower secondary school. Later, the girl stood up and seemed to walk away offended...

About 30 secs later, the same girl came up to me.

Modelling agency.

HAHAHA. I wasn't quite interested cos have heard alot of stories from my friends. But hey, it's the first time I got approached afterall!!!!! ^_^

Irritating Ivan happened to have worked for this same company before. He commented that it's a very difficult job to do. Besides from being ignored, the pay is also meagre. Basic pay is $4.50/hr, but if you can get 100 names only they increase it up to $6!!


Anyways, back to the gathering. At 7pm, Titus and Tartar joined us for dinner. My, Orchard's restaurants were all packed and lines all forming. In the end after wandering for an hour plus, we settled for Borders Bistro.

I ordered Ribeye steak.... not fantastic. My eyes were fixed on the spaghetti the guys ordered. Big serving wif succulent mussels and prawns. :( LOL. We chatted heartedly (and enjoyed making fun of Mr Cold Fish) before making our ways home...

Love this bunch of crappy guys. =)


Oh yeah. Gonna be a Shanghai Knight tomorrow. ^________^ Yeeeeeee-Harrrrrr!!!!!!! Better enjoy the holidays to the max while we all can, dudes!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

After exam review

no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life; "the nerve is dead"; "a dead pallor"; "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"
not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat; "Mars is a dead planet"; "dead soil"; "dead coals"; "the fire is dead"
very tired; "was all in at the end of the day"; "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"; "bushed after all that exercise"; "I'm dead after that long trip"
unerringly accurate; "a dead shot"; "took dead aim"
physically inactive; "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range"
(followed by 'to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive; "passersby were dead to our plea for help"; "numb to the cries for mercy"
devoid of physical sensation; numb; "his gums were dead from the novocain"; "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"; "a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities"
lacking acoustic resonance; "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"; "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio"
not yielding a return; "dead capital"; "idle funds"
not circulating or flowing; "dead air"; "dead water"; "stagnant water"
not surviving in active use; "Latin is a dead language"
lacking resilience or bounce; "a dead tennis ball"
out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown; "a dead telephone line"; "the motor is dead"
no longer having force or relevance; "a dead issue"
complete; "came to a dead stop"; "utter seriousness"
drained of electric charge; discharged; "a dead battery"; "left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained"
devoid of activity; "this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here"
quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"
completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers; "an absolutely magnificent painting"; "a perfectly idiotic idea"; "you're perfectly right"; "utterly miserable"; "you can be dead sure of my innocence"; "was dead tired"; "dead right"

people who are no longer living; "they buried the dead"
a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense; "the dead of winter"



That just sums up how I did for my exams. Goner.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

ME3101 - DOWN!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday was my first paper of this semester - HR2002. Hmmm... I thot I did okay, but somehow I felt like writing a GP paper. :( That might just kill me. I donoe. *prays hard*

Today is our presentation of our project to our employer APL! It marked the official end of one whole semester's hard work and effort. Yippie yay! And I'm proud to claim that I can see our efforts bearing fruits. Hope to get a good grade for it!!!! =)

Final group pictures of ME3101. Love you guys!

Formal Group Photo 1. All's nice and cool...

Formal Group Photo 2. All's still calm....

Informal Group Photo. HAVOC!!!!!!

Here's Frankenstein Fab and Me. Both of us were having flu today and using up tissue like crazy.

New Generation of HIP HOP KAKIS!!!!!

Irritating Ivan...

Mr Cold Fish...


Mr Jx.

Looking forward to ME3102 - fabrication and production of a prototype for our design!!!! ^_^

Monday, November 19, 2007

my visit to statcounter

Was checking out my account on, and here's a couple of attention seeking matters...

1) Majority of users who visit my site come and leave in less than 5 secs. T_T My blog is so boring hur hur hur... T_T

2) Click on picture to enlarge.


That's Jellified JoyciE!! ^_^ HAHAHAHA!!! Thankies for visiting!!! =)


Ok, I'm so gonna kill my cousin liao. Temperamental Toeji, you have 3 days to explain yourself.

It's Tiny, It's Toony

Hmm...remember Tiny Toon, the very popular game we used to play on a Sega 32bit console??? HAHAHA!!!!!!

Last time my mom, bro and I were crazy over it, cos we wanted to complete the game. After every stage we would pen down the code so that we could continue at that stage the next time we play.

And in it... the professor...

Now my group members would know who I was referring to... =P

Friday, November 16, 2007

Engin Welfare Giveaway Round 2, last lecture of Sem5

Look at the horde of people!

It was supposed to start at 12, but when I got there at 11.55am, many many people were already in the line. It took me twenty mins to finally get my welfare pack!

In it were goodies like Engin annual magazine, Lakerol sweets, a can of soda, some jelly thingy, a stress star for you to squeeze, and a new product from Bee Chiang Heng - cheesey Bak Gua!!! I think it tastes really good! (and really fattening. think bak gua + cheese)


Yesterday marked our final lecture of the semester. Which also probably meant our last lecture held in the beloved, run-down LT7.

Some friends whom I'm gonna miss, cos we'd be taking different modules from next semester onwards.

From left:

Top: Irritating Ivan, Jx (sheesh, no adjective), Me and Myself, Frankenstein Fab, Mr Cold Fish.

Bottom: Yeeeeee Yixin, Corrorsive Chilly Crab, tata Tata.

Dudes, the photos are with me, do get them from me personally! =) Will miss all of you. *sob sob*

Ghoooooooostly videos!!

WARNING: Not for the weak hearted!

Check out the video at time 1:28.

Do you see the window sliding on its own? And the ghastly white figurine standing there??


Scary 2: Apparently they said there is something ghostly at time 1:53.

I couldn't make out this one though.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chance to appear on your TV set!

Hey peeps,

Do you wanna see yourself appearing on your house TV set?

Do you wanna get to eat free food?

Would you be free on Dec 7 afternoon?

If u are interested in the above, let me know!

Heh heh heh!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Random thoughts and sorts

Today marks the final lesson of HR2002 - Human Relations in the New Economy. Very interesting module taught by a very dedicated and learned tutor Ms Chua Siew Beng,I believe all her students have benefited greatly from her teachings. However, the 50% final paper would be a killer!

Some sample questions:

1) There is a greater need to express "positive" emotions for personal effectiveness in organizations today. Discuss.

2) "Career planning is now no longer a matter of concern in this age of uncertainty and changing work context." What are your views on this statement?

TOTALLY O_O!! Wide-eyed!!!! Choose 2 our of 3 questions of 25marks each! HOW TO ANSWER!?? T_T


Jx complained about something today.

He was in the queue for today's TODAY (the free daily newspaper) today at Tampines Mrt Station. He started waiting from 7.05am.

ALL the way until 7.20am, the queue wasn't moving at all, and ppl only kept joining the back of the line! He said it stretched to Q bread. Already buay tahan and rushing to meet his friend, Jx left the queue and asked the person (who supposedly distributes the papers) why he doesn't want to distribute the papers yet?

The person said, can only start distributing at 7.30am.


Why??? What stupid rule is that???!

Jx was so infuriated he claimed he wanted to write into the readers' forum in TODAY, while I was frantically trying to think why there is such a stupid rule. I couldn't think of why. :S


Taken during Ms. Christina Lim's lecture a few days ago:


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Primary School Class Gathering!

Yesterday I met up with my primary school classmates...most of them I haven't seen them for 11 years! Almost couldn't recognise them!

Below is our class photo taken during Pri 6....

It was real fun when everyone started bringing up memories some 11 years ago... brought back so much nostalgia!

Now all of us are studying in different courses, different schools, while some are already working... among us there is an AIA employee, Shell employee, and a Police even! A few are studying overseas while one is getting married soon with a Japanese chick! It's so interesting how everyone's life has evolved.

Although only 9 of us turned up, the time together was worth everything. =)

A tear out from the calendar of the exact day Me and Myself was born!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Engin Welfare Giveaway - Round 1

Yesterday, the Society of Mechanical Engineering was handing out welfare gifts to boost us thro the exams!

Immediately when Ms Christina Lim gave us a break, all of us rushed out of LT7 to queue for it!

Look at the queue! The people in the top right pic are in a loop-queue already!

Here are the goodies!! ^_^

During the next break, I showed Blur Bee the goodies and told her to choose what she wanted. She took away the Pocky and Chicken Rings. T_T (so smart lor, take away the tastiest... T_T)

Then I went back to LT 7 and at the back of it, where the welfare giveaway was held, the organisers were loitering there giving away the leftovers. HAHAHA! I immediately hopped over, opened big my plastic bag and collected what I could.

End Result=

That's excluding 3 Chicky Rings I gave Bee after that. LOL.

Round 2 - Awaiting email from Fac of Engin!


Is there Target hypermart in Singapore? How come Corrosive Chillicraps can identify the plastic bag I used to collect the goodies? Hmmm.... In HK there is? Thot in HK there is Wellcome...


After school yesterday, me and Frankenstein Fab went to jalan jalan at Tamp Central. We each bought a G2000 shirt for $24.50! Heh heh. I'm building up on my collection of formal wears!

Right now:

Formal shirts : 3
Formal shoes: 1 (bought 2 weeks ago! I think they're nice, for $29.90 from People's Park Complex)
Formal pants: 0
Formal watch: 0
Formal belt: 0



*wide grin*

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...