Monday, June 29, 2009

H1N1 and taxi cleanliness display

Just a couple of months ago, due to the Indian Rojak food poisoning incident, a mini hiatus erupted over the display of hawker hygiene certificate. For example, like these below:-

Good implementation to encourage hawkers to keep up their standards, I say.

Now, with the recent outbreak of evil and sinister H1N1 virus, many taxi drivers are very, very concerned about picking up passengers, like nurses going around to check on patients, or whose destinations belong to the hospitals and quarantine centres.

Thus, it is now a requirement* for ALL taxi drivers and their respective taxis to go for weekly routine cleanliness checks, and thereafter, display the cleanliness cert, visibly on their wind screens.

For example, like the one below:

A CLOSER look:

This cab scored a B! Keep up the good work, uncle! =)


*: Fiction. However convincing it may sound or appear to be, please DO NOT believe it is true.

Monday, June 22, 2009


The nurse rubbed alcohol on my left mid-arm joint, inserted a tube into the artery and promptly filled up a vial with my blood.

She tightened up the first and proceeded to fill up another vial.

Suddenly I felt my stomach churn.

I felt breathless.

I saw my vision blurring, my head was throbbing.

With whatever remaining strength and breath I could muster, I warned the nurse, "I feel faint."

She replied in a half-shocked tone, "Feel faint ar?!"



This morning, I woke up excitedly, got dressed and made my way to SMRT HQ. It would be the day I put pen to paper and sign the contract, yay! =D

At there, I met some young faces whom I assumed must be there to sign the Management Trainee contract as well. These would be the friendly people I'll be working with!

In the room, it was a stone off my chest after I signed my name on the papers. Finally finally, I have had been looking forward to this juncture for sooooo long. Finally finally, I am going to be a proud employee of SMRT Corporation. =)

I met my dad for lunch at Raffles City. We went to one of our favourite restaurant Shahal Maharani for Northern Indian buffet 1 for 1 lunch. I regret gorging so much, because I still am feeling very bloated right now, most probably I'll skip dinner. But their curry and naan is really really fantabulous.

Right after lunch we parted ways and I made my way to International Plaza for a medical check-up.

First was vision checking, height and weight measurements, chest X-ray, urine test... After which I was told to do a blood examination at Room 2.

Located on the 36th floor, the room offered a splendid, unobstructed view of Southern Singapore, the IR and a section of the ECP was in full view. I sat down and smiled to the nurse, "Nice view."

She smiled in reply, "No time to view."

The first vial was successfully filled up, much to my relief, because I was feeling some pain down the artery. I was even feeling happy inside that I did not go ahead to donate blood yesterday.


Then she prepared another vial. *slaps forehead*

The second vial was filling up when I felt queerness in my stomach. Probably the bloatedness from the buffet lunch, I thought. But then from out of the blue my head began to throb, and I was losing my vision fast.

I managed a whimper, "I feel faint."

"Feel faint ar?!"




I cannot quite recall or make clear what I saw in that darkness, but if I am not wrong, there was a closed door.

I stood momentarily a stone's throw away from the door. Suddenly, I felt two hands from behind grabbing my shoulders and pulling me back.

I jolted back into brightness and consciousness.

My eyes opened and I made out some white. As my vision cleared, I realised my body was curled up and shivering hard.

The first thought which conjured up in my mind was, "Where am I?"

The white was the colour of the wall in front of me. The hands which pulled me belonged to two nurses who were now speaking to me and asking if I was ok.

"Do you want some water?"

I said no.

Now I know I am back.

They led me to lie on the bed to rest. They seemed relieved. Haha.

After that I completed the rest of the medical examinations and went home safe and sound.

Come to think of it, what a freaky incident, never once had I believed fainting would have happened to me! To think I have had donated blood countless times successfully! And while at that I would always be watching the one or two donators lying on the stretchers with their legs raised.

I think I had fainted because there was not enough blood in my head. ALL THE BLOOD AT MY STOMACH DIGESTING THE CURRY LA!!!

So now I learn not to go donate blood after a heavy meal.



Now, what was the door I saw in the darkness? Was it a dream...?


A few days ago, I learnt that my primary school friend had passed away, falling victim to leukemia and complications.

It was an unexpected shocking news.

She was my partner for 2 years. You know in primary school the desks were placed 2 by 2? We sat in the front row, beside each other, for 2 years. She would always help me with the distribution of worksheets down the row, or the collection of homework, or the walk to the Teachers' Office to collect Chinese study material. But being the childish kiddish kids we were, some classmates made fun of us, and we sort of disliked each other, haha. Boy, was I mean to her. I always accused her of copying my work, barking at her cos her hand was invading into my desk area, and I laughed at her by a lousy nickname I made up - Skinny monkey with no tail.

Those aside, we belonged to the same clique. There would be the skipping rubber band and catching games during recess, we formed a secret association to spy on the disgusting pervert school care-taker uncle who always spat on innocent students from two levels above, she helped me brilliantly with a mini-intra-class-rivalry to collect the most punched-out holes, she even came over my house with another friend to do a project, and I recall the three of us playing Bingo after that, only to be caught by my returning mom, haha.

But we weren't the closest of friends, we lost contact after primary school.


May you rest in peace, Skinny Monkey with no tail.


This led me to again think of how fragile life can be. You never can know what's gonna happen the next moment, the next day, the next week, the next year. Live for the moment and cherish your loved ones and happy memories, I say.

If I have the power to go back in time with the knowledge of present, would I have treated her differently? Would I have helped her more, bought things for her, and shared more jokes with her? Makes me ponder...


Erm, yeah finally, my work would most probably be starting 6th July. I have 2 more weeks to burn! Any spontaneous part time job lobangs?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Land of the Lost

Met up wif Koh Seng, Kinky Kelvin and Malicious Mingkee for lunch (student) at Pizza Hut!

It felt like an old-timers gathering. I asked them if they felt 叙旧, they agreed. Haha. It was pretty nice to catch up and also gossip show concern for a particular common friend of ours... Gagaga.

And thanks Kinky for all your lovely Dragonball figurines!!!! They are beautiful. I'll have lotsa fun arranging them in my display cabinet! =)

After that we went to catch a movie (student price) at Century Square.

All of us was easy-going with either Land of the Lost, or The Taking Of Pelham 123, and the very clever Malicious Mingkee just had to decide on the former, although she had already been fore-warned by her friend that it is a stupid show!

Just found out that it is a remake of an old 1970's movie.

And damn lame and crappy the movie was! It was fortunate that we went in expecting a sucky lame movie, which did us good. During the show I slapped on my forehead a couple of times, wondering WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE! lol.

It was like a Scary Movie, Epic Movie, the Superhero Movie kinda show, filled with stupid out-of-the-blue and no-link jokes, but some were bright and managed to get the audience bursting out laughing.

The female lead managed to steal away some lime-light from the arduous lameness of the movie. Hahahaha.

Watch it if you have the time and bucks to spare. A few moments during the movie I felt as though I was in some motion ride you sat on in some theme park somewhere. Haha!

Here's one of the stoopid lame old shit characters which appeared, the SleeStak.

Like WHAT THE HELL, they even produced FIGURINES?!?!? I would only buy them for voodoo.

In the movie the leads went back in time and tried communicating with a primate, and they couldn't quite make out what the primate was saying, nor could they put their point across, that scene reminded me of just a couple of weeks back, of us bargaining in o' Vietnam...


2 years ago, at KD

Wahaha. I have a lil' time to myself, so I can afford to sit around and look back at those fun times.

Exactly 2 years ago, 17 June 2007...

HAPPY! Going back to our cosy Rhoads Hall after another long day at work =)

After a nice shower and dinner...

I prepare....



WAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! The picture makes me salivate!

Hee. I had chicken/meat cravings badly at USA because I was quite deprived of them!

Looks lovely, don't they? =)

All you need is a standard microwave, salt and pepper (stolen from the pantry), clean fingers to marinate the flavourings into the meat, leave it standing for 10-15mins, and let the powerful microwave do the job!


O lovely.


Updates! Have received a confirmation to go down to sign the letter of offer!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Just finished watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons.

I must admit, before the movie was released, the movie trailer/preview didn't entice me. However, now I have to say, other than the fantastic make-up and graphics, the storyline is absolutely interesting. There are many intriguing questions asked, defining moments posed. How would you have lived ur life, if you were like Benjamin, when you grow younger while watching all your loved ones grow old?

The movie led me to realise youth is not evergreen. We all should cherish life while we are young, energetic, bright, sparkling, youthful, enthusiastic, and most important of all, healthy and fit.

I would like to quote 2 phrases from the movie.

"Life is defined by opportunities. Even missed opportunities."

"Some people are born to sit by a river, some is struck by lightning, some have ear for music, some are artists. Some swim, some know buttons, some know shakespeare, some are mommas, and some people dance."

Do they inspire something in you? Or how you are gonna look at your life, and what you can do to it? After the movie, I certainly did.

Friday, June 12, 2009

On this day, exactly 2 years ago

On 12 June 2007...

It was another fun-filled normal working day at Kings Dominion Theme Park at Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Until in the late evening, on the bus back to our dorm, out of the window we saw what we thought were ...


It was a pretty awesome sight. Dark, stormy sky, containing several of those dome shaped clouds that connected sky to earth. COOL.

When we alighted from the bus, it was blowing a gale outside, we had to trod with our arms locked to one another to walk steadily!

Meanwhile, Introducing...

(from left): Chao-ta-face 1 Kevin, Chao-ta-face 2 Nai, Super Chao-ta-face 3 Eric, and Glossy Chao-ta-face 4 May.

Man, on third and fourth looks, we look like dark chocolate!

And so at night after bathing, dinner and everything, a few of us gathered to play cards at our room. Haha.

Jx occupied the lower deck, while every morning and night I required more effort to get in and out of bed. I miss that yellow childhood bedsheet of mine. =(

I miss those cosy nights at Rhoads Hall. I miss USA.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009




The much anticipated results has arrived... much like a scene:

In the dawn hours during a period of stillness and chill, suddenly the sun's golden warm rays pierces up from behind the horizon, illuminating the dawn sky and warming the earth and atmosphere... a knight in shiny gold armour appears from the horizon, galiantly riding a divine-white stallion across the plains.

I am very honoured and very pleased to be selected for the s-m-r-t Manag*ment Train*e Programme!

Me and Myself is feeling: in high spirits, satisfied, blessed, blest, blissful, blithe, can't complain, captivated, cheerful, chipper, chirpy, content, contented, convivial, delighted, ecstatic, elated, exultant, flying high, gay, glad, gleeful, gratified, intoxicated, jolly, joyful, joyous, jubilant, laughing, light, lively, looking good, merry, mirthful, on cloud nine*, overjoyed, peaceful, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, sparkling, sunny, thrilled, tickled, tickled pink, up, upbeat, walking on air!!!

I still think those are understatements to my exact feelings.

It may sound exaggerated, but the past few days for me were torturous. I couldn't sleep properly - I have had dreams of getting/not getting the job. And yesterday night, I woke up at 6am because I was too worried during sleep. I tried to urge myself back to sleep but all the way till 8.37am, I was drifting in and out of sleep... In my dreams I saw the record book with applicant names and their status, I also dreamt that I was selected but had to go through another round of interview.

That's how anxious I was!

I am really really ecstatic now.

And thinking back...

I've got Irritating Ivan to thank.

It was him that we went to the NUS Career Fair together, and we were just happily walking around when he said he's going to look up a friend at SMRT's booth. I followed.

I didn't even speak to the lady. I merely stood a distance away from them, then she mentioned about SMRT's Management Trainee Programme. I submitted my resume.


And a highly positive one at it?

I have plenty more to thank... apart from the priceless support from my family and friends, I want to express my gratitude towards the Management and HR of SMRT, from processing the admin, invitation for the briefing session, rescheduling my interview (since I was away at Vietnam), to most importantly, for providing me with this wonderful, excellent, marvellous opportunity to be a part of SMRT.

I like their Management Trainee Programme. It is well structured, comprises excellent training and promises bright future prospects. I will enjoy working for SMRT because of its healthy and friendly company culture. Have I said yet, it is my ideal career path?

A few months ago I had decided to forgo $20,000 (that is an obscene amount of cash. and it. is. cpf. and. tax. free.) at another job, because I really wanted a job at which I would ENJOY what I am doing. Now that I find myself where I am, I do not regret that decision. Like what Irritating Ivan says, if you have the passion and the desire, and strive towards it, you will find the path you want to be on.

Thank you!!!! =D

Thank you very much!!! Thank you!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Praying praying...

The anticipation is killing me!

Everytime I check my mail, I do it with butterflies in my stomach, a gulp in my throat, a huge boulder on my chest, adrenaline pumping like mad.

No mail is good news, I tell myself.

Am looking forward to hearing good news, really really. But I do not dare to put my hopes too high :(


Can you hear me? Arhhhhhhhhh.

The good news will surely hearten my painful decision a few months back.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Dedicated to my friends of long - Power of 6

At the end of the journey...

Will we be playing "Friends Forever (Graduation Day)" by Vitamin C?


"Graduation (Friends Forever)"

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real blue
Stay at home talking on the telephone
And we would get so excited and we'd get so scared
Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels

As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
From whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever

So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels

[Repeat 1]

La, la, la, la:
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever

Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly


Keep your hands firm on the steering wheel, you can influence ur own destiny :)

To my dear friends I've known since secondary school - Ra, BK, Jx, Roy, Arif: How much we have grown from then! Did we expect back then, of what we would be today? What lies ahead?

I am most glad to have crossed paths with the Power of 6. Keep in touch ya :)

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...