Thursday, December 18, 2008

I tell you, I freaked out

Take a look at the photos below, taken not too long ago in a restaurant at KL.

They are in order of time taken.




Err. Ok. Take a look at the middle pic. Spot something amiss? Click on it to enlarge.

If u can spot it, good. Tell me why.

When I saw it, I tried to give a logical explanation. Like camera lens dirty, or sth hanging on the wall etc. But it's not sth on the wall, becos the picture before that showed the wall was plain. Then I freaked out a lil.

There were no children or small people in our group of relatives who were present. And I'm very sure nobody walked behind us. *shivers.


  1. gosh, your cup and plate are missing!

  2. Anonymous10:22 am

    eeks.....where did that finger come from?

  3. -> breadtree, we seriously have no idea. my first experience with shots like this and I still can't believe it.

  4. -> chillycraps. that was rofl!

  5. Anonymous11:50 am

    so scary!!! omg eeeeeeeeeeee!


Funny dad enjoying his travels. He rarely asks for photos to be taken of him and when he do, it's when he finds the view amazing.