Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Nobody seems to be interested in playing the bunny game. FINE!!!

Anyway, pretty outdated pics.


Teacher's Day gift from my Pri 5 boy.

He wrote, "Dear Eric, Happy Teacher's Day! - by mudkip n kaiwei organization", followed by their signatures.

Kaiwei is his name, while mudkip is the name of his favourite Pokemon. -_- He likes it sooooo much, he carries his keychain mudkip ard his house all the time. And he talks to it. -__________________-

Though Kaiwei is very playful, I find him quite a cute boy. haha. He likes to talk and sing nonsense in the midst of lessons. LOL. Children are cute! (When they're not yours.)

By the way, the note book isn't really a gift from him. His mom bought it. HAHAHA.

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