Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Do you believe in coincidences?

Example 1 (One fine Wednesday in Jan 2012):

Dreamt vividly of 4 numbers. As soon as I woke up, in worry of forgetting them, I kept saying the numbers out loud for 15 mins. Told myself I'll ask my mom to buy but busy at work and slipped my mind... on the same day, it came out as 4D Starter prize 跳字.

Example 2 (approximately two Sundays ago):

Vehicle that has been extraordinarily out of action (under repair) for 500+ days finally made its way out of workshop. Vehicle number kena 4D 1st prize AND 3rd prize 跳字 (same draw!)!!

Example 3 (Today):

Was this close (only 1 metre away, no kidding)  from a touch-and-go incident. It occured in a blink of an eye, so quick so loud, I swear the room trembled and literally crumbled abit. I escaped unscathed.

1st prize 跳字.



Editor's note: Hmm... looks like it's getting stronger and closer each time... and increasingly life-threatening. lol.

1 comment:

  1. Nikki Lam11:18 pm

    wahhhh!! so qiao!!! pity you remembered the numbers but forgot to ask your mom to buy.

    BE CAREFUL ah you. the editor's note is funny lol!


Sisters 💞