Thursday, September 25, 2008

MKT project - VS!

While I can't wait for the weekend to come, I do not wish for it to come so quickly. It's my holidays now!!! But due to the loads of work to be done, it doesn't feel so. :( Out of my 4 years, this recess week is the only one which I have to do sch work! Crap.

Oh, why am I looking forward to the weekend?! Because I'd be going up Mersing with my WAT buddies for a 2D1N stay on a kelong! Hehe.. hope it'd be damn fun! Activities we can do there include fishing, karaoke, mahjong, beach activities, watch sunset+rise etc... it'd be my second time on a kelong and I enjoyed my first stay, so I have high expectations for this weekend! I feel it's pretty nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, and relax your mind and body. :)

Find out more at


Oh. I have SOOOO many assignments and projects cramming up in the 2nd half of the sem:
1) ME4105 - 50% grp project + 50% individual project
2) MKT1003 - 10% grp project + 10% individual assignment
3) GEO3880A - 8% group project presentation + 16% individual report (1000 words)
4) FYP - no comments.

HAHAHHAA. For the Marketing grp project, each grp has to do a case study of a company. Our tutor has given us the topic on Victoria Secrets PINK. =X It seems pretty weird to be surfing the website dedicated for teenage females. =X

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 pm

    ah.someone is doing my project.i rest my case :p



Sisters 💞