Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Silver for IPPT!


Never knew I had it in me to achieve Silver leh! After so many years of only "Pass with incentive" and nowhere close so much that I gave up setting Silver as a goal in my annual goal setting LOL. Actually I did equal number of sit ups and push ups as last year, only difference this year was that I started the 2.4km run without pressure on myself. I came in at 14:++ two years ago so I knew I could jog leisurely this year and still qualify for pass w incentive. So today I just jogged slowly, enjoying the wind and the sunset, and remembering what wifey said to me before I left house "if ure tired just jog v slowly and recover ur strength", that pace led me to finish in 13:14min. Not bad if I can say so myself. 😂

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


Sigh. Something wrong with my eyesight again. Unable to focus v well, near or far. Been taking Lutein leh (though not faithfully as required haha). Time for an eye check.

Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Yx funny reply

Last night, as usual I read a book to the girls before bedtime. It is a book about the human body, and it described the heart is made up of muscles.

I turned to Yx and told her, "我喜欢吃chicken heart leh."

I was anticipating Yx to react with a shock reaction, but no. Instead she remarked as a matter of factly, 
"我喜欢吃 Pizza Hut."

I LOL!!!

Monday, November 07, 2022

Wye drawings

In red: Mama. In green: Papa. The tiny face: Ye in mama's tummy.

C+ Day 7

Went out liao. Didn't bother to test cos can go out already. But I masked up all the time and didn't dine out!

Wifey still suffering v badly, coughing and hacking. Get well soon!

Saturday, November 05, 2022

C+ Day 5

Still the faintest of line...

Update on my sense of taste and smell - eating just tastes and smells like I have a massive blocked nose. U have a hint of flavour, but highly suppressed. But today I discovered I can sour comes out to me the most; so for my meals today I sprinkled Tabasco sauce and flavour came out more elevated than usual. But I can't smell any shit (pun intended). Last night I applied axe brand oil under my nose and whereas usually I would smell the distinguishable sharp and pungent smell after awhile, I couldn't smell shit! I also suspect COVID altered my sense of smell, Wifey did aijiu and surprisingly the incense smelled like 芝蔴糊 , LOL!!!

Friday, November 04, 2022

C+ Day 4

My Day 4 was wifey's Day 1 😱 

I tested myself after 72 hours. As per MOH regulation, I can exit if I test negative! And my body really felt much much better, almost at full strength! So to much apprehension...

Faint line. Bye bye. Stay home. Give up about doing a miraculous recovery and turning up for D&D. Fat hope. 死心吧。

Furthermore I realised food tastes all so bland. Ordered chicken rice for lunch, chicken, rice, cucumber and chilli tasted all quite the same. Same for the sense of smell. The good - Wiping meimei poopoo is easy peasy!

Yx - no symptoms still, but can't go to sch cos no caregiver to escort her 🙃 To err on the cautious side, we still enforce her to mask up. 

Ye - almost full recovery! Although her fever went up to 39.5 once in mid day but to no huge impact on her. Ate better than yesterday.

Wifey - Had it the worst out of the lot. Listless, hacking cough, fever 38! 

Still dam depressed I missed the company event I had extremely looked forward to. But I'm in good company of my family and my kids are in good health... I am consoled. As wifey commented, it's better that we kena now than to catch it close to / during our staycay or Legoland trip! 

Weekend starts tomorrow... The isolation feels like circuit breaker part 2 but at least I can look forward to becoming non- infectious in a day or two ...!

Thursday, November 03, 2022

C+ Day 3

Day 3:
+ Body seems to be recovering, by night time I feel almost well
+ Don't feel feverish and body chills anymore 
+ Recovering my appetite. Didn't eat much/well the last 2 days, think I lost almost 1 kg
+ Third day without coffee/tea! Didnt feel like I needed caffeine.
- Very slight cough, slight phelgm. Took the Ivy extract med which worked wonders
- Realised at lunch time that food tastes bland :( can taste and differentiate flavours but maybe at only 50% 😢

The BIG QUESTION IS: Will I be negative in time for D&D tomorrow???????????

Ye also seems to be on the positive recovery, 90% back to her active self, albeit she can't nap v well and appetite is not norm. Day 1 night was her worst, in addition to being feverish she puked out her dinner, laosai a few times (once at 2.40am in the middle of the night! Surprisingly she was alert to it and promptly woke me 🥱), was extremely lethargic and almost fell asleep on the sofa at 9.30pm... It was so heartpain to see her so lifeless and quiet, yx also remarked “I'll rather play with meimei rather than she being sick" aww 🥰. We arranged teleconsult with RMG next morning and meds were delivered within 4 hours. Total bill $52 is worthwhile considering the convenience! 

Yx: Still negative and no symptoms, which came as very surprising! She went to sch today.

Lao po started feeling chills and developed sore throat and fever since the morning... ART negative though. But I think it's a matter of time.

Speedy recovery all! 

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

C+ Day 1 - In disbelief

I don't believe!!?

Smoking at work

When my smoking is so smooth:

A colleague who was in a meeting with me the first time, "Are you a mechanical QP?"

Smooth, man, smooth 🤣😎

Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...