Sunday, March 29, 2009


Just some updates about what's going on...

Recently got turned down by a company... rather disappointed I didn't do well for the written and reasoning test, but at least I had expected it. Will definitely try for it again next year! :)

On a brighter note - Submitted my FYP draft report a few days back... like FINALLY!!! As soon as I clicked 'Send', I could almost feeel a boulder rolling off my shoulders. PHEW!!! =D Feeling like the sun's never shone more brightly before. But I am anticipating comments from my supervisors, then would have to edit again bla bla blah...

Had a really great Saturday at Sentosa beach, where my frens and I formed a rojak team and participated in Captain's Ball for the Beach Fiesta organised by NUS FASS. The weather was brilliant, thankfully. Though out of 4 games, we lost 3 and won only 1 (albeit VS a sailormoon team lol!), we had LOTSA fun, no matter whether it was during the game, just talking while waiting for games, soaking in the seawater, catching frisbee, dancing on the hot sand, complaining how much we want to lose etc. HAHA. It was really fun. =) We decided that if we were to join again next year, MUST REMEMBER TO BRING SOCKS!! You won't love your socks much more than when they can protect you from the burning sand. Seriously, the sand was BURNINGG!!! T_T I can still feel the heat on my poor soles now.

Got another mod's term paper to submit next week... other than that, my days would be relaxed I hope! Want to play soccerrrrrr!!!

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