Monday, September 08, 2008

Food Chase 08!

AHAHAHA! Today, Jx and me are going to take part in Food Chase 08, organised by Downtown East. Here's the same event last year, only that Busy Roys was my partner.

We were in Group 1!!! 1 for number 1!!!

The rules were same as last year's. Jx and I were put into the 4pm time slot. We headed there earlier to recce, and brainstorm for the foods available. We would like to see as well where the road block is, because it would definitely save us alot of time on searching for the place later! And fortunately we did that! Upon observing the contestants for the 2pm time slot, Cos the venue and activity was different from last year's. This time, contestants need to locate nEBO city (it's inside E!Hub) and then do Charades, i.e. one person can use only actions for the other to guess a word.

And by the way while walking ard, I noticed a familar face... it belonged to last year's champion! She was also doing the same as us with her partner... neh neh...

After preparing ourselves, going to the washroom, warming up etc... Soon it was our turn... after the game master had briefed all 20 teams on the rules and regulations, I pulled Jx and our marshall nearer towards the food court direction, because that's why most of the food can be found!

"And the first item is....... WAFFLE!"

Within half a second, I was sprinting towards the waffle shop. Experience counts alot! HENG we did recce ar! There was only a shop selling it!!! Fortunately my quick thinking and equally quick feet brought me there first amongst all the rest of the teams!

"Auntie, WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE WAFFLE! plain and smallest!!" I was screaming to get our first item going. Our next dish had to start with 'E' ... due to our 'revision' of food items earlier on, we knew it had to be 'Egg'.

AHA! Egg could be found at the next stall!!! So lucky! The auntie at the next stall had already learnt from the competition held at 2pm that we'd be in dire need to chiong, so she quickly gave us an egg and off we entered the food court for the third item.

The food item revision helped alot, next up we ate 'Green bean soup'! And next, 'Peanut', then 'Toasted Bread'.

After the 5th dish all teams need to race back to the foyer to get a clue of the location of road block. nEBO city! Sama sama! We raced there as quickly as we could, I still had toasted bread in my mouth -_- I was screaming "EXCUSE ME!!!" at the escalator hoggers while chewing. Finally reaching the 4th floor (during the recce we even practised which turns to take and where to enter and exit the building, whether to take stairs or lift etc), we were shocked to see a person already seated at the location!

He is the partner of last year's champion! But the champion girl was nowhere to be seen! Hence I asked the station master to let us go first, because both of us had reached! AND YES! We went first!

I sat down while Jx would do the actioning for me to guess. I took the chance to catch my breath. From my view, I tell you what Jx was gesturing.

I was guessing like "construction!" and "roof!" but the correct answer was "tent", and our 11th year of friendship helped us get thro it in less than 10 seconds.

Upon completion of the road block, we would get the name of the last item... ICE CREAM!!! Same as what we got for last year!!! Immediately we knew the 9th dish had to be 'nasi briyani'. We raced back to the food court, confident because we knew we were leading.

Our 5th dish was 'toasted bread' rite? So the 6th had to begin with 'D' - dao suan. (stress again - revision helped alot)

ALAS. Ditto as last year, we faced the problem of how to connect from (6)dao suan to (7)something to (8)something to (9)nasi briyani. Recall that we must complete a minimum of 10 items, but could be more. We were literally stuck for ideas as we paced around in the food court and I noticed the champion team were there as well! ARGH!!!

Fortunately I managed to think of the link 7) Noodle -> (8) Eggplant -> (9) Tempura -> (10) Almond longan -> (11)Nasi briyani then finally to ice cream. Too long winded la, but it was quite the only choice available to us given the time constraints. We raced crazily inside the food court to complete the items while gobbling the food and urging the marshall to keep up LOL!

Finally we had to find the last item 'ice cream' and we knew exactly where to find it - macdonalds, which happened to be near the finishing point. While running over there I realised the champion team had already won... GAH!!! But anyway we hurriedly devoured the ice cream to finish 2nd!!! ^_^

We took a total of about 20mins. WELL DONE TO BOTH OF US!!! ^_^ And credit to the marshall as well, who had tried his best to keep up with us!

For finishing as 2nd in the competition, we were given the below as prizes:

2 Cadbury goodie bags (with lots of choc and sweets and a lion pencil case), 2 tickets to both wild wild wet and escape theme park, 2x$5 World of Sports vouchers, and $300 cash. Very notably missing as compared to last year's were a free 3D2N chalet stay and a DeCard membership which would entitle us to unlimited free entry to wild wild wet and escape theme park. Nevertheless, we were very happy with our performance, and the prize money of course. :)


After the whole event, Jx left to attend a wedding dinner while I decided to enter Escape since I was already there, plus my DeCard from last year was still valid.

The park was so disappointing... it was a SUNDAY, but the guests were so few. On top of poor atmosphere, many rides were closed eg the roller coaster and some others. I didn't even have to queue to ride. The only ride with actually a decent queue was the go-karts, as usual.

As I ventured around the park... OMG to my utmost surprise this ride was open!!!

The INVERTER!!! It's actually my first time inside the park that it's operational!! HAHAHA!!! Hence I went to ride on it!!!

Err... the thrill and excitement was alright la... but it did remind me of the Berserker back at Kings Dominion. :)

Look at the size and height difference! They give you a x10 scare factor as compared to the inverter. I was literally clinging on for my dear life when it hangs at the top.

I rate Berserker the 2nd most frightening ride in my life!!


I spent the night at home wanting to study, but napping and tv and ps2 occupied everything. BAH!!!

I'm lagging in my studies. Time to buck up, stupid Me and Myself!!!


Have I announced to the whole world, that Me and Myself will most probably be a part of the world's FIRST ever f1 night race! =P

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I was googling about food chase @ downtown east and got to your blog then read up about your experience years ago... It seems like you had a lot of fun! im thinking of participating but do you think it's gonna be easy? am i likely to go home empty handed if it's my first time participating?

    will you be participating in this year food chase as well?


Sisters 💞