Thursday, August 14, 2008

Additions to my Room!

A few weeks ago I told everyone what I wanted for my room!


Hmm.... list of house-warming gifts!!! (Heh heh heh!)

1) bedside table
2) hi-fi set
3) table lamp (has to give out orange light)
4) car models or dragonball figurines for display
5) chair
6) rug/mat for the chair!
7) you could sugggest!!!!


Apparently nobody decided to give me anything! That just shows my popularity :)

Anyways, I now have cleared most from the 7. I bought them myself.

I'm left with...
1) table lamp
2) MORE car models/dragonball figurines for display
3) rug/mat for chair

I'm so happy with my purchases. :D I fixed the hi-fi up, I put in the arm chair and bedside table, I packed my things... My room's slowly transforming into my dream room. :D YIPPIE!!!


Do you guys always feel happy and anxious and excited when it's nearing 24 months after you signed your mobile phone service contract?

I am. :D

Because it means I can start sourcing for a new phone!!! I do have one in my sights...

Heh. Not going for high end phones/ PDA phones like Samsung Omnia or iPhone la. Guess I won't need the functions inside. And getting a Walkman phone will deter me from getting myself an iPod product! yay!


Have I shown you guys my time table for this semester?


Ok la, but still subject to FYP commitments!! :D But still... Yeah. I'm not asking for anything better!

I met another fellow Engin final year coursemate that day. He has a one-day week.


1 comment:

Sisters 💞