Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beach Fiesta 09

Presenting - the Underdogs!!!

Thanks Whiny Wanyun for the lovely pics!

The singlet very nice hor! =D Love it! And the material is GOOD one lor!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Just some updates about what's going on...

Recently got turned down by a company... rather disappointed I didn't do well for the written and reasoning test, but at least I had expected it. Will definitely try for it again next year! :)

On a brighter note - Submitted my FYP draft report a few days back... like FINALLY!!! As soon as I clicked 'Send', I could almost feeel a boulder rolling off my shoulders. PHEW!!! =D Feeling like the sun's never shone more brightly before. But I am anticipating comments from my supervisors, then would have to edit again bla bla blah...

Had a really great Saturday at Sentosa beach, where my frens and I formed a rojak team and participated in Captain's Ball for the Beach Fiesta organised by NUS FASS. The weather was brilliant, thankfully. Though out of 4 games, we lost 3 and won only 1 (albeit VS a sailormoon team lol!), we had LOTSA fun, no matter whether it was during the game, just talking while waiting for games, soaking in the seawater, catching frisbee, dancing on the hot sand, complaining how much we want to lose etc. HAHA. It was really fun. =) We decided that if we were to join again next year, MUST REMEMBER TO BRING SOCKS!! You won't love your socks much more than when they can protect you from the burning sand. Seriously, the sand was BURNINGG!!! T_T I can still feel the heat on my poor soles now.

Got another mod's term paper to submit next week... other than that, my days would be relaxed I hope! Want to play soccerrrrrr!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Feeling nostalgic recently.

Reminiscing quite abit of Chinese New year gatherings, the enjoyable times of Chinese Orchestra in my secondary and JC years, my 4-year NUS study life...

Time flies.

4 more weeks to end of school. You understand I am NOT looking forward to that.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

AYG Mascot - u name it!

Don't know why, my life has been uninteresting recently... nothing to blog about leh??? o_O I observed the same for many of my other friends... I wonder why! HMMM!

Anyway... I will be taking part in this contest!

AYG (Asian Youth Games) Name the Mascot contest.

Hahaha. I haven't thought of a name for it yet... but there stands a high chance that it'd very well be named "AYG Mascot"!

Some examples to support:
-> After many thousands of dollars spent on advertising and building awareness, a contest for naming the budget terminal was finally selected and named as - You guessed it, “Budget Terminal”
-> Same goes for Marina Bay named as “Marina Bay”
-> The Bukit Panjang LRT named as “Bukit Panjang LRT”

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

interesting experiences with food

Recently, Me and Myself has been eating out quite often and I have noticed quite a couple of interesting events.


At Ishi Mura @ Pomo (Selegie Road):

My family and I bought some sashimi from the sashimi stall. Whilst waiting for my mom, we observed the man at the sashimi stall. His appearance and uniform looked clean and tidy, but his actions not so.

With the same hands that handled raw sashimi and rice, they were also used to man the counter. That included scanning the food price tag, collecting money, keying into the counter, and calculating and returning change. After that, he would go back to packing his sashimi. All using the same pair of hands, which apparently, had been put on gloves for fun.

I couldn't take his pretended 'hygiene' so I approached one supervisor and told him about it. He only, "ok ok." I even had to, "I hope you do something about it?"

Supervisor: ok ok.

As I walked away feeling a stone dropped from my chest, I suddenly recalled our sashimi purchase. Aiya! Regretted not asking him what he would expect us to do with it. My mom then joked, "Should we cook the sashimi now?"

Beware the sashimi stall at Ishi Mura at Pomo.


Yesterday at Bugis Food Junction....

Set A: Chicken Rice Set = $4.00

Set E: Chicken Rice Set + Wanton Soup = $5.90

I chose Set E.

Uncle picked up 3 small wantons (size slightly smaller than a chuppa chip) into the soup bowl.

Me and Myself: Errr, uncle, difference between A and E is the wanton soup?

Uncle: ya.

Me and Myself: So 3 small wantons is $1.90?

Uncle: (silence)

Me and Myself: (silence)

Uncle (After 10 seconds): No la, for Set E the chicken meat got cut longer.


Today in the Straits Times...

At Newton Circle (where we recently just went for our Stingray dinner):

3 Americans were charge $239 for 8 Tiger Prawns.

Lol. Were the prawns fed with birds' nest?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

THE LINE @ Shangri-La

The Line @ Shangri-La is celebrating its 4th birthday and is having a 40% off weekday buffet lunch promotion. My parents went and came back so happy and satisfied a few days ago and I was so envious, I pulled my dad along again on Friday.

If you present your DBS card, you enjoy free flow of drinks, which includes beer and cocktail.

The cocktail was fresh and flavourful, but the story hasn't started yet.

Look at its fresh seafood!

Steamed crabs - they were not the small and pathetic u see outside, nor was the meat like not fresh, sticking to the shell kind. The steamed crabs at The Line are big and generous and the meat was just nicely done - tender, succulent and fresh.

Mussels - I have never, ever eaten such fresh mussels before. I didn't know fresh mussels tasted so, so nice.

Fresh raw oysters - WOW. For those who love oysters, you would definitely fall in love with them. They are very, very fresh and juicy. Ordinary oysters have a heavy tint of the 'sea-smell' and squishy insides, but these oysters had none of it. Slowly biting the oysters, their freshness made me feel as though I was relaxing by the seaside with the sea breeze and light music. HEAVENLY.

Hong Kong styled roasted duck and roast pork.

On the left of the picture above, is their braised lamb shank. The flavour was fine, but the meat was fantastic. It melted unbelievably in my mouth, yet maintaining the right amount of succulence.
The brownly grilled piece of meat at the right is Ostrich meat! My first time having a go at it, and oh my, it's great. It wasn't like hard and chewy like rubber-band as I had expected to be. Tasted abit like beef without the beefy smell. The ostrich meat was done in black pepper marination. Went very well with the meat.
The roast rib eye was brilliant as well. Tender, melting in my mouth. However, I would have preferred it lessly cooked. Nevertheless, still good.
Next up, my favourite food of the day....

Salmon Sashimi. HEAVENLY + WOW + FANTABULOUS. Very very fresh. and sweet. the distinctive taste of salmon and the flavour of the omega3 fats, is why I love salmon sashimi so much. Their japanese soy sauce was splended as well, but wasabi not strong. If you had noticed, there are 2 colours of salmon above. On the left is salmon from its belly, arguably the best part to eat sashimi from. Salmon belly contains the most flavourful fats and it WAS WONDEFUL.

Dessert. Woops. So nice I had forgotten to take pics of it because they melted so quickly in my mouth I had to keep scooping to relish the sweet, tingling aroma.
I am not a dessert person, but I must admit the desserts at The Line were very, very fabulous. There were so many kinds and types and colours of desserts, they catered one big entire display shelves section for them.

Their sorbet was freshly prepared. I haven't eaten enough sorbet in my life to evaluate how good this mango sorbet was, but it's good enough for me to give a thumbs up.

Their promotion ends on 16th March. HIGHLY recommend you to go and experience for yourself, how high quality food should taste.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

END OF FYP!!!!!!

Tomorrow marks the official END OF FYP!

Holy cow, how great and soothing it is to hear that!

It has been a looooooooooooooong 2 semester long journey, described by lots of readings, research, report writing, presentation, shitty high-rate-of-failure experiments... I'm damn glad it's gonna be over!


Friday the 13th. LOL.

But no superstitions for me! =P

Congrats to all ME year4s and Good Luck at thesis-writing!!! =)

Monday, March 02, 2009

The Chosen One who stabbed his prof

Half of my final semester has passed by in a flash... When I think back on what I have done over that first half, the only thing I can remember is nothing. -_-" It passed by so quickly, so nonchalantly, and suddenly it's week 7 already.

Of the things I told myself to achieve before I grad, by far I have:

- Tried out being a waiter (though it was a lousy experience)
- Gone night cycling with NusRovers (very fun)
- Taken photos of NUS compound (will continue to do so)
- Enjoyed walking in the bazaars

Sigh. 6 more weeks of student life, I really really must cherish it as though it's the last week in USA, cos similiar to the latter, 6 weeks of school will pass by really quickly.



I guess most of you would already have heard of the crazy stressed out NTU final year Engineering student who stabbed his FYP Professor, then later committed suicide by jumping down 4 storeys?

The student died, his Prof is in stable condition at NUH.

Very shocking news isn't it? The student is Indon Chinese by the way. When I first heard of it, my first impression was the shooting incident at Virginia Tech 2 years ago. Hmm!

Haha and you know after the news of the NTU incident was reported, I heard a couple of stories about FYP professors today...

1) Prof T kept explaining to his student that he wasn't trying to 'tekan' (i.e. make things difficult for) his student. and he stressed this point countless of times.
2) Prof X rejected to meet his student today and suggested 'video conferencing'.

LOL! They are true stories.

Well, hope the prof recovers soon. NTU staff and students, keep a look out! Hmm... How about banning all metal cutlery in the canteen? Switch to using plastic ones... much safer in case anyone uses them as weapons!

At the same time, at a much safer haven, I received good news from NUS Society of Mechanical Engineering.

Free T-shirts for ME students. Just flash matric card.

And hence, (inevitably) it brings me to this point again:-


That's the difference between them N'US.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Chicky Bee Pox

Blur blur bee got the chicken poxes! /screams.

2 weeks MC at home.

Once again, sick bee at home.


NO scratching allowed!!!

Zara Councillors Stingray Outing

From this...

To this....

Finally after 6 months of "EH! let's go eat stingray tog leh!", we put words to action - we managed to arrange a day to makan stingray together!

We met on Friday for dinner at Newton Circus. Now i know a place in town which offers affordable and wide variety of food (other than foodcourt). And the place is very spacious, airy and clean, however there is much touting to be seen and heard and felt among the stall holders as the competition is just too intense.

So we ordered some dishes from a botak muscular gentlemanly man who got us a nice table away from the smoke and oil.

The food was really quite good! Except the chicken wings which were marinated in black pepper. Gah. Spoilt the chicky taste.

So after dinner it was only abt 8pm and we were at Newton, we took rather long to finally decide on a place to hang out. AH! we decided to go novena square.

Bo-liao shot taken at Newton Mrt.

But oops, heard that Velocity closes at 9pm. So we changed our minds to CityLink, maybe find a coffee place to sit down... Suddenly our fickle minds led us to think of Marina Square where we could play arcade. And LOL, finally finally we decided on Giraffe, a bar opposite Plaza Singapura.

LOL. We didn't even step in cos the girls thot Giraffe was too ATAS and clad in slippers and casual wear, we wouldn't blend in. OK so FINAL ANSWER (from SLumdog Millionaire) - TCC beside Plaza Singapura.

We were lucky to get a nice cosy corner + air con inside TCC and we spent quite a few hours in there chatting, joking, making fun of each other, teasing, talking about old times, gossiping. It was a very fun time shared. Beats those conversations with other ppl when all we can talk about are jobs, interviews, salaries, economy, current affairs. While I know it's very important to keep in touch with reality and general affairs, talking about topics friends have fun talking about over a drink is what keeps the friendship going and memorable.

We could have hung out longer at the cosy corner in TCC if not for our brimming bladders and guilt for hogging the table.

HA. We ended the day by going to the arcade at the basement leading to the mrt station. We spent $11 in total to adopt (UFO catcher) 2 very adorable animals. HAHAHHAHA!

Take-home line for the day?

It takes 5 Engineers to Catch. Heh.

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...