Saturday, August 30, 2008

RSAF Open House '08

Venue: Paya Lebar Air Base

I think it's my first time at its open house, this year celebrating it's 40th anniversary of protecting Singapore skies. Actually I don't appreciate army army stuffs, but I went along to accompany my dad, who is an avid aeroplane enthusiast.

When the shuttle bus from Eunos took us there, we went through security gates and walked into the vast air strip. My first steps on this piece of land and the awesome wide horizon made me realise there is such a humongous plot of land in paya lebar?? Haha.

As you might have guessed, what were at the open house were exhibitions, air craft static displays, booths showcasing technological advancements etc etc, but I think the highlight had to be the aerial displays. We were treated to thirty minutes of a mock air defence show, which boasted the powerful supersonic F16 and F5 fighter jets, versatile Apache Helicopters, elite Commandos absailing down Super Puma, and the super brakes of the C-130 plane. We also saw 3rd line of air defence systems, which are the less wow-factor anti aircraft guns. The audience was treated to many stunts and aerial capabilities of the various planes and I was quite impressed by the cheoreography and neat storyline.

After the aerial display my dad and I quickly walked into the mainstage where they would be choosing lucky participants for once-in-a-lifetime rides in their various airplanes including the C-130, Chinook and Piper Warriors. As many as 28 coupons were drawn for the C-130, but in our hearts my dad and I had known that all along in our life, we have never won any lucky draw. -_-

We left quite disappointedly to view the static displays. Below are some shots...

Above: Black Knight pilots. Zoe Tay's husband is also a pilot of that plane?

I had queued up for 15 mins to get into the helicopter for a picture. Whilst in it, I had too enthusiastically asked the pilot too many questions, that I had to be prompted out by another for the others behind me. Haha. Paiseh~


And guess who was the special guest for the event! :P

Jessica Liu!!!

She looks VERY PRETTY in person! Very tall and slim and charismatic!!! Hehe. Besides giving away prizes to a few special participants, she sang a couple of songs as well. Unfortunately for her, during the start of the second song, there was a technical glitch with the speakers and it was quite obvious that the music had voice accompaniment... so heh heh, we all knew.

Nonetheless seeing her up close was a great way to end off our day and so my dad and I returned home with tired legs but much gleeful mood. :)

To end off, I shall post a few of my favourite photos!

Don't you think she looks abit like Stefanie Sun here?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bus 96

One day last week, Jx and I queued up for bus 96 at Clementi Bus Interchange, like any other NUS student.

5 mins later, the bus captain drove the bus over, opened the doors for us to board.

The girl behind me asked the driver, "Does this bus go to NUS?"


HAHAHAHA. I just find it super amusing, nevermind me. :D HAHAHA.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Engin O Week 2008

Engin O Week 2008.

Certainly a highlight of my final year as a student...

Monday, August 18, 2008

$10 KTV?!?! Where got so cheap!!!

Do you think there is such a thing like paying $10 (nett!!!) for a ktv room, and sing all you can for 5 hours??!

At the same time enjoy a bowl of sharks fin soup?!


HAHAHHAHA. There really is such a place!!!!


Ten Dollar Club Pte Ltd
35A Smith Street


Thanks to Busy Roys for introducing such a wonderful place!!! :D

However on weekends, the package is 3 hours. But still! Much cheaper then K ________ (fill in the blanks) leh!

The room was cosy, television big, and sounds system not too bad. :) Very worthwhile session I would say. However the ppl said the place is so popular you have to make bookings one month in advance.... -_- donoe if he's joking.

Anyways the ktv session wif Busy Roys, Jx and Hefang was good. However I wasn't at my best form cos I havent' recovered my voice from the O-week...


I miss Chinatown.


Saw this at one of the SMRT stations.

HAHAHA. Pending?

ME clique gathering

Ms Yeeeeee was very kind to have had invited us to her place, where she'd be preparing some dishes for lunch. :)

I think maybe going abroad and spending some time over there will teach one to cook. Haha. That's true for me and my frens too, back then at USA. One of my frens (won't mention who!), whom at 23 years old, washed his bowl for the FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE.

Anyways, so on last Friday after our lectures, the few of us gathered to hop over to Ms Yeeee's place! I was getting all excited as you all may have known... I am... a food lover!!! :P

Here are what she prepared specially for us!


1) Vietnamese spring roll

Ingredients inside include vermicilli, carrot slices, prawn... the skin was chewy and tangy. Unique dish!

And what's lunch without some drinks!

2) Red wine (1999) mixed with fruits!!!

I personally felt the wine tasted good! Very smooth... and tasted very unique. Some sweetness initially, and after you swallow it, it leaves some bitterness on your tongue. I couldn't make out what fruit(s) she added!

I thought it was grapefruit! Or pomelo!

Ok lah, but I was half correct okay. At least I know they're citrus fruits. Correct answers: Lemon, orange and pineapple.


And the main dish for lunch... 3) Spanish fried rice!


Fried with capsicum, chicken meat, sotong and onion, the dish tasted sweet, some sour, and some spiciness.

I think I ate the most.

Over lunch, all of us took the opportunity to catch up with one another, learn more about our internships, as well as just talking crap and making jokes. :) A very heart-warming session - 2 years of frenship worth, definitely more to come. :)

Don't know why we didn't take any group pictures. AIYAH!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Silver Singapore

Well done Team Singapore!

The table tennis ladies have fought well and hard all the way to the finals, but unfortunately lost to a very good chinese side.

Nevertheless, it is Singapore's first Olympic medal since its independence in 1965, and has definitely made all Singaporeans proud. Kudos to the ladies.


Hmmm... food for thought: if Singapore had won the Gold medal, would we still see China releasing its citizens to go abroad to be foreign talents? Haha.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Additions to my Room!

A few weeks ago I told everyone what I wanted for my room!


Hmm.... list of house-warming gifts!!! (Heh heh heh!)

1) bedside table
2) hi-fi set
3) table lamp (has to give out orange light)
4) car models or dragonball figurines for display
5) chair
6) rug/mat for the chair!
7) you could sugggest!!!!


Apparently nobody decided to give me anything! That just shows my popularity :)

Anyways, I now have cleared most from the 7. I bought them myself.

I'm left with...
1) table lamp
2) MORE car models/dragonball figurines for display
3) rug/mat for chair

I'm so happy with my purchases. :D I fixed the hi-fi up, I put in the arm chair and bedside table, I packed my things... My room's slowly transforming into my dream room. :D YIPPIE!!!


Do you guys always feel happy and anxious and excited when it's nearing 24 months after you signed your mobile phone service contract?

I am. :D

Because it means I can start sourcing for a new phone!!! I do have one in my sights...

Heh. Not going for high end phones/ PDA phones like Samsung Omnia or iPhone la. Guess I won't need the functions inside. And getting a Walkman phone will deter me from getting myself an iPod product! yay!


Have I shown you guys my time table for this semester?


Ok la, but still subject to FYP commitments!! :D But still... Yeah. I'm not asking for anything better!

I met another fellow Engin final year coursemate that day. He has a one-day week.


Saturday, August 09, 2008

ShowerOK!! So is ZARA. :)

At Vivocity.

Check out what they're about at !!!!!

Super interesting and funny. I feel it's such a good idea in city with a fast paced lifestyle in Singapore. :) Great opportunity for you and your frens to have fun, show off your super performer side and chance to win some prizes :)


Anyway, my OG and I had a go at it. I assure it's quite funny! Do vote for us if you sincerely think it's nice! :)

Pics from Engin O Week soon okay. :)

my 123

I visited my old fren Block 123 just now.

When I entered, I felt like I haven't left it at all. Everything seemed all too familiar.

When I left, the sky weeped.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

My countdown to end of VIP

Have already ended my 12 Weeks of Internship.

Had been looking forward to it since many weeks ago! So I had created small pieces of paper to countdown the number of days left.

See if you can make out what the drawings represent.

Hint: numbers 1-23

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Engin O-Week 08


Am involved in this year's Engin O-week as a councillor.

Today was Day 1 and we met our freshies for the first time. They're fun and spontaneous!!! My fellow group councillors are all so fun and spontaneous and crappy too. =D I'm so looking fwd to next week's activities with them.

Together with Jx, Irritating Ivan and myself, we are Lao Kok Kok councillors. The very rare species of Year 4 students... So old -_- really feel
ancient when we ask around which year they're born in. -_-

Show you guys this year's singlet!!!


I like the colour and the pattern very much! ^_^ So looking forward to owning one soon!!!

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...