Friday, February 29, 2008

tao hua duo duo kai

I uploaded this for you guys to watch and fall down while laughing.

My category of 'stupidly funny' humour. Hhaha.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Air steward/stewardess

SIA was one of the companies at the NUS career fair that day, and they were recruiting flight stewardess/stewards.

Check out the requirements and benefits.

- Singapore or Malaysian citizenship
- Females who are at least 1.58m; Males who are at least 1.65m in height.
- Completed, are exempted from, or are not liable for National Service. Those in the processs of completing NS may also apply.

Preference will be given to candidates who are able to speak foreign languages or are experienced in customer service.

Remuneration & Service Benefits:
- Basic salary and various allowances amounting to $3500 a month!
- Free travel to any SIA destination once a year and enjoy discounted travel at other times!


Hmmm... seems like a good job to take! But wonder why it's not a route many will take... you guys know why?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Recent and random updates

Okay finally the irritating music is down hahaha.

Today is 22th February 2008.

Lol. Nothing important about the date la.

Today was my off day from school but still I returned because the annual NUS career fair was being held! Tipsters whom had gone yesterday alerted me that formal wear wasn't required, so I went in smart casual.

Met up with Irritating Ivan. When we entered the hall, my word! Was the whole hall filled with booths and people! The event which took up 2 storeys, had companies like *heaves in a deep breath* Keppel, Siemens, AIA, CISCO, CAAS, SIA, Prisons, HDB, National Heritage Board, DSTA, Caterpillar, Emerson, Bombardier, Sembcorp, AXA, British American Tabacco, Raffles Girls, AMD *pants* and many many much more! It took me about 2 hours to walk through all the booths, stop by here and there for some freebies, asking about internship and career opportunities.

It was an eye-opener to learn that there are so many job opportunities out there which everyone has chances to excel in, be it financial, engineering, communications, human resource etc etc. I'm glad that almost every company needs engineers, however have heard that life sciences and bioengineering have difficulty looking for suitable jobs? Not quite sure about that...

Anyways, my blog isn't about serious stuffs. Serious stuffs bore people out man!

At the AMD booth... they have a competition which gives out a AMD card worth at least $300! As far as the competition is concerned, basically, it's nothing more than...


Complete with a steering wheel and 2 foot pedals. I liked the function of the red button on the steering wheel - the NOS! aka turbo!!! You guys watched The Fast and the Furious right...

Anyways, being the racing game fanatic and self proclaimed genius at racing games, I absolutely gave it a try! At my first attempt, I drove like a woman.

OKAY OKAY PEACE! Was kidding about that! I drove like a noob cos I wasn't used to the sensitivity and kept banging into walls. My 2nd attempt was much better.

Ok after 2 hours of walking around, I went back to retry because I believed I could win it. Was only ONE second behind the best time of 44.40secs! But when we returned...

gua gua gua gua....

Best time was broken, and currently stood at 41.40secs. SIAO BO! I attempted another 4 times but couldn't come anywhere close. :( Very disappointed! I would have gone for another 10 tries if not for the overwhelming people behind me also eager to try. HAHAHA!


Later in the afternoon back in good old Tampines, Bee and me ate 2 very nice crispy tender chicken wings each. Out of point.

We met the cutey kitty which always hung out that area.

This was the kitty some 1 year ago.


LOL. When I sat down, it leaped onto my lap and sat on my golden thighs. Hahaha so cute! But when I tried to bring it off my lap a few times, it deterred me by waving her claws at my hands. -_-

The kitty always kinds of recognises me when I call it. It'd look over keenly, then trot near to me and roll on the floor playfully. HAHAHA.

ANYWAYS! Hereby, the same kitty today.

Looking very much older and fatter. But still cute!

Bee approached her with a packet of Whiskas, the kitty immediately jumped up and was soooo eager to open it herself! HAHA! It kept meowing and fixed her eyes on that tempting 'Chicken and Tuna' flavoured pack. Bee asked why kitty interestingly licked up all the sauce before feasting on the luncheon-meat looking meat bits. I joked the kitty was having western meal, soup before main course! (You can start laughing now) The kitty ate about 3/4 of everything before hopping down from the seat and licking itself clean. It didn't appear to be very grateful to us. Hmmmm.

Oh oh oh! My mom has been saying we'll keep a dog in our new house. I want something cute like a Maltese or a Shihtzu!


Norwich terrier.

A Pomenerian!


But my mom wants something easier to manage, u know, the problem with dog hair.

She'd prefer a similar kind of that below...


Ooops. I mean,

Hmmm. Apparently my dad doesn't like the idea of having a dog at home. We'll see about that.


Some interesting things.

"So he killed your dad."

Is that considered a pass? Painstakingly tied a knot from a cherry tip using only my tongue.

Finally, SIN!!! From HongKong Cafe, french toast with condensed milk and butter. Heavenly! Highly recommended.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Concerned with Mr Concerned!

Am recently very disturbed with Mr. Template.

Mr Template, just for those who haven't heard of him yet, is my lecturer whom always never fails to use each of the following phrases, more than 50 times per hour.

1) "As far as ... is concerned, ...."
2) "'s nothing more than..."
3) "I'm going to..."

I tell you, it's damn irritating leh!!!!! SUPER irritating! And he uses them even off context!

Just 2 days ago he gave us a break, but he suddenly broke the silence with, "As far as the trip to the wind tunnel is concerned, ..."

OMFG I almost couldn't control my laughter. It's so freaking hilariously absurd the sentences he uses them with.

So I've decided to nickname him Mr Concerned from today onwards.

Ok lah, to be fair, he is quite a good lecturer. Because he is very, very concerned. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year 2008

Another Chinese New Year went by, it's the year of the Mouse/Rat/Rodent/Mickey, whatever you wanna call it! Means I'm *sob sob* 12x2 = 24 years old this year. T_T Can I say I'm still in my early 20s. *sob sob*

Just like every year, my family went back to Johor for the Chinese New Year annual gathering with all the other relatives!

Just like every year, we took shots like the below:

I'll do a yearly analysis on these pics soon when I have the time wahahaha.

Me trying to lift off, take 1.

Take 2.

The following are some mid-air fighting combo shots!!! I like them very much.

HAHAHA. Interesting signboard on the roadside. I know 999/1000 of you wouldn't know what it means!!!

ABC 'D' Sini = Ice Kachang sold here.

ABC means Ice Kachang (for what reason, I don't know), 'D' is a short form for 'di' for 'here', and 'sini' means here.

We took a visit to my uncle's Dragonfruit plantation! You can't see the fruits yet cos the flowers ain't out.

We also had a dinner at a restaurant, 2 tables at RM478 each. Take a look at the wonderful food!

Includes: Pi Pa duck, steamed fish, braised chicken with sea cucumber, Yu Sheng, brocolli with shells, Braised Pork. (Okay, you need to know they taste much better than what their name suggests.)

Finally, reunion pictures. Actually half of the whole family aren't present. First up, the elder generation.

And, the younger ones!

The white T shirt I'm wearing is the only CNY clothing I got for myself. -_- How sad.


Haiz, I only see my cousins once a year, how sad! So envious of my friends who can see their cousins whenever they want to. But nevertheless, time spent with them are always fun-filled and enjoyable. Hoping to see them again very soon! =)

Some views of my hometown which I'd miss very much.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I wanna be the first to wish you guys a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!! May all happiness, prosperity, progress, health and wealth and good fortune be with me, and you all can take the rest!!! ^_^ YAY!!!


On another note, I saw this in the lift just now. -_-

How terrible.

I'm thinking what exactly happened.


Will be spending the next few days at my hometown. Eager to smell that nostalgical air, see the luscious palm trees, taste the tasty authentic noodles and nasi lemak, experience the fire crackers and fireworks in the night sky at midnight, with my lovely fun-filled cousins, accompanied by golden cookies and fantastic yellow-skinned kampong chicken. I hope time won't pass by too quickly, I only have this chance once a year. :( I know I'll enjoy this Chinese New Year very much just like every year!!!

Once again, MERRY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! ^_________^

Friday, February 01, 2008

Dental Check-up!

Today is my Friday No.2!!!!!!

Yesterday was my Friday No.1. WAKAKA. Simply to say, Fridays are my off days. My this semester is so slack, I have little to do. Maybe that's because we haven't started on our design project. Hmm. But am looking fwd to the fabrication!

Anyways, on this Friday 2, I went for a dental check up!

I don't go for check ups every 6 months like everyone recommends, it has been a year plus since I last went for one.

Everything was fine as usual, except for something somewhere in that area circled in yellow. The dentist took an X-Ray of it (that would be $15 thank you) and showed it to me.

(oops, upon reading it, I realised it shld have been my right side, instead of the left)




It was something like that, with the one perpendicular being my wisdom tooth.

The nice dentist explained to me that food particles might get stuck in between the wisdom tooth and the back tooth, and it would be good for me to extract it out. YEEEEKS. I'm afraid of pain!

That also explained why I have tooth ache in that particular area for a few days, then it goes off for many weeks. But it has been going on like this for years already, so I decided to leave it there for the time being. =) It may be my lucky tooth!

Now, be good and stay there, I'll take good care of you. =)

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...