Thursday, December 31, 2009


Possibly the final, final time I write the year as 200X???

The transition from 2009 to 2010 takes only a tick of the clock... but I guess to most, and myself, it's a rewind of the calender year from December all the way back to January! December is my favourite month... so it'd be another round of counting down 12 months. To put it more simply, it's like today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday, geddit??

Very happy I get to enjoy another half day off from work on New Year's Eve!!!

Met blur bee for lunch and guess what, it's the first time I had Pepper Lunch??!

I always thot the sizzling hot plate with cute white rice looks tempting, but whenever I look up at the signboard, the prices turn me off. Haha. I just don't find the dish fitting of the higher prices than a normal food court meal. And you even have to cook it by yourself??? Haha. But well anyway, I tried it today. It's not too bad...

Am heading for a BBQ with TMSACO peeps! Finally a different way to end off the year... for the past 3 years, I have always spent the final tick of the clock at downtown east! They had their own countdown at the D'Marquee, it wasn't too bad, got stars like Fan Wei Qi, Gary Chow Cao Ge, local bands... balloons coming down from the top of the tent, Deejays spinning music... and then Jx and I would cycle back home. That was already 365 days ago?! Wow...

Ok Happy New Year to all! May the new year be a better, more productive, more prosperous and happier year for all!

Next blog post: Recap of my 2009 - possibly one of my best years yet far.


Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I guess... it's the last time I could do this =)

Tomorrow's the last day before our student email accounts disappear forever... Thanks for all the help the past 4 years!

(I secretly used to love my matric number... Hahaha!)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Singapore Idol 3 Finale

I didn't really follow this season, but I knew that around the middle of the season, I wondered why mediocre performers like Du@ne and Charle$ "$titch" W0ng were still hanging on. Like, is the standard of our local idol-wannabes so bad???

So I happened to tune in the the Finale, they say "Geek vs Girl". I don't have any impressions of Sezairi's vocals but I know Sylvia's got a powerful one. And I was looking forward to hearing her first song - Mercy.

And I was so B L O W N away!!!! Confident, powerful strong vocals, splendid delivery of the song mixed with her own sexy grooves and moves, her first performance, I thought, already won her the competition.

In contrast, Sezairi's first song was good, but not exactly fantastic and idol-fit.

Finally, both of them performed "Touched By An Angel", a song written by Idol judge Ken Lim specially for tonight. Sylvia came up first; I wasn't really impressed due to high expectations, but it was still confidently put across, "Diva" as Dick Lee articulated. Sezairi then put up the same song using his own style - safe, smooth, but similarly not impressive.

Then Singapore would decide.

As would have predicted by majority, Sezairi emerged as the winner. A thing I noticed during the announcement of the winner - how come both of them didn't hold hands while awaiting the results??? Usually in this kind of shows, the final two would? Haha. And when Sezairi's name was shouted out, how come they didn't hug to congratulate/thank the other??? Kinda makes me think they're not on good terms. Haha.

My take on why Sylvia didn't win, despite putting up an obviously better performance? The Sezairi fans were a more closely knitted and tighter community; while Sylvia's fans liked her, but were not generous enough.

Anyway, whilst waiting for the results, the show introduced guest performer Charice. I was even more B L O W N away by this girl, whom I've never heard of before, but now I do?

CHARICE from Philippines, discovered from Youtube!

Extremely powerful vocals, wide vocal range, and melodiously pitch perfect!!! Loved her performance! Busy Roys commented that Filipinos are great singers. Hmm. Yeah I would agree. Sylvia is part Filipino too.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Not again?!


I'm back from Penang and Ipoh. During the 6 days there, I think I only felt hungry like 2 or 3 times? HAHAHAHA cos we kept stopping to eat and eat and eat at all the famous good food stalls!!!! Hungry now!!!

I knew I would definitely gain some weight from all the heavenly devouring... but unlike the other time when my stomach expanded, this time all the excess went up to my ... FACE!? I was shocked when all the photos taken of me revealed that my features appeared all scrunched up and small as compared to the full-moonish of my face. I was literally like jaw-dropped as I zoomed in on the pictures onto the moon.

THEN today, when blur bee saw me, her first comment was....

Yea, u got it.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i'm going on a holiday!!!! (really?)

While my friends are travelling to places like Taiwan, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Korea for their holidays...

Me and Myself is going up Penang + Ipoh.

In a car.

And I have to do the driving as well!?!

Next year, I swear I'm taking the plane to somewhere nice. HMPF!!!

Nevertheless, it's gonna be a fun holiday with my family.
And I'm so gonna return with a bigger tummy...

See you guys next week! =)
Enjoy December cos it's the season to be jolly!

Looking back the years...

I managed to dig out pictures of myself taken on (or very close to) my birthdays for the past 4 years!!!


Here's me on my 21st.




And from yesterday, celebrating my Quart-Centennial...

25 years is my silver jubilee year! Omg... what have I done over the past 25 years?! Nothing!!! All those good, youthful, happy years were spent preparing for the next 70?!? What is this?!


Good news: I still look the same ya?????? =))) Other than my face appears to have gained some roundness (from indulgence in food) over the years... Hahahahaha.

Bad news: I'm on the brink of crossing the youthful years. =(((

How devastating...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

RSGT Xmas Dinner!

RSGT is the term we give ourselves - 10 of us to be exact. 10 lovable, fun, cheerful, friendly, humurous and beautiful yuppies.

Since December is the month famous for clearing leave and going abroad for holidays, 5th Dec was the only weekend all of us could make it for our Xmas Dinner! Haha, albeit still 20 days away from the actual day, we were all looking forward to our own gathering! The planning started several weeks ahead, from picking a venue to picking our secret santas, liasing who to bring what (potluck!) etc etc, it was all so merry! =D


It was gonna be Aprilyn's house! cos her place can host, got xmas tree... just nice her place was undergoing some major DIY renovations, and a few of them had volunteered their painting services and went earlier in the day to help out!

I reached at about late afternoon and helped to erect and decorate the xmas tree! Apr's xmas tree had been left in its box for one entire year already... Since it's like all dusty and abandoned, I joked to expect a mini-habitat in there already.

Finally at 7 plus all arrived! We gathered our secret santa gifts underneath the tree.

My first attempt at decorating a xmas tree? Therefore the lights don't look very nice...

Group pic together with the tree and pressies!

(counts the no. of ppl) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9... eh? only 9? SHEESH. Judas Alvin la banana. Yeah, he just had to fly aeroplane last minute man -_-

At 8pm everyone was super duper famished, all the food were FINALLY prepared and brought out to be DEVOURED!


From top to bottom, left to right:
- Ribs on sliced orange = Bernini!
- Welcome Drink hahaha berries in sparkling juice = Jerrard
- Bacon wrap with asparagus, cherry tomatoes and golden mushrooms = Lydia Gaga
- Coleslaw = Nikki's mom
- Potato salad = Ryan the Lion
- Cold cuts and ham = Jerzy
- Cheese sausages = Nikki
- Roast Chicken = Apr

Happy to say all the food was really really yummy!!! I still think I didn't eat enough on that day =( Hahaha. As pre-warned but it still happened, the quantity of food was overflowing, our dinner could actually serve two parties! Haha. A few of us had to bring home some food. No complains bout that though!


After dinner it was time to exchange secret santa gifts!!! It wasn't as secret as we had hoped to be, cos of a few spoilers who couldn't resist the temptation to scrutinize who brought what -_- and some kuku ppl, the gifts were so obvious from the way they were wrapped! Ahaha. But still fun!

Here's us with our respective gifts!!!

Haha by the way, dress code was to come in green/red!!! I had assumed more would come in red, so I purposely picked a green shirt... but... lol.

And then we opened our gifts... Jerzy's Santa was super zero effort... LOL. Just check out his expression below (centre).

(top to bottom, left to right):
Apr - Stationery holder x2 and cash top up!!! burst budget liao!!!
Lion - Umbrella from Popular (so uncle...)
Me and Myself - Cushion!!! supposedly a monkey... hmmm.
Lydia Gaga - Mug with cover, exactly what she had requested LOL!
Jerzy - (...)
Keith - Card holder
Jingxian - Photo frames with pretty pictures, disguised in Ikea box
Nikki - Starbucks tumbler, eco-friendly hahaha
Bernini - Compilation of Christmas songs, with one song sang by his Santa Jerzy!!!

Jerzy's song was awesome... the song was like 5min long, complete with lyrics associated with RSGT and christmas so sweet of him man!

Then Jerzy the Amazy surprised us further with individualized gifts for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US!!! Ultra touched!!!

Upon opening, Jerzy's gift composed of a nice photo frame with our group pic, Ritter Sport chocolates, and his own specially 3 flavoured cookies baked with love!!!

Apr's mom fell in love with Jerzy the Amazy... hahahahahhaa.

Later, after all the WOW WOW WOW gift exchange and opening and beautiful surprises, we moved on to games!

We played Taboo.... super late at night, brain cannot think...

Try guessing this:
"OH! It's a truck, a truck!"

Keith is super lousy at this game!!!


The word?

Like... what.the.? hahahaha!

We also played Wii.

And realised that we cannot put Lydia and Nikki together. They will BRING THE HOUSE DOWN. Pun totally intended!

After the activities we moved on to more food!

Log cake and root beer float! NICE!!!

The night grew older, it was like 1 plus am, everyone was like super lazing around, talking among ourselves, I was smsing when suddenly from behind me Jingxian screamed, "1, 2, 3!"

I jumped and turned around, wondering what in the world happened!?

Hahahaha. I was presented with a ultra surprise be-early birthday mini celebration!!!

For 2 seconds I was still stunned and wondering what they were doing! HAHA!

So sweet of the guys man. =) Thanks yous alots!!!


At about 2am most of us were lying on the floor already... After awhile we cleared up the place and ended the fun-filled night at 2 plus.


It was a super enjoyable night! Appreciated everyone who played a part in planning, hosting, buying, cooking, talking, laughing, and simply their turning up! Best Xmas Dinner I've ever, ever had!!! Hahaha, to be fair, I don't have the custom of celebrating Xmas.

As for Judas Alvin who flew aeroplane, his punishment is to organise the next RSGT gathering... Haha.

Next RSGT event - Lunar New Year 团员饭!!!

Looking forward to it already!!! =D

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

1 year ago

This post is meant to be posted up tomorrow, but I'm afraid I can't do it tml night so I'm doing it now. Ahaha.

365 days ago, in Seremban KL.

We had alot of fun!!!

Last year we said we'd go on another trip this year this time. They're now in Taiwan, I'm not.


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Xmas is really just round the corner!

Me and some of the other MTs are gonna have a very early Christmas dinner this Saturday. Haha. Reason being all of us are clearing leave this December and everyone's schedule is so scattered, the one common time we can meet up is the 5th December! Lol.

We're gonna have a potluck session. Sounds like funnnnnnn. Hope it'll be!


I once pondered why CNY public holidays here cannot be 3 days or more. I later found out that it is because to prevent any biasness, all public holidays that have to do with a racial celebration are only given 2 days for each race, e.g. for Hari Raya, Deepavali.

Then today I suddenly pondered... how come some companies give 1/2 day off on Christmas eve?

Why not Vesak Day eve? Hmm.

Haha, anyway, be sure to enjoy the festive season!!!! =D

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...