Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Auntie VS Xiang Ji

Not for the weak-hearted.

Got the video and story from Irritating Ivan.

Rated R18 - Sexual content and Violence.


In the aftermath of watching the video, what are your thots and opinions?

For me I thot the one taking the video lacked social etiquette. He/she had the guts to record everything down in full view of the victims, but had no proactiveness to break up the fight? Is this behaviour what other ppl call 'bystanders' who want to witness and kaypo, but do not want to be involved?

Tsk tsk.


  1. lol, camera = xiang ji!!

    I think that's the culture in Singapore, especially the Stompers and also some bloggers. We don't want to get involved, but we want to observe.

    It takes courage to interfere. Not many have that moral courage.

  2. Anonymous10:33 pm

    ya, it has become a common social behaviour among many of us. i know it takes quite alot of moral courage to stand up and make oneself heard, but when it has to be done, i really hope somebody does it. would u ?

    -me and myself

  3. Anonymous2:55 am

    wah the aunty very fierce. never mess with them.

    singaporeans are basically a kaypoh bunch. but it's still quite good to see people standing up to break them up.

    p/s: i linked ur blog. :D

  4. i won't :P i scare later kena hoot.

    ok lah if i'm in a group, maybe. At least tio hoot still got friends carry me to hospital.

  5. Anonymous11:45 pm

    haha ok Vin, gotcha.

    chilicraps... u scared of auntie and camera meh? haha =X

    -me and myself


Funny dad enjoying his travels. He rarely asks for photos to be taken of him and when he do, it's when he finds the view amazing.