Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Studious Me and Myself

It's 4 past 4am and I'm only going to sleep now!

My productive hours are from around midnight-2 plus am. LOL. that's not healthy. In fact, sleeping late makes one look old. :( No wonder I look like I'm 22 now. Ppl used to say I look like 20. :(

(get the joke?)

I'm aiming for very very good results this semester!!!! Because I only have:

1) 4 examinable papers which includes
2) 1 with the legendary help-sheet, another is open book, another is an essay module which only requires reading
3) I started revision early,
4) and the most impt fact that my exams are optimally spaced out,

there is absolutely no reason why I won't see Alot of Adorable Animals And Amphibians Already in Australia And Argentina Alright, Accompanied with Alot of stars Appearing on my comp screen!!!

:):):):):):):) *WIDEEEEEEEEEE Grin*


Ever heard of lecturers giving monetary rewards to every student who scores an A+ for his module? Haha. I did.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:48 pm

    really?! A+ got money?! mug more yar


Sisters 💞