Wednesday, November 01, 2023

November = Novation???

What a terribly hectic week it is, felt like I've done so much already whereas it's only Tuesday?! Still, if all things progress smooth and well, we will see ourselves exit the tunnel by end of the week! Every action every email counts towards a step towards that direction. Go go go!!! 💪

Update 6 November: 

It's done. It's signed. The dust has settled. We've emerged from the tunnel. We've come to the end of an chapter, and the beginning of another. It's an achievement whose idea I admit I sniggered at, when it was suggested a few months back. It hasn't been done before in the organization, and now it has. It's a landmark, it's a precedence, it's been a helluva ride. Immensely proud to see our efforts come to fruition eventually after how much the team pushed for it to happen. We bashed, pushed, nudged, probed, debated, pestered and negotiated. Sought approvals, went through processes and drafted legal agreements no one in the organisation has ever done before. And WE FREAKING DID IT. Levelled up gao gao this one. 

Perhaps should buy 4D.

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