Sunday, November 30, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008




The WAT gang and I will definitely have tried FIVE GUYS in the States. It's so good, I tell you. If you think Carls Jr is good, Five Guys is FANTABULOUS.

They're famous for their burgers and fries. In fact, they are the only things which appear on their menu.

Very hungry now.

And as what is stated on their menu, they have 15 FREE toppings for u to choose from. I always asked for more onions and mushrooms. WAHHHHHH HUNGRY!!!!!!!!

This was my first Five Guys burger. Seee how thickly packed and juicy and crunchy and satiable the burger looks?!

Then the FRIES!!! OMG.

Wha... HUNGRY... You can have a choice of Five Guys style or Cajun, both are absolutely... ( fill in your own adjectives of 'fantabulous' )

SLURPS SLURP. I'm going to write in to Five Guys now.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Auntie VS Xiang Ji

Not for the weak-hearted.

Got the video and story from Irritating Ivan.

Rated R18 - Sexual content and Violence.


In the aftermath of watching the video, what are your thots and opinions?

For me I thot the one taking the video lacked social etiquette. He/she had the guts to record everything down in full view of the victims, but had no proactiveness to break up the fight? Is this behaviour what other ppl call 'bystanders' who want to witness and kaypo, but do not want to be involved?

Tsk tsk.

Monday, November 24, 2008

WAT seen on Google Earth

I didn't know Google Earth is so cool!!!!!!!!!

I thot it could only give me aerial view of places! But there was more to it! It allowed me to view photo shots of ON THE GROUND SHOTS, 3D, and ROTATABLE!!!

It made me miss USA more, but at the same time, while playing ard with the ground shots, I felt as though I was standing on the streets :)

Here's how cool it is:


Pic of us at Byrd Theatre, Richmond, Virginia.

Screen shot from Google Earth.



Pic of us waiting for bus at West Broad Street, Richmond.

Same place, screenshot.


Last but not least, a pic of the huge carpark opposite our accomodation for the first 2 weeks... lots of memories occured here... I know everyone who went for WAT with me will know.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I miss... O week

I miss that one week of fun.

There's more to the fun which made me miss it so much.

The satisfaction and fulfillment derived from seeing my freshies smile and laugh, is priceless. =)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My BFF for this semester!

This semester, I made 2 VERY, VERY good friends.

They've helped me SO MUCH, in SO MANY, MANY ways. I don't think I can thank them enough, really. =)

Nevertheless, I wanna publicise my sincere gratitude to them on my blog. :)

In no particular order of favouritism or usefulness, they are:



Saturday, November 08, 2008

Up the hill, down the slope!

It's gonna be week 13 next, and I'm about the run down the last hill now :)

Am taking 3 modules + FYP this semester.

By the university regulations, I do not have sufficient MCs to qualify for a Dean's List this semester.

But I could nevertheless aim for a SAP 5.0!

WHEE HEE!!! Let's work hard!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

My New Love

Think I shall break the news to you guys now.

Other than my first wife Blur Bee, I have a second and third wife!

Long story la... aAlthough my third wife spends more time with me, I can do alot more stuffs with my second wife. In fact, my second wife often accompanies me into late nights. She takes care of my stuffs safe and sound... I know I can always depend on her.

However, that's not saying I love my third wife less. She's very pretty , and very sociable too. And she never fails to keep me informed. I depend on her for everything else when I'm out...


Introducing my loves...


2nd wife.... KELLY!


And 3rd wifey! Married 3rd Nov 2008.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Monday, November 03, 2008

endless mountains

I can describe this semester as a journey.

The first half was great. Straight, smooth road, with flowers and blue sky.

The second half, I have many hills to overcome.

I'm halfway through with the hills.

After the hills, lay a tall rocky mountain.

It's up to me to overcome it. But the climb won't be easy and predictable.

I'm referring to my FYP.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...