Thursday, November 03, 2022

C+ Day 3

Day 3:
+ Body seems to be recovering, by night time I feel almost well
+ Don't feel feverish and body chills anymore 
+ Recovering my appetite. Didn't eat much/well the last 2 days, think I lost almost 1 kg
+ Third day without coffee/tea! Didnt feel like I needed caffeine.
- Very slight cough, slight phelgm. Took the Ivy extract med which worked wonders
- Realised at lunch time that food tastes bland :( can taste and differentiate flavours but maybe at only 50% 😢

The BIG QUESTION IS: Will I be negative in time for D&D tomorrow???????????

Ye also seems to be on the positive recovery, 90% back to her active self, albeit she can't nap v well and appetite is not norm. Day 1 night was her worst, in addition to being feverish she puked out her dinner, laosai a few times (once at 2.40am in the middle of the night! Surprisingly she was alert to it and promptly woke me 🥱), was extremely lethargic and almost fell asleep on the sofa at 9.30pm... It was so heartpain to see her so lifeless and quiet, yx also remarked “I'll rather play with meimei rather than she being sick" aww 🥰. We arranged teleconsult with RMG next morning and meds were delivered within 4 hours. Total bill $52 is worthwhile considering the convenience! 

Yx: Still negative and no symptoms, which came as very surprising! She went to sch today.

Lao po started feeling chills and developed sore throat and fever since the morning... ART negative though. But I think it's a matter of time.

Speedy recovery all! 

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What a boring Friday night at home.