Friday, February 15, 2008

Concerned with Mr Concerned!

Am recently very disturbed with Mr. Template.

Mr Template, just for those who haven't heard of him yet, is my lecturer whom always never fails to use each of the following phrases, more than 50 times per hour.

1) "As far as ... is concerned, ...."
2) "'s nothing more than..."
3) "I'm going to..."

I tell you, it's damn irritating leh!!!!! SUPER irritating! And he uses them even off context!

Just 2 days ago he gave us a break, but he suddenly broke the silence with, "As far as the trip to the wind tunnel is concerned, ..."

OMFG I almost couldn't control my laughter. It's so freaking hilariously absurd the sentences he uses them with.

So I've decided to nickname him Mr Concerned from today onwards.

Ok lah, to be fair, he is quite a good lecturer. Because he is very, very concerned. :)


  1. I'm going to give you a break. As far as the break is concerned, it's nothing more than 10 minutes.

  2. hahaha super funny! u used all the 3 phrases!!!


Sisters 💞