Monday, January 05, 2009

2009 - the journey ahead

I'm very eager to find out for myself what 2009 will be like for me. :)

It will be a year which opens up a brand new chapter in my life - graduation followed by the start of a XX year working life. Not that I'm looking forward to it, but it's something I will have to embrace and accept the challenges that lie ahead! I will work hard to create a good and comfortable future for me and my family and my loved ones. :)

Before working life starts, I will make sure I end off my final semester a good and memorable one! :) Will be noting down some of the things I'd want to achieve or do or fulfill during my final semester! Be back in 7 days to check them out!


  1. like that then cannot skip any lecture this semester liao

  2. why cannot skip lectures????

  3. final semester mah..


Girls finally take to swimming!

Signing up for CSC membership proved to be one of the best decisions ever. Girls never liked submerging their bodies into swimming pool but ...