Monday, April 23, 2012

This is so wrong

I say this is astigmatic and misleading.

'Cos who the hell fixes up the shit you leave behind?

Mom working her magic

and what impelled me to taking more of these pics:

Source: Straits Times, on one particular Sunday in April 2012.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Soul wanna go back

It was sunny. As I walked towards the house, I felt both feet touching soft, green grass. I could hear the soft waddling of the waves. The house was spacious, roof with brownish red tiles. The sand was yellow. I could hear voices and cheers of bustling fun from a distance away. I was carrying two bags of luggage and the weight on my arms felt real.

Last night I dreamt we went for Work and Travel USA one more time.

Busy Roys and I shared one big house. Peculiar there are two to a house but the in the restroom sits several cubicles. After we checked in and placed our bags, we agreed unanimously to go shop for some groceries.

Into a supermarket we stepped, we grabbed a trolley each and dumped our favourite foodies in. Busy Roys picked a bottle of wine, lol. He says it's to go with dinner. We met many other Singaporeans in the supermarket, who were all busy shopping.

After we made our purchase, we chatted with another friend while strolling back to our house. And the air was cooling. The laughter was real. The gentle kiss of the sun on the skin, felt warm and radiant.

Only my soul gets all the fun and enjoyment :(

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Omgosh what are you doing here?!

"Hi, I'm Liz."

An assertive, confident feminine voice emerged from my blind-side right. As I turned around to return the greeting, we had eye contact and froze for a second.

My sec sch junior OMGOSH! Some 4, 5 years? It was incredibly fateful to meet her again after so long, and how she has changed! Now she is this confident lady receiving us at the office, communicating like a corporate professional. I wouldn't have put the old and new her together, they're so entirely different characters. To think that many years back, she was this paranoid young girl worrying about not being able to go JC? I was still sharing advice and guidance on JC and Uni... haha! So we had a good catching up, she told me about her Guangzhou internship and showed me her unbelievable view from Suntec City Level 26 that spans almost 360° (man, why do I not enjoy such views?!). Jaw dropping.

In the evening I was cycling home when I thought I bumped into another sec sch junior whom I have not seen in a year. So it turned out really to be her! HAHA, conclusion from both girls - WORK DOES EVOLVE PEOPLE. Donning a formal looking dark dress, long hair and heels, she seemed poised and ready, as compared to how I previously remember her as - the adolescent with a unique high pitched voice (oops if you're reading =X). Now, haven't you noticed you'll tend to converse in English when the person you're speaking to is dressed in formal attire? Kinda strange we were talking in English because all 8 years we've known each other, Mandarin was the tool, lol. So she has also been working for quite awhile, and we're not so different afterall, both busy, underpaid and overworked beings trying to survive in the societal rat race.

Bizarre occurences of bumping into two juniors I haven't been in contact with for awhile, on the same day. More interesting is how and what a few years and work can make the difference in a person's enrichment. It is heartening to know they're doing very very fine. =)

Here's them back in 2003. You wouldn't recognise them now haha!

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Do you believe in coincidences?

Example 1 (One fine Wednesday in Jan 2012):

Dreamt vividly of 4 numbers. As soon as I woke up, in worry of forgetting them, I kept saying the numbers out loud for 15 mins. Told myself I'll ask my mom to buy but busy at work and slipped my mind... on the same day, it came out as 4D Starter prize 跳字.

Example 2 (approximately two Sundays ago):

Vehicle that has been extraordinarily out of action (under repair) for 500+ days finally made its way out of workshop. Vehicle number kena 4D 1st prize AND 3rd prize 跳字 (same draw!)!!

Example 3 (Today):

Was this close (only 1 metre away, no kidding)  from a touch-and-go incident. It occured in a blink of an eye, so quick so loud, I swear the room trembled and literally crumbled abit. I escaped unscathed.

1st prize 跳字.



Editor's note: Hmm... looks like it's getting stronger and closer each time... and increasingly life-threatening. lol.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Awesome weekend

Been a really long while since I enjoyed such a fantastic weekend break.

It started at 6.15pm on Friday evening, TGIF yeah! Caught Yawn of the Titans. The plot was poor, the acting was lacklustre. Only the graphics saved it from hitting rock-bottom (like Yawn Carter, WTH! It was a tortureee). Spoilers here so skip the couple of paras below if you are intending to watch Yawn too.

Like seriously?? Hades was the sinister mastermind who got everyone into the big catastrophic mess, but after he realised his muddleness and insanity and turned over a new leaf, transferred his powers to Zeus but whom he framed at the start, and still got lauded as a hero anyway!?

And c'mon, Perseus ain't any hero. He just happened to own a good stead that so fatefully happened to be the only mythical one that could fly, and all he did was to navigate and throw the spear down the demon's throat. Catastrophic averted - down to ground he trotted looking all weary and drained, the commoners worship him, the Queen kisses him. DUH.

Oh ok back to my weekend - so I decided to skip routine Sat morning football and sleep in. Had a full 11 hours of sleep, finally rolling off my bed feeling so omgrefreshed and rejuvenated! Flipped through the papers, jalan at Tampines central with old chang kee chicken wing in hand, came back and still spent some time clearing and replying some work emails before heading over to

LOL. The pic is like how apt.
Pierro Cabarnet Sauvignon Merlot, 2006.
A patrolling Whiskie.
Jumbu turned dragonfruit.
Peppermint tea.
Think on your feet questions. (twice in a week already! The first one was at work - from Roads Chairman, "What are your top 3 challenges?" Jaw-drop  :O. Haha. But good training heh heh.)

Sunday was also a relaxing day, the sun was shining high and the sky was blue. Quite awesome to walk out and immerse yourself under the weather for awhile. But not for too long haha. Took shelter in an aircon room and seriously, thank god for xinmsn catch-up tv! Caught Noose and last episode of the Rui En police show. Satisfied my prata craving during dinner.

Awesome weekend - didn't achieve much, simply relaxed the body and mind. Didn't have much work to think about, which I'm grateful for. =)

The only down was that Arsenal lost. Bummerrr.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...