Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Monday, September 29, 2008

F1 accident

We all witnessed the first ever night race in F1 history, proudly hosted by Singapore. :) CHEERS TO SINGAPORE!!!


We all witnessed how Massa drove away with the fuel line still intact...


And a couple of accidents as well, for example shown in the horrifying image below...


Friday, September 26, 2008

bunny again...

Before this post, Kim Hai commented that my high score of just over a million was "insane".

Haha. But Busy Roys' was over 3 million!!!

Don't believe it?! Evidence is shown below:

AND THE NEW HIGH SCORE BELONGS TO ME AND MYSELF. =D. I think now it's obscenely insane.

Lousy picture quality cos I played this on Roy's Mac lappie... couldn't capture a screen shot cos I didn't know how to operate a Mac! Then Roy was too furious to teach me cos I broke his high score...

Now, to emulate my new high score onto Kelly...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

MKT project - VS!

While I can't wait for the weekend to come, I do not wish for it to come so quickly. It's my holidays now!!! But due to the loads of work to be done, it doesn't feel so. :( Out of my 4 years, this recess week is the only one which I have to do sch work! Crap.

Oh, why am I looking forward to the weekend?! Because I'd be going up Mersing with my WAT buddies for a 2D1N stay on a kelong! Hehe.. hope it'd be damn fun! Activities we can do there include fishing, karaoke, mahjong, beach activities, watch sunset+rise etc... it'd be my second time on a kelong and I enjoyed my first stay, so I have high expectations for this weekend! I feel it's pretty nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, and relax your mind and body. :)

Find out more at http://www.kelongfishing.com/.


Oh. I have SOOOO many assignments and projects cramming up in the 2nd half of the sem:
1) ME4105 - 50% grp project + 50% individual project
2) MKT1003 - 10% grp project + 10% individual assignment
3) GEO3880A - 8% group project presentation + 16% individual report (1000 words)
4) FYP - no comments.

HAHAHHAA. For the Marketing grp project, each grp has to do a case study of a company. Our tutor has given us the topic on Victoria Secrets PINK. =X It seems pretty weird to be surfing the website dedicated for teenage females. =X

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

bunny again

Ok I'm being repetitive here.

But it was so exciting my heart almost popped out from my throat! Why isn't anyone playing this!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Nobody seems to be interested in playing the bunny game. FINE!!!

Anyway, pretty outdated pics.


Teacher's Day gift from my Pri 5 boy.

He wrote, "Dear Eric, Happy Teacher's Day! - by mudkip n kaiwei organization", followed by their signatures.

Kaiwei is his name, while mudkip is the name of his favourite Pokemon. -_- He likes it sooooo much, he carries his keychain mudkip ard his house all the time. And he talks to it. -__________________-

Though Kaiwei is very playful, I find him quite a cute boy. haha. He likes to talk and sing nonsense in the midst of lessons. LOL. Children are cute! (When they're not yours.)

By the way, the note book isn't really a gift from him. His mom bought it. HAHAHA.

Monday, September 22, 2008

For the bored and patient


You play the rabbit. Objective is to jump onto bells and go as high as you can.

My score's pretty difficult to achieve, try coming close. :P

For the record, Busy Roys' record is more than 2 million.


Have you heard of who Bosco is?

When I first heard of his name, I thought he was a clown.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cutsie things

Busy Roy's sister is selling some cute shiny diamondy stuffs on her blog site http://bluelagoonshop.blogspot.com/2008/09/new-necklaces.html - it's still in process of revamping, but you can contact her if you want anything! :)

A sample of her pretties. NICE?? It's an angel with pretty wings! You can choose the wings to be of any colour in the picture above. :)

I think they're very sweet and pretty, ideal for your loved ones! She's selling one at $10 and 2 for $16. :)


Happy mid term holidays to the Uni undergrads! Just some historical news, especially for the freshies... did you all know that in the past (a couple of years before) the holidays was only 4 days? meaning that all of us had to return to school on Friday. -_- Haha, but an efficient NUSSU helped all of us appeal and thereafter you guys got to enjoy 1 whole week ok! hahaha.

During the holidays, I hope to accomplish:
1) Catch up with MKT1003
2) Do more for FYP - you guys got any idea how to simulate human skin? in terms of absorption?
3) Exercise abit more
4) Get started on projects!! many to do!

Oh today was our first kickboxing lesson at Tampines Central CC. Together wif Busy Roys. Err... it was pretty fun, but I found it not very strenous... maybe cos it's still the first lesson! But the static abdominal exercises were crazy. :S

Hmm guess you guys would be pretty bored now, else u wouldn't be at this page. haha. Try these games! Easy to load and cute and fun~


Happy holidays!!! :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I love NUS bazaars~

Yes, as the title says, I absolutely adore bazaars in NUS grounds - be it mini or grand, electrical or cosmetic, I always am quite hyped up when I see stalls set up!

I like bazaars because:
1) many items to window shop!
2) if items are pretty, I buy for my beebee! then she happi like bird!
3) can always get a thumbdrive/mouse/printer cartridge if I need one!
4) walk until hungry liao can just walk over to get a Defu otak/yoghurt/hotdog!

Last but not least,
5) can meet many frens! :]

Anyways, I was at the bazaar downstairs of the central library today. It was around 1.30pm, wasn't as crowded as I expected it to be... but there was still a considerable number of people browsing ard! In the background were two student-emcees trying to hype up the atmosphere, advertising this and that etc... Then I heard something like got free goodie bag with many many things inside, simply just hop over to the booth and answer a simple question!

It got me excited (ok, free gift -_-) however what deterred me from going over was that nobody seemed to care! SO WEIRD!!! O_O

Funnier thing was that after 10 mins and 3 similar announcements later, NOBODY responded!

Upon analysing that:
1) not many ppl were there to witness me lao kui,
2) in year 4 liao, no much time to lao kui anyways,

I went to try lor!

I sensed that the emcees were very relieved that someone finally responded. HAHA. So I was asked, "Name 4 sponsorship companies for today's event?"

*Thunder clap*


Very frankful, I replied, "No idea" into the microphone. HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!

I think the emcee was very taken aback. HAHAHA!!!

Then he said, "okkkkkayyyyy, let's play taboo..." (what's taboo?) The four companies are namely:

1) Energy drink brand company

Ans: In my mind was Lucozade, seriously. But I guessed Redbull cos it seemed to have a bigger market rite? And haven't seen Lucozade around for some time...

2) A booth I (the emcee) just mentioned

Ans: Runway

3) Magazine who are giving out free copies today to everyone

Ans: Teenage

4) What entertainment company with cheesy stories something something...

Ans: I seriously had no idea, the emcee whispered "Mediacorp" to me.

Congratulations, they announced and handed the goodie bag to me.

I quickly took off.

Later, in my own lil' corner...

There were indeed many goodies inside the goodie bag!

But the bag very girl girl la... give beebee! heh heh.

More goodies included a National Treasure keychain+poker cards+number lock, a Gromit softie, a XL tee-shirt (which I have NO IDEA what to do with it) and I value the below item the most -

SUI BO!!!!

A JJ Lin notebook with his autograph!!!!!

The interior:


Although I'm not a huge fan of him, it's the first time I have something so valuable in my possession lol. I asked beebee if she wanted it, else I'd have given it to Jammed Joycie. HAHAHA. Joycie, if you're reading this... Jealous?!?!?
neh ni neh ni poo poo...


Finally, some updates about my life!

Have been doing quite alright, but busy recently cos procrastinated too much and slowly catching up with school.

1) MKT1003 is interesting but rather heavy workload. Doing individual assignments, group project coming up.

2) ME4105 - 50% group project + 50% individual project by end of next month!

3) GEO3880A - nothing much to do except to attend lectures

4) FYP - lost.

Monday, September 15, 2008


There is a particular brand of electronics company known as HORIBA.

When I first got to know of it, I LOL-ed.

It's just like, say, a fast-food restaurant named FORMIT.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Sai Kang Warrior

As all of you should have known, I am doing my Final Year Project (FYP). I collaborate alot with a PHD student. We have weekly meetings, discussion through msns, etc. However we hardly use sms because his response to my msgs are either slow or none.

Yesterday night I received a sms from him. The time was near midnight. I wondered what could the matter be?! Expecting a msg regarding my fyp, it was not.

It said,

"Hi. We need you to come to lab tomorrow for spring cleaning."

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

a solo piece - A whole new world

Simply stunningly amazingly unbelievably AWESOME.

I so wanna go KTV with someone like him lol!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Food Chase 08!

AHAHAHA! Today, Jx and me are going to take part in Food Chase 08, organised by Downtown East. Here's the same event last year, only that Busy Roys was my partner.

We were in Group 1!!! 1 for number 1!!!

The rules were same as last year's. Jx and I were put into the 4pm time slot. We headed there earlier to recce, and brainstorm for the foods available. We would like to see as well where the road block is, because it would definitely save us alot of time on searching for the place later! And fortunately we did that! Upon observing the contestants for the 2pm time slot, Cos the venue and activity was different from last year's. This time, contestants need to locate nEBO city (it's inside E!Hub) and then do Charades, i.e. one person can use only actions for the other to guess a word.

And by the way while walking ard, I noticed a familar face... it belonged to last year's champion! She was also doing the same as us with her partner... neh neh...

After preparing ourselves, going to the washroom, warming up etc... Soon it was our turn... after the game master had briefed all 20 teams on the rules and regulations, I pulled Jx and our marshall nearer towards the food court direction, because that's why most of the food can be found!

"And the first item is....... WAFFLE!"

Within half a second, I was sprinting towards the waffle shop. Experience counts alot! HENG we did recce ar! There was only a shop selling it!!! Fortunately my quick thinking and equally quick feet brought me there first amongst all the rest of the teams!

"Auntie, WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE! plain and smallest!!" I was screaming to get our first item going. Our next dish had to start with 'E' ... due to our 'revision' of food items earlier on, we knew it had to be 'Egg'.

AHA! Egg could be found at the next stall!!! So lucky! The auntie at the next stall had already learnt from the competition held at 2pm that we'd be in dire need to chiong, so she quickly gave us an egg and off we entered the food court for the third item.

The food item revision helped alot, next up we ate 'Green bean soup'! And next, 'Peanut', then 'Toasted Bread'.

After the 5th dish all teams need to race back to the foyer to get a clue of the location of road block. nEBO city! Sama sama! We raced there as quickly as we could, I still had toasted bread in my mouth -_- I was screaming "EXCUSE ME!!!" at the escalator hoggers while chewing. Finally reaching the 4th floor (during the recce we even practised which turns to take and where to enter and exit the building, whether to take stairs or lift etc), we were shocked to see a person already seated at the location!

He is the partner of last year's champion! But the champion girl was nowhere to be seen! Hence I asked the station master to let us go first, because both of us had reached! AND YES! We went first!

I sat down while Jx would do the actioning for me to guess. I took the chance to catch my breath. From my view, I tell you what Jx was gesturing.

I was guessing like "construction!" and "roof!" but the correct answer was "tent", and our 11th year of friendship helped us get thro it in less than 10 seconds.

Upon completion of the road block, we would get the name of the last item... ICE CREAM!!! Same as what we got for last year!!! Immediately we knew the 9th dish had to be 'nasi briyani'. We raced back to the food court, confident because we knew we were leading.

Our 5th dish was 'toasted bread' rite? So the 6th had to begin with 'D' - dao suan. (stress again - revision helped alot)

ALAS. Ditto as last year, we faced the problem of how to connect from (6)dao suan to (7)something to (8)something to (9)nasi briyani. Recall that we must complete a minimum of 10 items, but could be more. We were literally stuck for ideas as we paced around in the food court and I noticed the champion team were there as well! ARGH!!!

Fortunately I managed to think of the link 7) Noodle -> (8) Eggplant -> (9) Tempura -> (10) Almond longan -> (11)Nasi briyani then finally to ice cream. Too long winded la, but it was quite the only choice available to us given the time constraints. We raced crazily inside the food court to complete the items while gobbling the food and urging the marshall to keep up LOL!

Finally we had to find the last item 'ice cream' and we knew exactly where to find it - macdonalds, which happened to be near the finishing point. While running over there I realised the champion team had already won... GAH!!! But anyway we hurriedly devoured the ice cream to finish 2nd!!! ^_^

We took a total of about 20mins. WELL DONE TO BOTH OF US!!! ^_^ And credit to the marshall as well, who had tried his best to keep up with us!

For finishing as 2nd in the competition, we were given the below as prizes:

2 Cadbury goodie bags (with lots of choc and sweets and a lion pencil case), 2 tickets to both wild wild wet and escape theme park, 2x$5 World of Sports vouchers, and $300 cash. Very notably missing as compared to last year's were a free 3D2N chalet stay and a DeCard membership which would entitle us to unlimited free entry to wild wild wet and escape theme park. Nevertheless, we were very happy with our performance, and the prize money of course. :)


After the whole event, Jx left to attend a wedding dinner while I decided to enter Escape since I was already there, plus my DeCard from last year was still valid.

The park was so disappointing... it was a SUNDAY, but the guests were so few. On top of poor atmosphere, many rides were closed eg the roller coaster and some others. I didn't even have to queue to ride. The only ride with actually a decent queue was the go-karts, as usual.

As I ventured around the park... OMG to my utmost surprise this ride was open!!!

The INVERTER!!! It's actually my first time inside the park that it's operational!! HAHAHA!!! Hence I went to ride on it!!!

Err... the thrill and excitement was alright la... but it did remind me of the Berserker back at Kings Dominion. :)

Look at the size and height difference! They give you a x10 scare factor as compared to the inverter. I was literally clinging on for my dear life when it hangs at the top.

I rate Berserker the 2nd most frightening ride in my life!!


I spent the night at home wanting to study, but napping and tv and ps2 occupied everything. BAH!!!

I'm lagging in my studies. Time to buck up, stupid Me and Myself!!!


Have I announced to the whole world, that Me and Myself will most probably be a part of the world's FIRST ever f1 night race! =P

Saturday, September 06, 2008

my ME clique gathering

Us, in year 2...


Us, year 3...


Now, all of us are in Year 4! T_T *sob sob*

How time flies... we took for granted the 5 times a week 'hi!' and 'bye!' in lectures and frequent meals in the Engin canteen. Gradually the modules we take are differing from one another and so now we hardly can meet up... However our frenship still remains strong. And fortunately Friday lunch meal times are the same for all of us! :)

Ms Yeeeee was very generous to invite us over to her place again for lunch. :) Today, the menu is... ''minced beef with pasta sauce and beans".

Appetizer was prawns in pineapple gravy/sauce/fluid.

We remembered to take group pictures this time round :)

Above: Fab commented that Jx machaim like Sedi....yah! Hahaha. That's because he and Tata were both tip-toeing. -_-

WAHAHA. 2 years later, still as playful. :)

Ok, from the pic above, lemme try to decipher what all of us were trying to do.

Top row, left to right: Me and Myself - trying to bash up tut-tut de Titus; Jx - strangling him as well; Tata - lost; Frankenstein Fab - acting like a fortune cat;

Bottom row, left to right: Irritating Ivan - no. 4? I guess he means we're in year 4; Tut tut de Titus - giggling like nobody's business; Ms Yeeee - erm... straining to hear the click of the camera?

Hahaha. I'll sure miss this bunch of stupid friends. :) But we've all got a year left to go. Let's just cherish the time together and have lotsa fun!


After lunch we all walked to the pull up bars near Raffles Hall for some exercise. Please remind Me and Myself to start training for IPPT!

Thursday, September 04, 2008


Caught Wall-E on earth yesterday.

It is SUPER DUPER HYPER adorable!!! I was very impressed at how a robot, a supposedly lifeless mechanical set-up can be animated till so human-like, both movements and emotions wise. For example, it could 'feel' embarrassed and subsequently 'act' so. So realistically done... It's superb! And graphics are fantastic!

Strongly encourage all movie lovers to catch this movie... I always liked Pixar movies... fell in love with them the first time I watched Monsters Inc. :)


On a side note, after watching the movie, it really conjured up my comments. I felt the movie, whether intended or not, actually made a good attempt at depicting some of Earthlings' problems as a result of our lifestyle in today's world of technological advance.

Namely a few:

1) The Earthlings in Aixom spent their entire lives slouching in their robotic chairs and were so rotund and fat and cared nothing for their figures , they even had forgotten their legs were meant for walking! That just disturbingly resembled the increasing number of obese people in countries especially like USA and America. =X

2) Remember a lady said, "I don't know we had a swimming pool!" Haha, to me I felt that the movie was trying to express our over indulgence in technological gadgets and gizmos. Yeah, alot of times we spend too much time on iPods, PSPs, mobile phones and Internet etc, so much so that we had forgotten to take a step back and appreciate the surroundings. Sometimes we should just take a break from everything and we'll realise what are the really important things in our lives... i.e. our family, loved ones, our friends, the beautiful nature, blue sky... C'mon everybody, let's just not stress ourselves out from the quickening pace of life; life is not all about earning money. We all live only once! Start organising a gathering for your family or friends now! :)

3) In the show, the Captain could not overwrite the Auto-Pilot's commands. Also, the Earthlings simply adhered orders from their robotic chairs, waking up is waking up and when sleeping time is reached, they had to return to their rooms. HOW SAD!!! I feel that in today's age when we rely alot on technology to help us in everything, we have to be mindful not to in turn be controlled by technology! For example, we should not allow computers or machines manipulate our lives. Don't ever feel handicapped just because you don't have your Nokia with you, or your Internet is just down for a day!

Yup, my one pence worth of after-thoughts. :) OKAY GO CATCH THAT MOVIE NOW!!!


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...