Monday, June 27, 2011

Awesome weekend.

Had a just enough dosage of sun and fun.

I love my life right now. (till 0700 Monday)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

BOH-nus is here!

My much-awaited bonus is HERE!!!

I think most of us were shocked at the amount. The previous FY was not as fantastic as 2 FYs ago but surprisingly, employees were very fairly compensated. With the Gen-Y trend of job-hopping the frustration of employers here, I think the MOST effective retention methods is still monetary compensation. You can bring up employee engagement, dialogue sessions, family day, building up a sense of belonging, coffee machine in the pantry... they make one comfortable (or less jaded, depending the way you want it) but sorry, monetary compensation is what keeps people going. I feel la.

At least it sort of compensates for the long hours I've put in at work over the past 1 plus year. At least I feel that my efforts are appreciated. But now that the bonus is here.... I can't wait for the next one =P

I did not have any needs or wants but I think here's what I plan to do with the extra ka-ching, albeit it ain't alot la:

  • Invest in stocks. A couple of lots, maybe.

  • Top up my unit trusts.

  • A pair of loafers (Pedro FTW)

  • 2 tailored shirts

  • 1 working pants

  • Changing to a new phone in September (Ericsson Xperia ARCCCCCCC)

Wow. That brings me back to zero. lol.

Ok, now to find the time to do the above... my weekdays have been hectic, weekends filled with activities. Not that I'm complaining though - I think my life's quite enriching =)

Sentosa on Saturday, tennis on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1) Leadership Qualities
2) Creativity
2) Communication Skills.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fully composed song.






是废墟 是背弃 是触景伤情



Ohce ka!
I was conversing via SMS with my Sec 2 student. She asked whether I had unlimited sms.

I told her yes!

Her sms reply beeped. She asked, "Your parents let you sms so much?"

HAHAHA I find that really amusing.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Awesome weekend!

Had been dyingggggggggggggg for the weekend since the start of the week. It had kinda been like a mirageeeeeeeeeeeee omg cos I was so tied down with work, I had nooooooooo lifeeeeeeee. And the weekend was gonna be packed with activities; that made me look forward to it even more!

So on Friday night I met my friends for dinner then somehow we found ourselves at Dempsey's! Had beer and wine and a real intriguing discussion.

On Saturday I napped the afternoon away, SHIOKS!!!!!! Then took the KTM to ohmygoodnessme Choa Chu Kang! But the journey didn't matter cos like 取西经 - the end result tastes sweeter when you actually have to plough to achieve it!


Had loads of fun cooking and eating and chatting and joking with the bunch of Club peeps! As the evening went by people left the table one by one cos were too full to carry on, but on my side were 5 无底洞 still going strong! Wahaha, we even introduced whatever was left in the rice cooker, and double-boiled it in the soup! Added streaks of crab stick meat, pork belly, egg froth and some garnishings - only lacked century egg and 柴鱼 to reach real divinity! The porridge turned out to be heavenly! Real natural sweetness from the 高汤 and every grain of rice tasted lovely and full of motherly love... haha... everyone who came over to try was like "mmmmmmm!" Thumbs up.

My Sunday was a real relaxing one and I felt like I really needed the rest. Spent most of the time slacking at home and caught X-Men with my siblings. Great movie.

And it kinda inspired me to be different.

Keep your lives going, guys!

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Why I am underpaid.

3rd June Friday - left work at 9pm.
6th June Monday - left work at 9pm.
7th June Tuesday - left work at 9.30pm.

Monday, June 06, 2011



13 May - Stayover at Ra's
14 May - Butter!
15 May - Cold Stone x 2
17 May - Vesak Day holidayyyy!!
20 May - Seminar at RWS
21-24 May - PHUKETTTTT!!!!
28 May - Sun Down Marathon!
4 Jun - Housewarming

And we're back to...


I wanna watch Kungfu Pandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I wanna watch Fast & Furious 55555555555555555555555555
I wanna watch X-mennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

If you lead a very fast-paced stressful life everyday, can you still consider it to be mundane?

Can you say 'FML' if you have no life to begin with?

Nah... just ranting. Sometimes a change would be good... and I look forward to that.

Meanwhile, I look forward to these upcoming events (SHORT TERM GOALS keep you going!):

- 12 Jul: Steamboattttttttt omgwthbbqftw
- 17 Jul: 30 storey climb (training for Mt. K)
- No more??? o_O

I realise that 2 days of weekend rest aren't enough for me... I need an extended rest; during which I can ENTIRELY chuck work aside, my phone doesn't ring with calls from regarding work, I can feel secure not checking my work email. ARHHHHHHH HOW 35 more years to go!



I would like to recommend this song.

Certain songs remind me of certain times, certain people, an exact feel. This brings me back to during the Auto Retreat.

You can't imagine how much fun I had... =)

It rained. The sand was damp. But our spirits were not.

It turned out to be a blessing in disguise - the rain cleared up; we had a huge lot of the beach to ourselves and the sand was not burning hot. Which meant we spent an awesome amount of time playing volleyball, soccer and frisbee!

Some were really generous and brought along food like beehoon, sausages (with cheese, please omg), chicken wings; an inflatable float to relac on, picnic mats and even an ice cooler!

Though I couldn't sunbathe, my abs are aching now from all the laughing! Haha!

Love you peeps!

Looking forward to the next gathering already! :D

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Do your troubles and worries fade away under the dizzling lights and deafening music?

Wanna drown them with booze and yooze. Even if it's for a night.

Mambo Night anyone?

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...