Friday, January 30, 2009

Lo Hei cum Tata's Bdae celeb!

WOohoo! What a series of activities at Yeeeeeeee Yixin's place it's gonna be!

Irritatin Ivan, Frankenstein Fab and I arrived earlier to help out with the preparation, Tats was already there! The shredded carrots and cucumber were already done up nicely by Ms Yeeeeee. I helped to decorate the plate with the garnishings and etc. Traditionally, every garnishing is supposed to be accompanied by some Chinese well wishings. But being Gen Y, I think some ppl might not even have put in onions/ginger? Haha. But we did anyway, cos we are good children!!! And it tastes better with everything bringing out the flavours.

And this was how the Lo Hei plate was presented, but still lacking the keropok, peanuts, plum sauce and pepper and cinnamon powder. Cannot put in first, else they will soak up the moisture and tak cantik liao.

Oh ya, Ms Yeeeee also prepared.....

RAW SALMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was splendid! :D

Improvisation of the setup to perform the GRAND LO HEI!!!! Initially, Ms Yeeeee had wanted to do it in the garden cos "the ceiling in the living room is too low".


Who does Lo Hei until fly up the ceiling???????? (apparently my frens said it happens)

Hahaha. Anyway, we were happy to have it in the comfort of the living room...


And finally, all of us preparing to start!!!!!

It was very boisterous and gay when everyone tossed the lucky dish, shouting good health, good job, huge wealth, find gf etc, laughter here and there everywhere.


After finishing the Lo Hei and pizzas, we cleared up the place for the next activity - Tata's belated bdae celebration!

We set up the cake (it was a nice brownie from brownie factory) entrance: Ms Yeeeeee played the piano, Titus switched off the lights, Aravind brought in the cake and lighted candles while I sang the loudest! LOL.

The atmosphere was pretty cool in my opinion, and I hope Tata was touched!!


I enjoyed the day very much!!

It was a very nice warm feeling to have the company of my ME clique, like 11, 12 of us? Belonging to this huge group of good friends is something worth noting down, as one of the greatest things to bring out from my university life. :)

Thanks to everyone and Ms Yeeeeee for hosting!!!


Oh YES! I'm going Night Cycling soon!!!!!


Something which I've always wanted to do before I grad. :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tribute to Busy Roys

Busy Roys departed last Tuesday for an exchange over at TU/e (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Netherlands.

He will be there enjoying himself a wholesome 6 months.

ENVIOUS. I should have gone for a SEP too. But at least I've got the WAT experience which I loved. :)

I gave him a photo frame with many photos of us having fun, so that whenever he feels lonesome and shivering in his hostel room with the relentless rain pouring outside, he can see those pics and feel warm in his heart.

(I made up the bitter story abt the weather over there so I wouldn't feel that jealous)

For 6 months, I would be missing so much from my life:
- talk cock buddy
- winning eleven buddy
- shopping buddy
- complain buddy
- friday night companion
- lots more

On the bright side, Jx and I still got each other to 相依唯命 (this correct?). Haha.

6 months later, Busy Roys will be back, but we'd be in another phase of life already. Working. No more, "Tomorrow still got school".

Bye Busy Roys! Take care.

He had so many people sending him off and giving well wishes at the airport. Apart from his parents, sister and auntie, the people included his frens from Primary school, to Secondary, to JC, to Army, to Uni.

Hmmm. I wondered if it were me leaving for 6 months, how many frens would I see at the airport? Does it mean something?


Guys and girls, what can I ask him to get for me when he's over there? I'm thinking a Holland soccer jersey and magnets. What else's good?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy 牛 Year!!!

To all loved ones, friends and happy good people out there, have a FANTABULOUS Chinese New Year! Make merry and enjoy yourselves!!! =)

P/S: Blur Bee made the pineapple lantern for my family! It's very pretty!!! Thanks bee! Very sweet of u!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

vowels are omnipotent

Hi guys.

The other day I stumbled onto a question I was asking myself.

So far only Jx managed to give me some answers.

I swear this question was intriguing and burning me. And I am searching for more answers.

The $1,000,000 dollar question:

Are there any English words which do not contain any vowels in them?

By the way, 'zzz', 'www', 'shhh', 'brrr' and things like that are not counted.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

final sem already... still a noob...


Went to school happily, used the comp at E2 happily, surfed soccernet, facebook, mail, but didn't login CORS, didn't bid for tutorial. Went home happily.

Well done!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

My final sem want-to-fulfill list!

Yes yes, the long awaited entry you guys must have been itching to read! I'm sorry it had to take so long! I apologise that u all had to visit this page everyday and keep refreshing morning, afternoon, evening and night, to constantly check if I've done up my final sem want-to-fulfill list!

Heh heh heh!

Before I start, I'll just explain why I would love to try out being a waiter. It's just something I'd wanna experience - Just like Busy Roy who claimed he'd wanna try being a cashier, and Corrosive Chillicraps who expressed he wanted to be a farmer (that's very interesting), and GIRLS (apparently, ALL) who wish to be a tai tai, YES, I would love the experience of a waiter!

And I wanna do it before I grad, else when would I be able to afford the time when I'm working full time?

But not kopitiam waiter ok. It's those restaurant kind which I'm talking about. I will enjoy interacting with customers, taking down their orders, bringing the food to them, topping up chilled water, collecting plates, finally smiling back when they leave the place satisfied. Yeah, I do feel it's a very heartwarming when I know my customers enjoyed their meal and service very much. =)

And so! I actually had gone for an 'interview' at a 'restaurant' in Simpang Bedok few days back, I asked if I could work every sat night only. The nice lady boss said she'll consider... and so would I. Haha. It really isn't that kind of restaurant I want to work at.

Oh ya. My dad was quite against the idea of me being a waiter. He said, "Please concentrate on ur final sem! Studies first!"

Blur Bee screamed, "HUH?!?!?!??!?? Why u suddenly wanna be waiter?!?"

Jx too was shocked at that. He exclaimed, "HUH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! Errr..... I think you're overqualified leh..."

Tut-tut Titus roared, "HUH?!???!?!!??!?! Why u wanna be waiter?!??!!??!"

The lady boss, to my surprise, was bewildered, "HUH?!?!??!?! Why u full time student want to come out and work? Stay at home and rest la. one week only 7 days, 5 days go sch, still want to work 1 day?!"


Ok. I digressed. Go get a glass of Pepsi or popcorn if you're bored already. But congratulations, it wasn't easy to read till here! haha.

OKAY okay, now for my final sem want-to-fulfill list....

Right back after the break!!!

Ok la. Kidding. Let's start!

Me and Myself's final sem want-to-fulfill list!

(In no order of importance)

1) Secure my class of honours (high priority!)

2) Work as a part time waiter

3) Take part in a NUS Talentime kinda competition! Have always wanted to, but lack confidence. But should do so in my final sem! Even if lao kui, other ppl also can't laugh at me for long! HAHAHA.

4) Attend seminars and career talks and events to learn more and network

5) Secure a good job before I graduate (HIGH priority!!!)

6) Visit the bazaars in sch more often

7) Take photos of campus to capture memories

8) Miraculously, I have yet to mention anything to do with food! That is indeed miraculous. I am amazed. Hmm.... since I'm at this topic... I'll have more meals in sch. I love the food at Technoedge. Munchie's even.

9) Leave a mark somewhere in campus. For example, a scratch or a "I was here" thingy somewhere on a wall or a bench or on a tree. Good idea. The trees betw Engin and Central Library are big and strong. Would it be an act of vandalism...?

10) Last but not least, tell the sweet girl from my course that she's sweet.


To my final semester friends, do you have things which you'd like to accomplish? I know Mai-Hum Marilyn wants to eat from EVERY stall in NUS canteen. HAHAHA.

For the Weekend...

Singing session tomorrow!! Yay!

Celebrating Lye Meng's bdae, dinner Sunday. Yay!

Arsenal playing Bolton. Yay!

Preparation for next week's FYP oral exam. BOOOOOO!!!!!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Of CORS bid points....

It's my last semester taking part in the CORS bidding. Time flies! I recall how much I complained about the stupid system and how much I cannot accept the way students choose modules in such a manner, while I was in year 1.

I have been wise and smart in selection and bidding for modules over these years. For my last semester, I was left with...

Programme Acc: ~4400 pts
General Acc: ~1700 pts

And how much I valued my thriftiness!

I only needed to bid for 1 module for my final sem, and it took me a grand total of 4036 from my programme acc!! *Loud gasp.

I wonder how much I'll need from my General Acc... but 1700 should be safe ba! :)


I tried digging up my past blog entries for my 2008 resolutions.

Realised I don't have them! HAHA. Not surprising, cos I don't have the habit of making new year resolutions, and I didn't make any for 2009 too.

I do have several new year wishes.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

What's wrong with being a waiter?!

I expressed that I would want to experience how's it like being a waiter. But everyone gave me a "HUH?!?!?!??!!???!!" response.

Monday, January 05, 2009

2009 - the journey ahead

I'm very eager to find out for myself what 2009 will be like for me. :)

It will be a year which opens up a brand new chapter in my life - graduation followed by the start of a XX year working life. Not that I'm looking forward to it, but it's something I will have to embrace and accept the challenges that lie ahead! I will work hard to create a good and comfortable future for me and my family and my loved ones. :)

Before working life starts, I will make sure I end off my final semester a good and memorable one! :) Will be noting down some of the things I'd want to achieve or do or fulfill during my final semester! Be back in 7 days to check them out!

YE at school