Friday, November 17, 2023

COVID-19 Resilience Medal

Pleasantly surprised to receive the COVID-19 Resilience Medal along with many colleagues and several airport counterparts such as SATS, Smartcarte and union groups. 

A short video was put together to celebrate how far we have progressed (air traffic now almost 90% of pre-COVID), it highlighted the support and teamwork from the airport community, and lastly served a stark reminder that those dark gloomy days were not so distant behind. But together, we braved the storm and eventually emerged victorious, united, and more resilient. 

It may have been just 3 years ago but I struggled to recall what I was involved in to deserve this medal... After watching above mentioned video and chatting with a few awardees did I recount these:

- During the initial outbreak and before Circuit Breaker: Oversight of ground ops, count of pax and medical workers within transit area. While not on ground, was in OCC collating ground info and providing live sitrep.

- Volunteered to be member of Aviation Cares, a ground-up community within the organisation to provide support for essential workers on the ground. The group gathered freebies from brands, packed them into goodie bags and distributed to several hundreds of them. 

- During CB, I also volunteered my service to buy and deliver groceries to elderly neighbours who had low immunity and/or required movement assistance. 

- When vaccinations were invented: oversight of T4 vaccination ops, counting and recording numbers and providing ground intel.

Finall, to leaders and unsung heroes from the fellow airport community, here's to clear blue skies for many more decades to come. 💪

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