Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Not again?!


I'm back from Penang and Ipoh. During the 6 days there, I think I only felt hungry like 2 or 3 times? HAHAHAHA cos we kept stopping to eat and eat and eat at all the famous good food stalls!!!! Hungry now!!!

I knew I would definitely gain some weight from all the heavenly devouring... but unlike the other time when my stomach expanded, this time all the excess went up to my ... FACE!? I was shocked when all the photos taken of me revealed that my features appeared all scrunched up and small as compared to the full-moonish of my face. I was literally like jaw-dropped as I zoomed in on the pictures onto the moon.

THEN today, when blur bee saw me, her first comment was....

Yea, u got it.

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