Thursday, May 03, 2012

Randomlings after browsing through FB

- How did you conclude that the size of HDB flats have not shrunk over the years, contrary to nationwide, HDB-dwellers' belief? Please convince us. My friend said he can't even squeeze one queen sized bed and a 3-door wardrobe into his master bedroom - that's shockingly awful.

- Yup, I was also just calculating... if I spend 2 hours of everyday travelling to and fro work, that's 10 hours a week, 40 hours a month, and 480 hours a year. Holy crap. I could use that time for other purposes man. So I was reflecting... how I choose to spend the 2 hours can be damningly crucial. and life changing. I could nap. Or watch videos. Or fb/surf net. Read some self-improvement books. Brainstorm on business opportunities. Research. Ok you know what, forget it. One should just be happy.

Every bit sounds like my impending NZ trip.

- Irked by how a friend could relate every lucky opportunity that happens to her to one particular thing. To me they're just coincidences. Self fulfilling prophecies. Tyco. Lucky/fateful. Like, I just missed the bus but the same service trudges along 30 secs later. Lucky me. I misplaced my wallet but a kind soul walked up to my door and returned it to me. Lucky me.

- Life is short. Live hard, play hard. Refer to picture above.

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