Friday, November 04, 2022

C+ Day 4

My Day 4 was wifey's Day 1 😱 

I tested myself after 72 hours. As per MOH regulation, I can exit if I test negative! And my body really felt much much better, almost at full strength! So to much apprehension...

Faint line. Bye bye. Stay home. Give up about doing a miraculous recovery and turning up for D&D. Fat hope. 死心吧。

Furthermore I realised food tastes all so bland. Ordered chicken rice for lunch, chicken, rice, cucumber and chilli tasted all quite the same. Same for the sense of smell. The good - Wiping meimei poopoo is easy peasy!

Yx - no symptoms still, but can't go to sch cos no caregiver to escort her 🙃 To err on the cautious side, we still enforce her to mask up. 

Ye - almost full recovery! Although her fever went up to 39.5 once in mid day but to no huge impact on her. Ate better than yesterday.

Wifey - Had it the worst out of the lot. Listless, hacking cough, fever 38! 

Still dam depressed I missed the company event I had extremely looked forward to. But I'm in good company of my family and my kids are in good health... I am consoled. As wifey commented, it's better that we kena now than to catch it close to / during our staycay or Legoland trip! 

Weekend starts tomorrow... The isolation feels like circuit breaker part 2 but at least I can look forward to becoming non- infectious in a day or two ...!

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What a boring Friday night at home.