My friends recently visited the night safari and came back sharing that they found the perfect job for me - the host for the animal shows. HAHA.
More recently during our attachment to a training course, they chose this card that most describes me:

And then just now my friend shared this link with me:
She said it "sounds like u".
HAHA! =) I'm glad the above are positive ones. At least they sound like they are!
Just had a real Monday. An authentic one. I posted that I "need a Friday" on FB. Spent the morning sitting through quite a productive meeting - that was good - received great guidance and direction. But a colleague was damn AP and displayed unfriendly body language and disrespectful commments. I seriously don't know why some ppl are like that. And I need to work with him on the same project..... it's not going to be easy.
Sure work can most of the time seem fulfilling, with colleagues greeting you in the morning, returning warm smiles and sharing jokes, but there're bound to be a few black sheeps whom I think I shld learn how to manage work r/s with them.
Then, I spent a significant portion of the afternoon dealing with customer complaints. They were really frustrated customers who lots to lament about, I assure you. However, I think I did fine to appease them! I believe I did apply some skills I remember reading up on.
Just to share:
(I'll just take the customer to be a 'him', to generalise)
- Do not take scoldings/swears personally. The customer might raise his top of his voice or scold vulgarities but bear in mind that he is only venting his anger at the MATTER and not AT YOU.
- Give ample room for him to express his anger and complaints. Do not interrupt. An angry customer just wants someone to hear them out.
- Empathise with him. Let him know that you understand how he feels. Repeat his points so he knows you have been actively listening.
- Explain to him what happened/reasons behind the cock up. Every complaining customer seeks a reasonable answer.
- Tell your valued customer what you can do to salvage the situation
- Go beyond expectations; if you can, give him some freebies. Meet him personally to apologise. He'll be delighted to know that he is a valued customer.
And of course, remember to be sincere and friendly throughout your conversation! Even behind the phone, anyone can easily tell whether you are true and mean what you say. If the situation allows, joke to melt the tense situation. :)
I was chatting with my friend about horoscopes and their common characteristics. For example, my friend is a Leo and she said she's the fierce one. Haha. I'd think that a Saggitarius is happy-go-lucky, welcomed by all and enjoys freedom and fun. I hope that's true for me haha.
While at that, I suddenly realised that I personally know two Saggitarius friends who had sort of almost laid their hands on the keys to their new house with their partners however, suddenly backed out of their previously seemingly stable relationships.
Reason? They came to enlightenment that they were not prepared to spend the rest of their lives with their respective partners.
How the sweet love stories had to come to an end seem rather sad and heartbreaking but, don't everyone want the best for themselves? Better be sure than sorry, I'd say.
And in case you're wondering, both of my Saggi frens above are females.
Girls know what they want. They sure know.
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