Thursday, February 26, 2009


Watched Slumdog Millionaire a few days ago, and walked out of the theatre thinking about how great the movie was. Definitely was a 'feel-good' movie. The storyline was captivating, pictures beautiful, lines humourous and in whole, very entertaining. My favourite character was the small kid Jamal.

Go watch it.


This week is the mid-term break, which marks the last, last, last of the last school holidays of my entire life. On one hand I should really be cherishing it and enjoying it, but on the other, it doesn't feel like holidays cos I still go sch for FYP, and I still see my fellow course mates ard. Hahaha.

Ok anyway, I should REALLY REALLY be doing my FYP thesis report right now, but REALLY REALLY am not in the mood. Heck it lah. !@*&^$%!@

Shall announce something worth mentioning.

I'm going Vietnam + Bangkok in May!!!!

*dances around. =D

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bike 2 Bite

Finally!!! One of my dreams to be fulfilled during my University career... is to go NIGHT CYCLING!!!

Jio-ed Irritating Ivan and Jx along this event organised by NUSRovers Club. The theme is "Bike 2 Bite". Thus participants will cycle to famous supper places and enjoy food before taking off to the next destination. Sounds fun! Double love for me. I used to think Man's greatest invention no. 1 was the mobile phone, followed by the bicycle. LOL. Oops I digressed!

Our route:

It's happening Friday night. Hope to meet with good weather, good road conditions and good company and good food! What should I bring along?! Light stick, camera, water bottle... EXCITED EXCITED!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What the Q?

Didn't know queues can form at Pasar Malam stalls as well? Haha. I didn't know what they were queueing up to buy... will check it out when I pass by the area again! Must be good food! =D

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy birthday, JQ

Attended JQ's ''mega party cum reunion dinner" held at his place.

It was quite a big major event, with emails and reminder smses as soon as a month ago. Haha. JQ was a good host, providing plenty of board games, drinks and food.

And there were GAMES!!!

HAHAH! Turned out to be a very thrilling and fun game!!! 5 players are supposed to twirl in the string attached to the cow and the first cow to reach the red line wins (some prize money!!!) Many of us were thrilled and tickled by our antics and such.

Dinner was catered buffet dinner at the balcony. Nice nice!

Hope you had enjoyed yourself JQ! Thanks for organising! Cheers.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

NUS Career Fair

Am attending the annual career fair held at NUS tomorrow and on Friday.

Have heard many rumours about some of the companies... that they are only there simply to be present, not hiring. Yes, for example Credit Suisse and Chartered. They have retrenched people, why would they hire fresh graduates?

However I think the other side of the coin is because they need to retrench older/under-performing workers, while needing fresh grads who have the energy, drive and enthusiasm to pick up more skills (and lower pay).

On the other hand, a quick check on some companies' websites show that they have NIL vacancies or job openings. Does it represent anything?

But I'm still staying pretty optimistic. Good luck to all graduating students! :)

Sunday, February 08, 2009

sick bee

My bee has been ->

for weeks le. somehow her flu/fever cannot go away, despite taking medicine, sleeping alot.

She needs some professional help.

We all wish you'll get well real soon, bee!!! =D Jiayou!!!

Friday, February 06, 2009

fly away

What? I can dream what I can do with 10Million, can't I?

(HAI! WHY not me?)

PSP helps my mom lose weight

You guys know WII has games like Olympics, Tennis, Boxing, running etc, that helps players to exercise and keep fit?

I do not have a WII at home, but my mom certainly attains the same physical exercise when she plays PSP.


Wonder what game my mom plays?


Apparently my mom plays as though her drastic hand actions can make the balloon jump further; leg actions can help it jump higher. Damn funny. I must take down a video of her playing!


My MKT1003 lecturer claimed she had had 5 organs surgically removed from her abdomen. One of them is the appendix. I don't know what the other 4 are. :S

Thursday, February 05, 2009

TOTO $10 Million!



Closes Friday 9pm. GO NOW!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tuan Yuan Fan

Today marks the last episode of Tuan Yuan Fan (Reunion Dinner) on Channel 8.

I must say it's one of the best Channel 8 drama serials I've ever watched. It's very humorous and reflects the everyday perspectives and happenings around us.

I especially love the 3 children belonging to the Chen Han Wei and Mo Xiao Ling's family. VERY CUTE!!!

But my favourite character has to be....




Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...