Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It means thou shalt not divulge heaven's secrets.

I don't know if what I'd be sharing is a heaven's secret, but just felt like penning it down so 10 years down the road when I track back at this post I will know whether it had come true or not. Haha.

Couple of weeks ago I had this dream that I was playing 笔仙.

The first question I asked was, "how many girlfriends would I have?"

The answer that was returned - 3.

I then posed the next question, "how many years would I be in my current job?"


Still in the dream, thereafter, something happened and I didn't 'send' the spirit off as I should have ceremoniously done so. Shortly, I woke up and felt really spooked. It felt like I was enlightened with information I shouldn't have known.

Anyway, significance of the above answers:
- My next gf would be my last
- I would be missing out of the Long Service Award.

If the answers hold any truth, that is.

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