Half of my final semester has passed by in a flash... When I think back on what I have done over that first half, the only thing I can remember is nothing. -_-" It passed by so quickly, so nonchalantly, and suddenly it's week 7 already.
Of the things I told myself to achieve before I grad, by far I have:
- Tried out being a waiter (though it was a lousy experience)
- Gone night cycling with NusRovers (very fun)
- Taken photos of NUS compound (will continue to do so)
- Enjoyed walking in the bazaars
Sigh. 6 more weeks of student life, I really really must cherish it as though it's the last week in USA, cos similiar to the latter, 6 weeks of school will pass by really quickly.
I guess most of you would already have heard of the crazy stressed out NTU final year Engineering student who stabbed his FYP Professor, then later committed suicide by jumping down 4 storeys?
The student died, his Prof is in stable condition at NUH.
Very shocking news isn't it? The student is Indon Chinese by the way. When I first heard of it, my first impression was the shooting incident at Virginia Tech 2 years ago. Hmm!
Haha and you know after the news of the NTU incident was reported, I heard a couple of stories about FYP professors today...
1) Prof T kept explaining to his student that he wasn't trying to 'tekan' (i.e. make things difficult for) his student. and he stressed this point countless of times.
2) Prof X rejected to meet his student today and suggested 'video conferencing'.
LOL! They are true stories.
Well, hope the prof recovers soon. NTU staff and students, keep a look out! Hmm... How about banning all metal cutlery in the canteen? Switch to using plastic ones... much safer in case anyone uses them as weapons!
At the same time, at a much safer haven, I received good news from NUS Society of Mechanical Engineering.

Free T-shirts for ME students. Just flash matric card.
hence, (inevitably) it brings me to this point again:-
That's the difference between them N'US.