Sunday, June 29, 2008

Flash Mob

Check this out.


I think if I were a participant, I'd find a pose I could maintain easier la! Like... I thought of the tie shoelace pose though... hmmm. I know! DIGGING MY NOSE!!! WAHAHAHHA. any funny poses u guys can think of?? :P

I read there's also a flash mob in Singapore... hmm... I would love to do something crazy and fun too!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Shifting dream...

As most people might know, Me and Myself and family are shifting soon. Our new house is undergoing renovation.

"TO WHERE?!" you might ask. The answer is, from Tampines to Tampines. HAHA, don't laugh ok, cos many people do this too. -_-

Anyway that's beside the point. A few nights ago, I had this dream... that I had already shifted house.

And I missed my current house so badly, I could actually feel it. :(

Am so gonna miss this view from my bedroom so dearly. :(

Sunday, June 22, 2008

One year on... Maymount Park!

Around 365 days ago...

Those days when we slogged long hours at work so we could earn more money to fuel our travelling costs for future, we only rested for a day every week. And this off day was very precious to us! Our group of friends always applied for our off days to fall on the same day so we could go sight-seeing together!!!

On 13th June 2007, we decided to visit Maymount Park!!! It was a few miles away from our hostel, and walking that distance with fun-loving friends under lovely weather was never going to tie down our spirits. :)

Along the way, we came across this very vast short grass field!!! Immediately the soccer-frenzy us guys were like dashing across the field within seconds. HAHAHA!!! Busy Roys was so in his wonderland, he kept sliding onto the grass and relishing the feeling of the soft grass cushioning his butt. HAHAHA!!!

Look at the beautiful field!!! It's a soccer haven.

After feeling guilty of having the girls wait for us kicking the ball around, we continued on our journey.

Below are some pics of the nice relaxing trek! :)

And below, VERY interesting snapshots... LOL!!!!

(we really have no idea where the video tape came from, it was just lying innocently on the grass!)

And finally..... WE REACH!!! ^_^

Some scenic pics of inside Maymount Park... the place was peaceful and excellent to spend a rest day at...

(Above) Bottom row, 1st from left: Taking cover under the shelter, we whipped out our tupperwares where we enjoyed our packed lunch - what else but sandwich! HAHA. It was the same 7 days a week. Though that lunch was mundanely boring and tasteless (cheap ham/sausage + lettuce + stolen mayo/tomato/mustard), it felt like a fun picnic!!! :D

Above: Raintree Pictures. (I don't have to specify who was behind the camera, need I?)

Blur Bee VERY relieved to find a restroom. HAHAHA!

Maymount Park also comprised of a small animal farm. Look at all the little animals we saw chirping/mooing/snorting/cackling!

THEY WERE ALL VERY CUTE!!!!! Just like a childrens' farm! Very cute!!!

If you guys wanna recheck the pics above, the icon on the signboard at the entrance to Maymount Park... is a peacock!


"As proud as a peacock".

And we witnessed the above saying: the peacock opened up its majestic tail span and displayed its prowess to the poor kids (not children, but young goats!) and fowls. But look how beautiful its tail is... my first experience with such a well developed full grown peacock... ultra gorgeous!!!

Whilst still at the park, we came upon this very huge tree with giant spreading branches.

Below, Ivan helping Jx onto one strong branch. "1, 2, 3, - Heave!!!"

And Jx, obviously very on-top-of-his-own-world, very happy!

And of cos, Busy Roys also wanted to leave his buttprints on the tree!!!

Somemore nice scenes...

There was also a Japanese Garden inside Maymount!! We spent some time appreciating the efforts done in creating it, in fact it was quite splendid.

Finally... with the day coming to an end, we made our way out of the sightly landscape...

before we chanced upon this hole!

Theme: Pose like a fairy/god!

(wth is Jx doing...)

And so we ended our day... well spent with lots of memories along with it. :) Thanks to all my friends for making it happen!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

One year on... Part II

Around 365 days ago...

Everyday we were shuttled from our hostel Rhoads Hall to work at Kings Dominion... and Me and Myself, being the notorious anywhere-anyhow-also-can-fall-asleep-sleeper, always caught a wink or two on the 40 min bus ride!!

Here's how cold the air con is. T_T

And us in the lifeguard windbreakers!!! They were good waterproof USD25 windbreakers, always protected us from the chilly winds whenever it rained. 3rd from the left, our supervisor Matt, who was always cool and professional and idolized (by the girls).

And Me and Myself trying to act like his hand got cut off.

I miss my tan!!!!


Some nights after we end work, we'll hop over to the shops in the vicinity to chill out. They always loved Cold Stone Ice-cream, but one night we stepped inside Village Cafe. It was ur usual kind of small restaurant, with set meals, beer and finger food. Since beer was cheap in the states, we went ahead with it, spear-headed by Busy Roys. He's infamous for being a beer-lover... just ask around.

There were quite a number of different beer brews... like Virginia black, etc etc etc, the usual Carlsberg, something-light. I don't remember the names!!!


All of us: WE LOVE VILLAGE CAFE!!!! :D

Busy Roys: I LOVE BEER!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Quite some time ago, I discovered that due to long periods of exposure under the sun with safety goggles on, Me and Myself has got a distinct shade of tan around my eyes. Hahaha. I thought I looked like a panda, but instead the black and white reversed. Haha. I asked bee to draw that for me!

Here are her artefacts.

LOL. Cute right!! HAHAHAHA!!!! :P


My Keppel FELS uniform = coverall.

The effect of poor material + entering washing machine a few times= SHRINKAGE!!!

It looks really ugly and unglam. Very nan2 kan4 !!!! T_T

On another note, the white Keppel Fels uniform really very seh!!! Under the sun it's like glowing. HAHAHA!!! And when I go on board and walk walk around, the Banglas really like watch me walk past, like afraid I'll catch them for malingering... indeed I've had caught a few! talking cock in aircon room!!! Wha!!!

And some Banglas' command of English cannot make it lah. -_-. I asked them, "what are you doing?" I even deliberately spaced out the words and spoke very slowly le, but they donoe what I talking la. Zzzz!

Today was a remarkable day for Keppel Fels. Erection of cantilever for one of the jack-up rigs. One HUGE BIG HUMONGOUS ENORMOUS 1715 tonne (go buy 4d, it's Wednesday!) block, lifted up by a Hercules crane!!! It was indeed an awesome sight... I wish could show you guys some pics!


Ludicrous LipTong organised a gathering for several of us. Will blog bout it when I get my hands on the pictures!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

One year on... OUTBACK!!!

One year ago...

At Outback Steakhouse, West Broad Street, Virginia, USA....

Its famous Bloomin' Onions... it really is a huge onion!! Cut open like a blooming flower and deep fried, the onion streaks are super crispy at first bite, then after that the fragrant onion aroma whisps around with every chew. Unforgettable taste!!!

And I ordered a piece of i-forgot-how-heavy cut of sirloin steak. It was SO huge, I couldn't finish it! In the US, steaks are especially big portioned and cheap!

We couldn't forget the very enjoyable relishing meal with Uncle Phil...


Hence one year on... thanks to Busy Roys, all 6 of us managed to come together for a dinner at Outback Steakhouse, Millenia Walk, SINGAPORE! :)

Introducing the very pretty menu... (I wonder why Outback is based in USA)

Initially we were quite skeptical and afraid that the local version might not offer the famous bloomin' onions.... but guess what!!


Nice ambience...

And the food.... First up, complimentary loaf of bread, which is excellent with the butter!

And, highlight of the night... BLOOMIN' ONIONS!!!

Pardon it looks SOOOO contrasting to it's US counterpart. -_- we all were also disappointed too. However we later discovered that the kind of onions depended on the season as well. Heh. But it still tasted fairly satiable, at least it quenched my craving for it. :)

Above are medium-hot Buffalo Wings.

Bee's Chicken tenders and fries, with honey mustard sauce.

My piece of Sirloin done medium rare. With chips and mashed potato and very special mushroom wine sauce, it was very filling and nice :)


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Sun, Sand, and the Sea!

The above descriptions are for the BEACH!!!! The Sun, Sand and the Sea!!! SOUNDS FUN RIGHT?!?!

Below are pics of us at Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles.

The SUN, SAND, SEA!!! FUN!!!!!!!!! :D

If you guys watched Iron Man movie, remember the part when Tony Starks first tested out his suit, and he flew over this ferris wheel? The boy dropped his ice cream?

TADAAAA!!!! THAT ferris wheel is the exact one in the background!!!!! :D

And a hole we dug up. HAHAHA. fun memories.


Strangely, my work place has all of the above mentioned - Sun, Sand and the Sea. But holy moly, it's completely the opposite from the beach...









Monday, June 09, 2008

Happily Ever After - Suinan & Lihua

Yesterday was my friend, Lihua's wedding dinner! It was held at Bukit Batok Civil Service Club, Hilltop Garden, Crystal Ballroom. Grand place and good food!! I went along with Beebee.

Let me first introduce my friend Lihua to you!

(I look like dabian) She is the girl on the extreme right. This pic was taken during our jc2 days. We were the OGLs of our group Leonis! Those were the days...

7 years later.... my old friend Lihua!!! And the groom Suinan. Taken off

Very professional pics hor!

Picture of the stars of the night with guests at our table... Hmmm... whatever happened to the YAMSENG at every table?? Hmmm....

And also, pics of the ballroom...

And the happenings on stage... the groom Mr. Suinan even had a special performance for Lihua. Despite having no background in playing the piano, he specially practised Wang Li Hong's Wei Yi and sang in accompaniment. Though mistakes were aplenty, he received lots of applause from all of guests as his sincerity meant everything else.

Last but not least, before the night ends, private pictures with the bride of course!! :)

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...