Irritatin Ivan, Frankenstein Fab and I arrived earlier to help out with the preparation, Tats was already there! The shredded carrots and cucumber were already done up nicely by Ms Yeeeeee. I helped to decorate the plate with the garnishings and etc. Traditionally, every garnishing is supposed to be accompanied by some Chinese well wishings. But being Gen Y, I think some ppl might not even have put in onions/ginger? Haha. But we did anyway, cos we are good children!!! And it tastes better with everything bringing out the flavours.

And this was how the Lo Hei plate was presented, but still lacking the keropok, peanuts, plum sauce and pepper and cinnamon powder. Cannot put in first, else they will soak up the moisture and tak cantik liao.

Oh ya, Ms Yeeeee also prepared.....

RAW SALMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was splendid! :D

Improvisation of the setup to perform the GRAND LO HEI!!!! Initially, Ms Yeeeee had wanted to do it in the garden cos "the ceiling in the living room is too low".
Who does Lo Hei until fly up the ceiling???????? (apparently my frens said it happens)
Hahaha. Anyway, we were happy to have it in the comfort of the living room...
And finally, all of us preparing to start!!!!!

It was very boisterous and gay when everyone tossed the lucky dish, shouting good health, good job, huge wealth, find gf etc, laughter here and there everywhere.

After finishing the Lo Hei and pizzas, we cleared up the place for the next activity - Tata's belated bdae celebration!
We set up the cake (it was a nice brownie from brownie factory) entrance: Ms Yeeeeee played the piano, Titus switched off the lights, Aravind brought in the cake and lighted candles while I sang the loudest! LOL.
The atmosphere was pretty cool in my opinion, and I hope Tata was touched!!

I enjoyed the day very much!!
It was a very nice warm feeling to have the company of my ME clique, like 11, 12 of us? Belonging to this huge group of good friends is something worth noting down, as one of the greatest things to bring out from my university life. :)
Thanks to everyone and Ms Yeeeeee for hosting!!!
Oh YES! I'm going Night Cycling soon!!!!!
Something which I've always wanted to do before I grad. :)
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