Tuesday, April 29, 2008

2 down, 2 more to go.

13 days to TUAS!!!!!

I wish I could say, 10 more days to USA!!!

Well, it was so last year. :(:(:(:(

Sob sob. My fun loving travel mates at Yellowstone Park.

Signs which show I have been studying like mad as of recent.

1) After memorising some stuffs from Compressible and Unsteady Flow, I fell asleep... suddenly I was awakened by my mom's banging on my door. As my body jutted up from the bed, these words were uttered from my mouth uncontrollably, "air pressure vessel!"

2) I napped on the sofa yesterday night after a very shag paper, ME3251 Engineering Materials. I was awakened by a nightmare. I had dreamt that I was taking that paper, and I didn't know how to do one question. -_-

Actually I haven't been studying really hard leh. Donoe why these things haunt me. And I cannot go to sleep these days! I only fall asleep after 1 hour on bed! T_T

Talking about the exams, I have 2 papers down, 2 more to go! I realised yesterday that out of my 4 exams, 3 requires writing of essays. And they are engineering modules! Well, I don't really know how well I'll fare for the 2 papers... they're so odd, I could get anything from B to A. FUNNY! Of cos I'm hoping for the best!!

Here's a link for you guys to calculate your required results to acheive your desired CAP score.
http://www.fas.nus.edu.sg/docs/undergrad/avg_sim.htm Hyper-linking not an infringement of copyright! I know my stuff!!


Tested and proven, Nokia doesn't have the words 'yolk' and 'papaya' as well. SO WEIRD!!! But it has words like 'iodine'??

Friday, April 25, 2008

enlarged font???

Can somebody tell me how come the font in my blog suddenly enlarged??? o_O

Oops, I did it again!

Nope... not that....

But..... THIS!!!!



Do you all still believe Wahjong is realistic? Hmm... I would say very, but not entirely. Besides from big wins occuring quite frequently, I discovered that most of the time, every player would have at least 1 own flower/animal. Hmmm.


I Miss Usa.


On a side note, this is something for you guys to try and loosen up your mind abit, take a break from all that studying! (if you were as studious as me)

I don't know if there's anything to do with Sony Ericsson, but my phone can't spell the following words:

- Yolk
- Prawn
- Papaya


And I realised they're all names of food. Hmmm.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Studious Me and Myself

It's 4 past 4am and I'm only going to sleep now!

My productive hours are from around midnight-2 plus am. LOL. that's not healthy. In fact, sleeping late makes one look old. :( No wonder I look like I'm 22 now. Ppl used to say I look like 20. :(

(get the joke?)

I'm aiming for very very good results this semester!!!! Because I only have:

1) 4 examinable papers which includes
2) 1 with the legendary help-sheet, another is open book, another is an essay module which only requires reading
3) I started revision early,
4) and the most impt fact that my exams are optimally spaced out,

there is absolutely no reason why I won't see Alot of Adorable Animals And Amphibians Already in Australia And Argentina Alright, Accompanied with Alot of stars Appearing on my comp screen!!!

:):):):):):):) *WIDEEEEEEEEEE Grin*


Ever heard of lecturers giving monetary rewards to every student who scores an A+ for his module? Haha. I did.

Friday, April 18, 2008

ME3102... DOWN!

This is to formally commerate the closure of our design module ME3102. A follow up to last semester's ME3101, this sem we moved our design from paper to 3d... we created our prototype! Due to copyright/patent/trademark/registered design (I haven't started on my Eng Prof revision) issues, I can't divulge anything on our design! Who knows, you might be seeing it on the streets someday!

*muffled laughter in the background.

Pictorial version of how our group has grown over this 2 semesters.

Sem 5 - ME3101.

Sem 6 - ME3102

This room where we had most of our meetings; where we enjoyed alot of laughter and joy, where our friendship grew and rooted...


Okay, I know this post is vvvvv boring. haha. I'm outta ideas on what to blog!!! Exams are round the corner too, how to generate ideas when I'm cooped up at home?

Oh. This may sound like a paradox, but plugging my ears to music actually helps me to concentrate on revision! Ha.

Good luck to all those having their exams too!

(MOST of the luck goes to me first, the rest you all share amongst yourselves ok?)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WHA! I am on Viwawa wha!

Yesterday was officially the first day of my signing up into Viwawa! This would be my relaxing tool while studying for exams. haha.

Find out more at http://www.viwawa.com/. Just sign up for free, and you can enjoy online games for example Big2, memory games, stick man, Chess, and of course not forgetting everyone's favourite - Wahjong!!!

Add me if you are an user! my nick is keanhs.

No need for any applets or download, just open the window and u're ready to go. It's very realistic, all the flowers and the tiles, all the number of 'tai's etc, but in my opinion the most realistic is when you are listening for a tile liao, then somebody hu first! Very irritating. Haha.

I played a few rounds yesterday... and accomplished sth powderful!!!

Pic 1: On the way... HOPEFUL!!!

Pic 2: Almost there! Hang on tight!

Pic 3: HURRAY!!!!!! 11 tai!!!!!

ZI MO!!!!!!!

WAHAHAHAHA! the joy of finally hu is sooooooooo undescribable. Especially the zi mo!!! WAHAHAHA! In the mood to play mahjong after exams liao.


On another note, all my friends and I whom experienced the Work and Travel USA together, still v v miss the place vv much. Never fails to bring back lots of memories and nostalgia when we reminisce about the silly things we did or said. :)

Busy Roys, who is ever busy, specially took some time out to do the below, because he was simply also missing USA!

Below: At Yellowstone Park, we posed for a 'Fantastic 4' wallpaper effect.

HAHAHA! Got the 'seh' or not!

Then Busy Roys used his '3 leg cat' (translated from Mandarin directly) Photoshop skills and edited the above pic into...


OMG. I miss USA soooo much. I would exchange 10 years of my life for 3 more months back there with my friends. :(

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Liberation! .......... for the time being...

Liberated after today!!!

This week: Done with 1 20% report submission, 1 15% project presentation, and done away totally with another module after presentation today (handsome pics later).

Statue of Liberty taken at sunset. Certainly miss the USA very much... it's almost 1 year from the BIG DAY which changed our lives very much.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Gender jokes

Am doing a project on Gender and Engineering, and chanced upon these:


A woman is driving on the road &

A man is driving in the opposite direction, on that same road &

When they pass each other, the woman rolls down her window and shouts


Immediately the man shouts back

- Bitch !

The man laughs because he is happy to have reacted so quickly to the shouting woman, and takes the turn in the road with high speed.

The man is killed by a horse smashing into his front window.

The moral:

Men never understand what women say.


3 fastest ways of communication in the world are:

3. Tele-fax
2. Tele-phone
1. Tell-a-woman.

You still want faster? Ask her not to tell anyone!!!!


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Internship at Keppel


Finally secured an internship at Keppel FELS!!! Yes, the place where birds don't lay eggs. And yes, the place where they filmed "最高点" on Channel 8.

Heng I managed to get a confirmation... or else I wouldn't know what to do regarding my VIP liao. HAHA. So this 3 months of holidays (May - July), I'd be travelling to Tuas everyday, and working like a mad dog. :D

(Don't I sound real enthu?)

But it definitely sounds great to be working at Keppel, one of the world's leading companies in the Offshore Oil and Gas field!


Visiting mama at Kluang

Brought my kids to visit their paternal great grandmother. Grandma is 99 turning 100 this October; she can't really see well...