Friday, June 12, 2009

On this day, exactly 2 years ago

On 12 June 2007...

It was another fun-filled normal working day at Kings Dominion Theme Park at Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Until in the late evening, on the bus back to our dorm, out of the window we saw what we thought were ...


It was a pretty awesome sight. Dark, stormy sky, containing several of those dome shaped clouds that connected sky to earth. COOL.

When we alighted from the bus, it was blowing a gale outside, we had to trod with our arms locked to one another to walk steadily!

Meanwhile, Introducing...

(from left): Chao-ta-face 1 Kevin, Chao-ta-face 2 Nai, Super Chao-ta-face 3 Eric, and Glossy Chao-ta-face 4 May.

Man, on third and fourth looks, we look like dark chocolate!

And so at night after bathing, dinner and everything, a few of us gathered to play cards at our room. Haha.

Jx occupied the lower deck, while every morning and night I required more effort to get in and out of bed. I miss that yellow childhood bedsheet of mine. =(

I miss those cosy nights at Rhoads Hall. I miss USA.

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