Thursday, December 31, 2009


Possibly the final, final time I write the year as 200X???

The transition from 2009 to 2010 takes only a tick of the clock... but I guess to most, and myself, it's a rewind of the calender year from December all the way back to January! December is my favourite month... so it'd be another round of counting down 12 months. To put it more simply, it's like today is Sunday, tomorrow is Monday, geddit??

Very happy I get to enjoy another half day off from work on New Year's Eve!!!

Met blur bee for lunch and guess what, it's the first time I had Pepper Lunch??!

I always thot the sizzling hot plate with cute white rice looks tempting, but whenever I look up at the signboard, the prices turn me off. Haha. I just don't find the dish fitting of the higher prices than a normal food court meal. And you even have to cook it by yourself??? Haha. But well anyway, I tried it today. It's not too bad...

Am heading for a BBQ with TMSACO peeps! Finally a different way to end off the year... for the past 3 years, I have always spent the final tick of the clock at downtown east! They had their own countdown at the D'Marquee, it wasn't too bad, got stars like Fan Wei Qi, Gary Chow Cao Ge, local bands... balloons coming down from the top of the tent, Deejays spinning music... and then Jx and I would cycle back home. That was already 365 days ago?! Wow...

Ok Happy New Year to all! May the new year be a better, more productive, more prosperous and happier year for all!

Next blog post: Recap of my 2009 - possibly one of my best years yet far.


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Sisters 💞