Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Hello December

It's the time of the year again - Hello December.

#cuesong"it's the most wonderful time of the year"

Come a handful of days and I'll be hitting one of the early milestones of my life. Couldn't find any photos from my 20th birthday (by memory it should have been a half-day birthday off courtesy of my NS unit), so here's a random photo I could find taken in the same year of 2004.

That's my paternal cousin who's 2 years my junior. We're both grown up now. I've just got married and he's a Masters degree holder, now married and residing in Sydney, busy taking care of his 1-month old baby boy. How much difference 10 years can bring about. If the average life expectancy of men is 75, then 10 years is about 13.33% of one's breathing career. Reaching 30 ain't nothing much to shout about, but it does represent something... like a reasonable measure of achievement. For me, as much as I intend to plot out what I'd like to welcome in 2-5 years' time, I wish to also look back at the past 5-10 years which were pretty fun and carefree, but also earmarked with hard lessons of life, meaningful friendships, some naive choices here and there, and also the very commendable decisions and defining life-choices.

Have a merry December, my dear friends!


Came across this share on facebook today and glanced through the article. Very thought provoking and inspiring - I should note top 10 down and strive to achieve them before 35!

(Source: http://mashable.com/2014/11/29/35-career-goals/)

1. Really refine your elevator pitch

While it will obviously change from time to time, you should never have a hard time answering, "What do you do?" In fact, you should be so good at it that people will never forget. So, really spend some time figuring out what message you want to get across when people ask about your career. Communication expert Alexandra Franzen has an exercise to help.

2. Know your superpower

Or, in other words, know the one thing that you're truly amazing at. Serial entrepreneur Tina Roth Eisenberg says that all the most successful people she's met know exactly what they're best at: John Maeda, who led the MIT Media Lab and Rhode Island School of Design, responded with "curiosity." Maria Popova, who curates the popular Brain Pickings blog, said "doggedness." Eisenberg's own superpower is enthusiasm. See how to find your own super power, here.

3. Know your weakness

On the other end of the spectrum, it's key to know what you're not so great at. Not to make you feel bad — not in the least — but to help you know who you should hire and work with to complement your skill set and what tasks you should delegate (so you can spend more time on what you're great at). On that note...

4. Learn how to delegate

No one can do it all, and especially as you climb the career ladder, you're going to need to know the difference between the things you should be spending your time on and the things you shouldn't. And, perhaps more importantly, be able to effectively and comfortably delegate to others — interns, staff members, your partner, your childcare provider, you get the picture.These 10 rules of successful delegation will help you do it right.

5. Know your career non-negotiables

You're going to have a lot of opportunities come your way in life, and you don't want to waste energy agreeing to things that really don't line up with what you want to be doing. So, really be honest about what you want and need out of your career, and then come up with a list of non-negotiables that you can use as a guide next time you're making a career decision. Writer Andrea Shields Nunez has some tips on creating them — and then actually enforcing them.

6. Do something you're really, really proud of

Whether or not it's something you'll be known for forever, something you get paid for doing, or even something you really want to do with your life, make sure you have something on your resume that, deep down, you're really proud of.

7. Learn from something you're not so proud of

We were going to add "fail at something" to this list, but that's silly. Because, let's face it, we've all failed miserably at one point or another. What's more important? Learning from that blunder and taking that lesson with you productively into the next stage of your career.

8. Stretch your limits

You know you can manage a 30-person meeting, but a 100-person multi-day travel conference? That might be stretching the limits of your skills. Actually — this is exactly the type of stuff that you should try once in a while. After all, you'll never really know how good you are until you step a bit outside of what you know.

9. Do something that really scares you

This takes stretching your limits a bit further — we're talking going way out of your comfort zone here. Whether it's speaking at a conference, going for a (big) promotion, or finally writing that memoir, why not try something that terrifies you at least once in the early stages of your career? As they say, big risks can lead to big-time rewards.

10. Get comfortable with getting feedback

Hillary Clinton once said that her biggest piece of advice to young professionals is: "It's important to take criticism seriously — not personally." Meaning: Knowing where you're not meeting expectations is the only way you'll learn and grow as a professional, but taking every harsh word to heart is a fast way to make your confidence crumble. So, take it from Hillz, and start taking feedback like a pro. Here are a few tips that'll help.

11. Get comfortable with giving feedback

Whether it's telling your boss that his hourly drop-bys are really killing the team's mojo or letting your direct report know that arriving to meetings on time is, in fact, required, giving feedback is a necessary part of getting what you need and being a happy professional. Learn how to give it well, ideally sooner rather than later. Career expert Jennifer Winter offers some pointers.

12. Get comfortable with saying no

For just being two measly letters long, "no" seems to be one of the hardest words in the English language for many of us to say. But it's actually incredibly important for our careers (and our sanity!) that we learn to use it and stand behind it. Here's how to say it to your bossa friend andeveryone else.

13. Have a broad network of people you can trust

We've said it before and we'll say it again (probably at least twice a week for as long as we're in business), the greatest asset you have in your career is your network. And building relationships takes time, so start now. Our free, seven-day email class is here to help.

14. Have a couple of specific career advisors

We're not saying mentor here — because finding the right mentor shouldn't have a timeline on it and because there are plenty of ways to succeed without one — but having a couple of people in your corner who can advise you on everything from a terrible boss to a career 180 is incredibly valuable. And yes, this group of people can include your mom.

15. Scrub your online presence

Increasingly, what shows up in Google and on your social media profiles is the first impression someone has of you. So, take some time to clean 'em up! Change the privacy on any old or questionable photos. Use SimpleWash to delete any Facebook or Twitter posts that could be incriminating. Game your Google results to make sure the things you want showing up at the top do.

16. Perfect your LinkedIn profile

Speaking of those things you want showing up at the top, your LinkedIn profile is perhaps your most prime piece of online real estate. When a client, future employer, vendor or professional contact is looking for you, guess where he or she will turn? Yup, LinkedIn. So make sure your profile tells the story you want it to tell (our complete guide to a perfect LinkedIn profile walks you through the process).

17. Have a portfolio of your best work

Whether it's a printed collection of articles, marketing campaigns or annual reports you've worked on or a personal website showcasing your skills, having a portfolio ready to go will make it easy for you to show your boss (or future boss) what you've got. Here's more on why you need one, plus some easy ways to get started today.

18. Know how to sell (yourself or something else)

Yes, even if you never envision a career in cold calling. The truth is, whether you're pitching an idea to your boss or writing a cover letter about why you're the perfect candidate, you're going to be selling something to someone at some point. Get started on your own personal sales education with these tips.

19. Know how to negotiate

Because, in most cases, it's the only way you're going to get what you want and deserve. If you've never done it before, we recommend starting small (asking your boss to, say, pay for a pricey upcoming conference), and checking out this hour-long webinar that's jam-packed with actionable advice (and motivation).

20. Know how to manage up

It's a common misconception that you have to grin and bear it through a superior's assignments, working style or way of doing things, paying no regard to whether his or her demands are reasonable. In fact, being able to manage up — or, communicate with your boss and advocate for what you need to do your job best — is a crucial job skill. Molly Donovan offers some tips for doing it well.

21. Know how to send a killer email

You should never send an email that you're not proud of (or wouldn't be proud of if your boss saw) again. So make sure you're really putting care into the professional messages you send!Erin Greenawald has some tips from an editor's perspective on how to write ones that are flawless. It may sound like a lot of effort, but we promise it's worth it (and will get easier the more you do it).

22. Master your handshake

This sounds small, but a handshake is the quickest way to make (or break) an impression. (Fact: A Fortune 500 CEO once said that when he had to choose between two candidates with similar qualifications, he gave the position to the candidate with the better handshake.) Learn how to do it right from an expert.

23. Find a to-do list system that works for you

Whether you need your list synced across all of your devices or you're more of a pen-and-paper kind of guy or gal, commit to finding a to-do list that helps you manage your workflow in the best way possible. Yes, you might change methods as you switch jobs or new apps are launched over time, but knowing what works, what doesn't, and what you like and don't will make sure that you always have what you need to be your most productive self.

24. Know your energy levels — and use them

There's nothing worse (or less productive) than trying to work when you're not at your best. You shouldn't spend any more time wasting your peak mental hours — or forcing yourself to work when you're in an energy slump. So, really understand and accept when you work best, and then use productivity expert Alex Cavoulacos's advice to map out your ideal day.

25. Know how much sleep you need and commit to getting it

We hope you learned this lesson in college, but if not: Sleep is important. Whether you need seven or nine hours, know your number, and get it regularly. Your health and career depend on it — take it from Arianna Huffington.

26. Know how to manage stress

Stress can really rule and ruin your life, something you don't want to let it do for long. If stress is an issue for you, nip it in the bud as early as possible. Career coach Lea McLeod has some advice for how to start mitigating your stress, but if it's really becoming overwhelming, consider talking to a professional who can give you strategies.

27. Stop over-apologizing

You may think you're being polite or strengthening your reputation, but apologizing too much, especially for small things or things out of your control, could inadvertently instill doubt in your abilities and undercut your professionalism. Make sure you're saving your apologies for when you really messed up — not when your co-worker asks you to go back a slide in your presentation. Check out Lily Herman's tips for making sure you're saying what you really mean.

28. Get over impostor syndrome

Whether you're just getting started in a new field or you've been climbing the promotion ladder at your company since graduation, impostor syndrome can plague any professional. But the truth is, it's hurting your career (not to mention your self-esteem). Here's why — and here are a few ways to get over feeling like a fraud and start feeling like the badass you are.

29. Have a career emergency plan

What would you do if you got laid off tomorrow? If you don't have an answer (or your answer is "Freak out! Panic!"), it's time to come up with a career emergency plan. A crisis, like being let go or having your company go under, isn't something you ever want to think about, but if it happened, wouldn't you rather have a ready-to-go action plan than be running around like a crazy person trying to get anyone to hire you? Here's how to get yours started ASAP.

30. Pick up a side project

Ever wondered how you'd do at consulting? Thought about opening up an Etsy store or restoring and selling old cars? Try it out. At best, you'll find a new career or source of income, and at the very least you'll have some variety in your day to day.

31. Invest in your retirement

We know: In the early stages of your career, it can be hard to fork over any of that precious paycheck. But savings compounds over time, so starting early means you'll have exponentially more in your later years (to, you know, live it up on a boat sipping mai tais all day). Here'severything you need to know to get started.

32. Invest in yourself

Today's working world is changing faster than ever, and to stay on top of your professional game, it's important to continue to grow your skills. Oh, and this doesn't have to mean going to grad school. Here are 50 totally cheap and doable ways to add some professional development into your routine.

33. Invest in the world

Whether it's volunteering your skills to a nonprofit in need or mentoring a junior employee, little feels better than giving back to the world. Here are a few ideas you may not have considered.

34. Know what you don't want

You don't have to know what you want to be when you grow up by 35 (or, hey, 95). But, assuming you want to have a job and career you love, it's important to at least keep thinking about it — if not actively chasing it. And, often, the first step to knowing what you do want is ruling out what you don't want. Don't want a dictator for a boss? A sales role? A management position? Great. Whittle away some options, and you're at least getting closer.

35. Give yourself permission to go after what you do

Oh, and if you do know what you want? Start taking steps to go after it. Yes, careers are long, but why spend one more day than you have to not doing what you want? You have our permission. We hope you have yours, too.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Will to Win

It's a luxury to attend courses and seminars or talks that are FOC, and I think I should make the effort to listen hard and take home some pointers.

Had the honour to attend one of my company's Thought Leadership programmes on 13th Oct. Titled "The Will to Win", the distinguished presented was Mr. Lim Siong Guan, current Group President of the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation.

The bespectacled man looks 70 but his presentation exudes so much energy, belief and confidence. After the 90 min session, the knowledge and intelligence that he demonstrated won my respect for the amount of pressure and responsibilities that I could only imagine, which he bears as the head of such a big corporation.

Mr. Lim defines leadership aptly, "Leadership is about making (good) things happen; which on their own would not happen." HOW WELL SAID, RIGHT?! It resonates in my own thinking that things can only happen if one takes action and strives hard to make things happen. Mr. Lim further explains his preferred style of leadership:

G - Guide
E - Empathise
E - Energize
S - Synergize
E - Embolden

How does one win? 
  • Look out for OPPORTUNITIES, not competition
  • Anticipate the future (and plan for it). The most stable period shouldn't be the time for a company to rest on its laurels; it is in fact the best time to start planning for the future
  • Earn trust
I also picked up a tip from Mr. Lim's presentation on how to make one's speech interesting - I observed that he didn't speak exactly with much accentuations or exaggerated body language. In fact, he substantiated his pointers with real-life and interesting examples such as that experiential learning is most important (banks educating staff on how to identify counterfeit money) and how one can build the strongest team by mandatorily getting rid of the bottom performers (Israeli fighter pilots whom are re-deployed if found amongst the 10th percentile).

During Mr. Lim's presentation, he showed us a video of one of the most influential and opportunistic leaders in Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba. I only recently learnt about him and watching his interview totally wowed me. The success of Alibaba is vividly evident in the sincerity, determination and shrewdness displayed in his eyes.

Watch it here.

I should really learn to be more articulate!


On a side note, I was shifting some stuff over from my parents' place when I chanced upon one of the forms I filled up 5 years ago for an application of a job:

5 years on - albeit at a different company - do a stock-take - have I under-achieved/exceeded my expectations?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bailey's Fish 'n' Chips

As recommended by TripAdvisor... how could we not hunt down this restaurant! Tucking into the lunch set at only £5.65! Succulent cod fish with batter that doesn't stick and crispy, freshly fried fries with a dash of vinegar... yummy lunch!

Highly recommended if you're at London!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

20 days more!

Rated #8 of 17,145 restaurants in London, and it won't burn a hole in our pockets!


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kallang Wave, back with a roar!!!!

Part of history part of the Kallang Wave, back with an even more rapturous roar!
(though we lost to Juventus 4-0)...


And this was back at the Old Lady dated 26 March 2008!!!

Thursday, July 03, 2014

House renovation - Finally completed!

After tremendous market research, meet-ups, haggling and accessories, fittings and furniture hunting.... our home is finally done!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The EPL games on the weekend I'd be in London

No home games at Emirates nor Stamford Bridge... :(

September 20

Aston Villa v Arsenal
Burnley v Sunderland
Everton v Crystal Palace
Leicester City v Manchester United
Manchester City v Chelsea
Newcastle United v Hull City
Queens Park Rangers v Stoke City
Swansea City v Southampton
Tottenham Hotspur v West Bromwich Albion
West Ham United v Liverpool

Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Father's Day


Love is when one does things unconditionally and harbouring nil expectations of returns of any sort. Love is the emotional reason of voluntarily going out of the way and not complaining or comparing.

No questions asked - Shopping around for bathroom accessories and household electronics. Mopping the floor, climbing the stairs to wipe the ceiling fan, polishing metal bars?

Even when it means crawling into tight spaces and getting dirty in the process.


Sunday 15 June - I did not wish you verbally doesn't mean it didn't matter to me. Happy Father's Day, papa. You're the best.


Thursday, June 12, 2014

What 18 years do to us

18 years apart - Taken at Renggam house, standing at the almost similar spot in the garden...

We're all grown ups now! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Despite having visited Hong Kong numerous times, I have amazingly never tried their legendary local 菠蘿包 before!



Gonna be a damn busy few months ahead!

Set a new OT record as I strode down the long corridor my office building at 12.15am just now (the previous record being 15 minutes earlier)...

As I put it across to my buddies, this year is gonna be damn busy but a most fulfilling one too... Oh dear, have you just realised it's end May already!??!

Upcoming events!

  • June - House renovation completion! Then it's washing and cleaning! Shopping for work desk, display cabinet, TV, dining table etc! Moving in of furniture, clothes and belongings! Wedding prep, sending out of invitation cards!
  • July - Wedding! Training for IPPT!
  • August - Taking IPPT! Planning for honeymoon!
  • September/October - 2 weeks honeymoon WOO~HOO~~~!!!!!
  • November/December - ???
Exciting yeah?!?!

1.40am now. Nights world.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Season review

As another season wound down, it's 3 months to ponder and act upon whom Arsenal should recruit to boost their title hopes next season... in my opinion just 2 players - a pacy world-class striker and a sturdy defensive midfielder. An agile left winger to complement Walcott on the right will be good too. Think Agbonlahor will come cheap?

C'mon #ArsenalFC, surprise us.

- impatient fan

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Random pic

The best times of the 2 yr 3 months was the 4-5 months with this bunch of lobos!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tired from work...

Feel so tired from work recently... work is busy and very taxing on the mind. It is not the very stressful type (there is some stress, yes) but the events and action items are dynamic and plentiful and it's taking a toll keeping up with the pace, all of these amplified by the numerous meetings day in day out. I have at least 2 meetings EVERY SINGLE DAY! I'm annoyed by the fact that I hope to be able to make better use of my time during the meetings...

Yes just hired a capable staff to assist me with one workshop but the Engineer position at the biggest workshop is still vacant... wonder when I can let all of them run independently for me to really take a step back to strategise, plan and act on the more important items. Am planning to train up my guys to level up and align them to my standards and expectations, think work will be more manageable with them managing the ground and me can focus more on managing the business.

Being away on leave adds to the stress level as at the end of the day when I log in and discover there are 100+ emails to go through... is this the way to work, really?! Sigh...

Well, let's try to think of the positives, I do enjoy working with my colleagues and we're trying to play badminton regularly! I'm very rusty and hope to be able to rediscover the techniques.

On a side note, am really looking forward to taking a short break away from work... wish for the days when I can not think about work at all and just let my mind relax!

In a month's time!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

81-year old Primary School to go down into the history books

The headlines isn't very eye-catching and true enough didn't capture my attention until I caught sight of the name of my alma mater.

With disbelief I read that it has a rich 81-year old history! I read on and was disappointed to hear that only 20 odd places were filled up, not even enough students to complete a classroom.

However, the final straw was when I learn that Qiaonan will be merged with Griffiths to form .... Angsana Primary. Seriously?! I was like ARE YOU KIDDIN ME - ANGSANA?? It's like the worst possible name ever to name a school!! And I don't even want to start debating how its uniform will look like.

Anyway. No doubt Qiaonan was a lesser known neighbourhood school, I always felt proud to be a student because I had dedicated teachers and an enriching primary school education. Vividly recall the hike in Macritchie Reservoir during my Primary 5 school camp, tuition sessions where I went to school early twice a week to teach juniors how to read, the achievement of "I am a Young Zoologist/Physicist/whatever" badges... 

Am arranging to gather with my primary school classmates and form teacher at our dear school compound. Been many years since we met up... looking forward to relieving the childhood memories one final time! 

On our Lion City Qiaonan School stands
Reaching up to the sky and looking grand
Where-in we are nurtured
to be learned and cultured.
Ever keeping up with time
so we won't be left behind.
With one another we will share,
for each other we will care.
With the spirit that is Qiaonan
working mind and heart as one.
And with the same unity,
we will serve the country
as loyal citizens should,
For all Singaporeans good.


Read more about Qiaonan here (from http://mothership.sg/2014/03/bye-bye-qiaonan-bedok-west-griffiths-hong-kah-primary-schools/)

Qiaonan Primary’s history has deeper meaning
Qiaonan Primary was founded by the Wenzhou Clan Association. It was previously known as Kiau Nam School. It has more than 80 years of history, making it far older than Singapore has been independent.
In 1933, 20 pupils started classes at a rented unit in the now-defunct Lorong Koo Chye.
In 1940, the director of the school board donated his house at Paya Lebar Road to be used. It was closed during World War II, but reopened after the fighting was over.
In the late 1950s, there were 480 students with makeshift classrooms added and classes were purportedly conducted within the confines of a Chinese temple to fit more pupils.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Random pic

Some things never change. For example, Jx's favourite is still the chocolate cake.

(Hmmmm this was some 2 and a half years ago, our looks hardly changed, have we! :))

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Exciting 2013

(Due to buttock itchy, this post was completed in a few seatings, the first being 18 Dec 2013.)

Somehow, as the years go by the inertia to blog a review increases – is it just my laziness, procrastination, or lack of interest? It’s certainly not the lack of events; for every year just gets more and more amazing. 

Looking back at my previous years’ reviews, I feel I should keep this tradition going – to document my achievements, a snapshot of my life, a chronology of significant events, and at the same time, the rare opportunity and time to sit down, clear the mind of other chores, and to write, is a good time to ponder and self-reflect – considered a luxury given how fast things are happening.

Here’s looking back at my ‘resolutions’ set for 2013 (made in Feb 2013):

  • Increase my monthly financial input
  • Read a book? 

ROFL. A good start? Pat on my own back lol.


Who am I kidding? It’s a children’s book… nonetheless a very entertaining storybook! It’s been 20 years? I have completely forgotten the content and was quite eager to quickly flip through the chapters to unravel the ending. Roald Dahl really knows how to capture childrens’ attention with his fairy-tale characters, giants and queer made-up names e.g. snozzcumbers, frobscottle.
  • Maintain Silver for IPPT 

Usually, I would start training 2 months before the test date, allowing myself a slow start during the first few weeks. This year, however, I was feeling really lazy and unmotivated… was managing daily push-ups and sit-ups but unable to get my feet into my jogging shoes. Only jogged like 4 times the last 3 weeks before the test date. Input cheat code ‘M-a-j-u Camp’, plus a can of Redbull – I managed a good time to qualify for Silver! WOOOOHOOO~~~ Super happy.
  • Donate blood twice
Forgot whether it was once, or twice. Could have done better, though.
  • Paint
Girlfriend bought a groupon deal for like $29 for a painting class. Unlike the popular place Artisteque, we found ourselves in a HDB unit converted into a small classroom. Unexpectedly though, was that the teacher was a young talent and guided us step by step for a whole 2-hours. I loved my virgin piece of art! Teacher praised, “Are you sure it’s your first time painting?” I put it up on my bedroom wall in front of my bed and the scenery looks perfect for a lazy weekend sleep-in.
  • I also want to pick up a new skill.
Hmm. Does beatbox count? Haha. Watched a couple of tutorial videos on youtube but that’s about the best I can do. Guess a lot is derived from one’s flair for music and creativity.


Significant Events in 2013!


A successful company event that lasted 3 days – of which we shed blood, perspiration and tear for an intensive 2 months prior to it. Our goal was simple, to make the Head look good to his bosses, but the process was painstaking and stressful. Thankfully, all was smooth and our toil paid off.

Feb: 1st anniversary with girlfriend. A simple dinner and not too expensive gifts but it was the significance and time spent together that mattered.

April: Overseas trip with my buddies Roy and Jx! 

So glad it happened, so glad I pushed for it, so glad we had bountiful fun! Only our 2nd bros-only trip together, the first being an uneventful one at Batam in 2011. And probably the last too, as we’re all progressing towards the stage of starting a family soon… Nonetheless, this trip will go down as “One of my favourite holidays” because of the awesome company (couldn’t ask for better, really), the nightly htht-s, the variety of activities (from city to scenic to onsen to hanami) and the absolutely lip-smacking local flavours (ramen, yakitori, sashimi, convenience store take-aways).

July: Thank you bosses, fellow colleagues and my supportive staff, for the past year’s commitment  and cooperation. Upgraded from OM3 to OM4.

August: Triple-date overseas trip to Pulau Redang. 

Unbelievable snorkeling experience, the waters were clear and pristine, the corals colourful and virgin. Saw a few corals with many clown fish weaving in between the streaks – it was really amazing. Also encountered almost human-eating fishes, nibbling on our hands and fingers just to reach the wet lump of bread in our palms. The food at the island was better than expected, too. Very relaxing holiday, we restricted ourselves to not use our mobile phones and simply enjoyed the nature and company. The nights were entertaining, one night being a disco on the beach and the other a very memorable live band belting out awesome Canto-pop and Mandarin R&B songs. We drank heartily, sang merrily along and I even got sabo-ed to sing and later teased by the band to propose on the spot! HAHA! One of my favourite moments has to be when I challenged my buddies to dance along to 爱不怕 by 草蜢 - which we did! Oh, not to mention that one of the band members was none other than the lead of ‘Baby' (long forgotten 1-hit Malaysian band).

October: The Proposal

On the 18th day of our 18th month (really a coincidence), I did it! I took several trips to recce the place, choose proposal ring, buy props, dry run with my buddies, linked up with her besties privately – alas it didn’t turn out perfect with the drizzle, fly-away tiara and speakers that Roy forgot to switch on – but the string of surprises did their magic and was impressive enough for her to give the nod. J

November: Sydney!
It happened because I was just checking out air tickets one night and discovered it was reasonably priced to fly to Sydney. I have 2 cousins residing there and it may be a great chance to visit and holiday! Very perfect holiday, blessed with great weather (although it coincided with the forest fires and haze but thank heavens for looking out for us), smooth road trip and every day was filled up discovery of new sights and scenes. Especially unforgettable was a 2-night stay in a superbly cosy farm cottage which was fully equipped and we whipped up steak, ABC soup, fresh salad and grilled meat. Quality time with girlfriend and loved the bonding time with my parents and brother, too J Pity my sister couldn't join...

My birthday this year was simple but it matched what I had asked for: red eggs, pig trotters with vermicelli, home-cooked ABC soup, and a steamboat dinner with my favourite friends.

26/12/13 – FINALLY owners of our humble abode! Never knew there would be soooooo much paperwork to be done prior to purchasing a resale flat. And when we finally put pen to paper, we didn’t feel much excitement because probably already numb after visiting more than 25 units and waiting for 6 weeks for the HDB appointment. Nonetheless, we looooove the unit to bits.


An exciting 2013 it was, and an even more exciting 2014 I am looking forward to!
  • April --> HKG with girlfriend, Roy and gf
  • March-July --> Home renovation and furnishing
  • July --> Wedding!
  • September-October --> HONEYMOON in Europe!!!!!!! 

Lacking in quantity but the above events are more than occupying our weekends and free time already! Europe is exciting but planning and researching on it... not so easy.

Okay, lastly to end off this post - 


  • Learn to juggle 3 balls
  • Donate blood 2 times
  • Silver for IPPT
  • Read a book (I think the least possible to achieve)
Read from a couple of sources that Horsey year will not be a good one for Rats... but I'm not buying it at all, cos I believe that the destiny is for oneself to steer! 

$10 Million Toto Friday, HUAT AH! 


Tuesday, February 04, 2014

CNY 2014

In what would be my last CNY receiving angbao, I took special effort to ‘living in the moment’ and observing my extended family members. Am very happy most relatives made the trip down to gather during this annual festival! :)

So the weekend allowed my family and I to spend 3 full days at my hometown with my favourite people. Here are some things I observed:

  •  Everyone’s favourite activity upon reaching a new place – connecting to WiFi. Seriously?! 
  • Delighted that the wives and daughter-in-laws are all great chefs and bakers! Really enjoyed every traditional CNY dish and CNY cookie!
  • It’s really relaxing to let the grown-ups take over, from organizing of accommodation and cooking of meals, to driving and photo-taking 
  • People look the most ecstatic when doing jump shots - Wu family members are all food lovers and one crazy bunch 
  • Time passes really fast when you’re having fun 
  • Bidding farewell is the hardest thing to do...

Missing the hearty laughter of my huge family. Looking forward to seeing everyone again really soon! JJ


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...